ZENTEC Pharma Test, EQ, Mast 6 month run beginning now...

4 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, cup of coffee, greek yogurt for breakfast

Arm workout...
preacher machine superset w/ rope pushdowns
hammer curls superset w/ close grip presses
cable concentration curls superset w/ straight bar pushdowns
dumbell concentration curls superset w/ dumbell kickbacks
v-bar pushdowns superset w/ barbell concentration curls

protein shake after the gym... chicken w/ rice when I got home

pressure cooker beef stew for dinner... then a protein shake to end the day

legs tomorrow
got up this morning not feeling the best... it will be a rest day from the gym, but I'll try to get in a bit more protein to get me primed for a good leg day tomorrow

breakfast was 4 boiled eggs and a couple waffles (hey, once and a while won't kill me haha)

2 hours later was a protein shake

gonna grab a couple footlong roast chicken subs from Subway for my afternoon meals... not sure on dinner yet, but will for sure be at least 2 more protein shakes in there somewhere

life is good...
first meal was 4 eggs, a piece of toast, cup of coffee... Weetabix with raisons and milk

an hour later was off to the gym for legs...

hamstring curls superset w/ leg extensions
leg press
hack squats
standing calf raises

protein shake after the gym

an hour later had a can of tuna and a sweet potato... will be chicken and rice for dinner... then 4 boiled eggs (as I'm out of protein, will be getting that in the morning)

chest tomorrow
6 scrambled eggs, one sweet potato, cup of tea for the first meal

second meal was chicken and rice... will be off to the gym soon for chest
chest workout:
fly machine
incline barbell presses
flat dumbbell presses
machine presses
fly machine
hammer presses

chicken and rice when I got home... chicken and rice again for dinner... then will be some greek yogurt and fruit later on

back tomorrow
first meal today was a 6inch roast chicken sub (double meat) from subway

then I hit the gym for back:
hammer low row
smith machine bent over rows
close grip pulldowns

protein shake after the workout

another 6inch roast chicken sub (double meat) when I got home... have one more sub ready for about 2 hours from now... chicken and rice and some greek yogurt with fruit will round out the day

shoulders tomorrow
Forgot to mention how much I love anadrol... or at least I forgot how much I love it

It's been a few years since I last ran it, and it's filling me out nicely in the second week.
4 eggs with some potatoes for the first meal

Then a shoulder workout:
Smith machine behind the neck presses
Dumbell laterals
Standing dumbell presses
Cable laterals
Cable front raises
Rear delt machine
Machine shoulder presses

Protein shake after the workout
4 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, cup of coffee for the first meal

Then an arm workout;
Machine preacher curls superset w/ push downs
Dumbbell hammer curls superset w/ close grip presses
Cable curls superset w/ rope push downs

6 egg omelette, 2 waffles

Big Turkey dinner tonight ;)
5 boiled eggs, 2 pieces of toast, cup of coffee for breakfast

will have some greek yogurt w/ some fruit in about an hour, then it will be off to the gym for legs...
Leg workout:

Leg extensions superset w/ hamstring curls
Hack squats
That was it, short and sweet...

Protein shake after the workout

Turkey and a sweet potato when I got home... Chicken/rice for dinner, then another protein shake a bit later

Chest tomorrow...
Are you going to post any pictures? And is it busy days that cause you to have more protein shakes or is it preference?

will be some pics when I go into my pre-comp diet in June

as for the reasoning behind the protein shakes... time is one thing, but I'm also a believer that drinkable protein sources get into the body faster, and it's easier on my stomach (as long as it's premium isolate quality)