12 week weight gainer


Friday Feb.20/04

-it's going pretty well. I think starting this monday i'm actually gonna start recording what times i ate and what i ate as best as i can. So far so good today though, and it's really early, 1 in the afternoon right now.

-Shoveled the fuckin driveway for 3 hours!!!! enough said.

-I'm fucking free!!! i'm no longer trapped in my house, i'm still feeling kind of sick, but i'm not stayin at home tonight, i'm gonna eat, get some sleep, get a shower, eat, then go out tonight. Thank fuckin god!!!! Don't know when i'll get to train, there's still nothing open, probably won't be open tomorrow either.
Saturday Feb.21/04

-Terrible. It's 2:30pm and i've eaten a muffin and a banana so far.

-None, STILL no gym open, still fucking snow everywhere.

-Last night i went out to my buddy's place for his 21st birthday, he got TRASHED, it was a funny night, but the city put a curfew out for everyone. 11 at night, if your caught on the roads (in a car or walking) then you get a $1000 fine. It's such bullshit. It's going on again tonight, so it's gonna be SO fucking boring around here.

Being stuck inside so much and having a cold is really making me feel depressed. Fucking christ it's SO boring. When will i make it back to the gym?????
Sunday Feb.22/04

8:30am - Banana
9:15am - Oatmeal, protein shake
10:45am - 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, tea biscuit, water
12:45pm - 100g blackberry yogurt, 100ml apple sauce, chicken breast and water.
2:30pm - Vitamin C (1000mg), E (400iu), Can of tuna, water
4:00pm - Protein Shake
5:30pm - Water, 1 beer (i know), fries, motza sticks, pepperonni, chicken wings, chicken strips (BAD meal)
7:30pm - Popcorn and Sprite
9:30pm - Raisen break, protein shake, bottle of water

Not Too great of a diet today, but i was sort of testing it out. I'd appreciate if ANYONE wants to critique my diet, because it is my weak point of my training. I didn't really fill myself up each time i ate, but that's because i really wanna get into it tomorrow (which will be hard cause i'll be working all day), and i just wanted to get used to around what time's i'd be eating and see how much i can eat each time.

-Woke up and did 10 minutes of cardio because i felt REALLY sick and i shouldn't have even attempted it. Later in the day i flexed a bunch of times and actually got quite a pump from it haha, felt good because it's been a WHILE since i hit the gym, but i'm going tomorrow after work for sure.

-still feeling kind of sick, hopefully i won't tomorrow. Work is gonna be so shitty, but ah well, i'll be thinking about the gym all day long.
Chest, Triceps and Abs tomorrow.
where you wrote bad meal, i don't think it is... as long as your not cutting and your not eating like that every meal... i mean, its got alot of cals...the chicken, peperoni, and cheese all have protein... i like having that one meal everyday where its just heavy cals... i usually eat Arby's everyday... get alot of protein from the roast beef along with like 1200 cals in one meal... anyway... good luck with the new meal plan your starting tommorow...
True that panteracfh... but i just try to keep it as clean as i can when i eat. Although yeah i gotta make up some calories somehow.

Monday Feb.23/04

-VERY poor today. Didn't get in enough food at all. I actually went 8 hours without eating, it was bad, i felt so shitty.

-Did Chest, Triceps and abs. Great workout, especially since i still felt sick today and i underate. Only benched 185 today, but i did 4 sets of 8 reps. Then incline dumbbell pressed the 80's for 6 reps (2 sets), then a set with the 60's. Then flat bench fly's, first the 30's for 10 reps, then the 45's (2 sets) for 6 reps. Then did skull crushers with the 80 pound DB for 10 reps, then the 90 pound for 6 or 7 reps (can't remember now). Then i did tricep pushdowns with the rope, did the last set as a drop set. Then did 2 sets of dips to failure (only 10 and 12 reps, the drop set killed me). Did abs with throwing the medicine ball, 2 sets of 20 or so reps, then did hanging leg raises 2 sets of 10 reps. Felt pumped, it was great.

-Getting over the cold, but i have a nasty cough and a sore throat. Tomorrow i'm gonna try and eat as much as possible cause i don't have to work, and i'm gonna go to the gym early in the morning, and i think i'm gonna go tanning (first time in a LONG time) afterwards, then gotta go talk to my instructor from the course i took about taking my final part of the Personal Trainers exam.

Back, Biceps and Calves tomorrow.
Tuesday Feb.24/04

-Well it's noon and i only had a protein shake and apple sauce before i went to the gym so far, then i came back and just had my vitamins and i'm about to have some tuna and chicken and shit. I'll make up for the loss this morning.

