Recent content by bear_1

  1. B

    whats the dumbest thing you ever did in the gym

    by no means does this live up to some of the ones i have read, but last year i was doing some heavy box squats with something like 650, it was sets of four, and i was hitting them, but on my last rep i came about 3/4 the way up and the fucking bar started to slip down my back, needless to say...
  2. B

    Couple of the Pros, pics taken in Vegas....

    fuck, you and ronnie might not even fit in the same room.
  3. B

    My son wants and needs size

    Why did you come to the board and ask for advice if you weren't going to accept it. It seems like every time someone says they disagree with the idea of giving your child supplements you over react. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinions, and although you may not agree with them all, you...
  4. B


    If you notice the guys that tend to be doing the circular shrugs look like they have never lifted a day in there life. And even if they have they go to the gym, they bench, curl and do shrugs. Oh, and even sometimes they will let you know what good form is, if they think they can help you out.
  5. B

    anyone use rack deads???

    I personally do not think there is a magic place to put it. It is different for everyone, put it where you need the most work IE: sticking point at knee's put it at knees, if its higher then put it higher.
  6. B

    Value of a good training parter....

    Good partners can make a huge difference. I'm a powerlifter and trained more or less on my own for almost two years, came to college, joined the powerlifting team, put 200lbs on my total. Needless to say I would say partners, workouts and atmosphere can make a huge difference.
  7. B

    Which would you consider the best overall excercise?

    Totally agree bro. You can get hurt doing any lift no matter what, but if you are practicing good form, then hit your shit. You can not expect to get stronger without taking risk, otherwise everyone would go to the gym and hit there 135 bench and there 225 squat and be weak.
  8. B

    Donating blood????

    I don’t know much about how healthy it is for you, never heard that before, its not like changing your oil or something. Either way, they ask you a shit load of questions and one of them on there is “have you ever stuck yourself with a needle for non-medical purposes.” Weather or not you lie is...
  9. B

    Ok, what does one say when their girl asks if you take juice

    depends on the girl, i simply brought up steriod use to my gf and had to listen to her bitch about how dangerous it is for the next couple of hours. you just need someone who knows at least something about weight training and has an open mind.
  10. B

    Ronnie's Back!!!!

    when you weight 300 pounds how do you expect to have a tiny stomach and waste. He is just massive and that isn't going to change anytime soon. He looks awesome
  11. B

    Pics of Jay Cutler at the San Francisco bb show

    I would def. agree with you there, he has gotten so much thicker. It'd be nice to see him win, but lets be honest there is a reason ronnie has won five in a row, dudes a monster.
  12. B

    What to choose

    The reason you dont know how many grams of anything is because you dont care enough. When you are actually serious in getting strong you will research the shit out of everything you do relating to building mass and getting strong. How can you honestly say you want to juice when you dont even...
  13. B

    What to choose

    To be totally honest this is the most insane post I have ever read, not only are you only sixteen and you are probably not even out of puberty at this point, but you have only been training for a year and a half. Give your body some time to grow on its own. I may not be speaking for everyone...