-Went really early today, had a bad headache but i went to the gym anyway. Turned out to be a half decent workout. Did Back and Biceps (no calves). Started off with a set of 10 reps of wide grip chinups. Then wide grip lat pulldowns, 3 sets, then i did close grip pulldowns 2 sets, then seated cable rows, 3 sets, then dead lifts, did one set of 135 for 10 reps, felt like SHIT, then i did 185 for like 5 reps and the 6th one i just felt like i was gonna pass out, i NEEDED some food. But i was like fuck this, i gotta work arms. So i did another set of deadlifts with 135 for 8 reps, then did barbell curls, 3 sets, 2 sets with the 80 pound bar for 8 reps. Then just did 3 sets of standing dumbbell curls, first set with the 40's, second with the 45's, last with the 25's (kind of a super set). Felt like shit, then i went tanning, and i fell asleep there, woke up when the shit turned off, felt better.

-Feels good to be working out again. But i'm still feeling weird about my life and what i want in this life. I'm going in today to meet up with my instructor from my course i took and set up a date to get my exam done. So i feel like today i'll actually be accomplishing something for once, it feels good.

Tomorrow is a rest day at the gym, but i'm gonna do cardio and abs. Hopefully this sickness will be completely gone soon.
Wednesday Feb.25/04

-Started keepin track until now, cause i'm about to leave for work.
9:30am - 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, protein shake
10:00am - bottle of water
11:30am - 100g Blueberry Yogurt
12:30pm - Can of tuna, bottle of water
4:30pm - Protein shake.

So far, so bad. Fell asleep this afternoon, still have this fuckin cold.

-Did 4 sets of 25 pushups this morning at 10:00am. Then did 10 minutes of cardio at 4:00pm. Have a bad headache, wanted to do more cardio but couldn't because of it.

-On and off depression, lots of confusion, anger, blah blah blah. I think once i get over this fuckin cold i'll be doing much better. Must study for this Personal Trainers exam a little each day. Didn't study yet today, better tonight.

Shoulders and abs tomorrow.
Thursday Feb.26/04

-Terrible. Forced to work this morning, and i have to work tonight, Had 2 protein shakes and some crackers with peanut butter, i'm gonna grab my vitamins and a can of tuna and some chicken before i head back to work. Fuckin bullshit job.

-No time for training when you gotta fuckin work all day. Bullshit job!!!

-I'm fuckin pissed off today!!! forced to work a double today, he tried to get me to tomorrow but i was like "Gotta go to the mechanic", then he was like "Well then i'll need you saturday" but i already fuckin work that night too!!! I'm gonna kill my fuckin boss i swear to god.
This tuesday i have off and i HAVE to go apply at all the gyms around here, i'll fucking snap if i keep doing this job. It pisses me off because i'm basically on call.
Gonna be hung over tomorrow, but hopefully i'll get some ass tonight. Or anything close to it. Hopefully i'll get to work out Shoulders abs and calves tomorrow.
Friday Feb.27/04

-Not that great, slept a LOT today, had to work at night, didn't get much in.

-did no training today. Hopefully i'll work legs tomorrow.

-Had fun last night, paid for it today though.
Sat. Feb.28/04

-Not all that good (this seems to be a trend lately). Had to work from 7-2 this morning, had a protein shake when i got up with some yogurt, then had a can of tuna and a protein shake when i got home at 2, went to the gym, now i just got home and i'm gonna eat then go back to work. Vitamins and creatine and protein as well after gym.

-Did shoulders and abs today, military pressed 125 pounds for 6 reps, dumbbell pressed the 65's for 6, did lateral raises (front, sides, and back) with the 20's and 30's (35's for front). Upwright rows with 60 pound bar for 10-12 reps, and the 90 for 5 reps. Dumbbell shrugs started with 50's, then 75's, then i did a drop set with 80's for 6 reps, then 60's for 7 reps, then 40's for 6 reps, then walked around with them, and squeezed out 3 or 4 more reps, put em down.
Did situps/crunches on the decline with my buddy throwing me the 12 pound medicine ball, did 2 sets of 20 reps. Good workout.

-FINALLY, finally fuckin worked out again, feels like it's been so long. Lets tomorrow.
Sunday Feb.29/04

-Not that good, fucked up day, read on.

-Chest and triceps. Did flat bench dumbbells, did the 90's for 6 reps, incline fly's, 50's for 6 reps, then did cable flys with about 70 pounds on each cable. Then i did Skull crushers with the dumbbell, did the 90 for 6 reps, then did pushdowns with the rope, and i think it was after my last set of that exercise, i was standing there talking to the 2 guys i was with (who i'm training haha poor bastards), and my nose started bleeding and i mean bleeding like crazy, i've NEVER had a nosebleed in my entire life before, this was fucked up. I started getting shakes and getting light headed and shit, i was all fucked up, i have NO fucking clue what the hell set it off, i'm gonna post a thread and see if any of you know.

-Well the nosebleed was fucked, and it happened again tonight, but only for a minute. I felt so fucked up after the nosebleed, just feeling more sick, very tired, i ate a lot after it happened too,,, i think i really gotta sit down and learn how to get a proper diet, it's about fucking time i do this.

On a brighter note, i ran into a buddy last night who might be able to hook me up with a job at a gym, and as a personal trainer for sure as soon as i get my certificate. And as well, my friend that i'm starting to train, him and his girl are tryin to hook me up with this girl i used to work with. Apparently my buddy's girlfriend was talkin to her at work today and they were talkin about how there's no more hot guys who work there, and she was like "Well, it's too bad (bigbuffstaples) doesn't work here anymore" and the girl Mrs. K we'll call her, was like "Is he still with Mrs. J?" and she was like "Nope" and Mrs. K was like "Really?? Hmm, this is good to know", but it started gettin busy and they didn't get to finish the conversation, but she told me she'll talk to Mrs. K about it more again,,, and next weekend their gonna try and set it up so that we're both together at this party. So far so good.

Anyway, i don't know if i'll be working out tomorrow, i gotta find out what the fuck is going on about the nosebleed out of no where,,,, will post tomorrow anyway.
Monday March 1st/04

-It was alright,, hurts to swallow cause of the sore throat, i think because of this cold. Could have been better though.

-No training today.

-Couldn't even get a hold of the fucking doctor today, i left a message and got no call back. Nose bleed like crazy a few more times today. I just sat around all day, it was boring and it sucked, i think i'm gonna go out to a movie tonight or some shit, maybe that'll help.

I feel so fucked up lately, i dunno, just thinkin all weird about shit. I'm starting to feel like i'm over my ex for sure, but i'm still not happy with life. I can't wait till this cold is completely over and i figure out what the fuck is going on with this nosebleed thing. My buddy told me if by 3 tomorrow afternoon i never made it to the doctor he's gonna come get me and take me to the hospital. So tomorrow i'll find out what's going on for sure.
Hopefully it'll be all good and i can hit the gym, but we'll see. till tomorrow.
Tuesday March 2/04

-So far so good. I like how i wrote it down for a few days there, i gotta get back into that once i'm healthy again haha. Had my vitamins and protein, egg whites and whole egg, oatmeal, and the day isn't even half over, so far so good.

-did Back and biceps.
-Wide Grip Chins: first set 10 reps, second 6 reps, third behind neck 6 reps.
-Lat pulldowns (close overhand grip): first set 12 reps (105 pounds), second set 8 reps (135 pounds), third set 7 reps (150 pounds), then did 105 again for 7 reps.
-Seated cable rows (close grip): first set 10 reps (120 pounds), second set 8 reps (160 pounds) third set 5 reps (200 pounds), and supersetted doing 8 reps with 120 pounds.
-Hyper extensions: 3 sets of 12 reps (felt like nose was gonna bleed on each set).

-Straight Barbell curl: first set 10 reps (60 pounds), second set 8 reps (80 pounds), third set 6 reps (90 pounds), last set 6 reps (60 pounds ---superset).
-Hammer Curls (dumbbells): first set 6 reps (45 pounds), second set 8 reps (35 pounds) ... at this point i was feeling weird in my head and i had to get going anyway, so i was doing less sets and not resting as long.
-incline dumbbell curls: did one set of 8 reps with the 30's.
-Preachur Curls (dumbbells): first set of 7 reps with 30 pounds, second set of 6 reps with 20 pounds (superset), then i went the fuck home.

Good workout, arms and back were pumped pretty good, which is weird cause usually i push myself a lot harder, no deadlifts because i'm still not sure how much of a strain i put on myself to cause this nosebleed thing.

-Gotta call back the doctor in a few, they called me back, now we're playing phone tag. Hopefully i'll get an appointment SOON.

On another note, my buddy is settin me up on a blind date with some girl, i guess she's pretty hot though, so it seems all good so far. he described me, she seemed interested, her described her (and honestly, if she's not crazy, has all her limbs, looks decent and will fuck, i'll take it). But i guess she's a twin, nice body, nice face, smokin hot from what im' hearing, really athletic, about 5'6, 115 pounds, nice ass, and she seems like a nice girl. Hopefully it works out.

Anyway, i think i'm gonna do legs tomorrow. I never got to do them this weekend that just went by, and tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day. I need to build my legs up more, so i'll do them tomorrow and this saturday.
Till tomorrow...
Wed. March 3/04

-Pretty decent, had the vitamins, oatmeal, almonds, ate some pumpkin pie and molasses cookies (ah fuck it it's food), protein shakes, and its only afternoon. So far pretty good it seems.

-Did 3 sets of 25 pushups, gonna do some cardio later on maybe with some abs.

-Added some new pics up today, car's in gettin fixed, work tonight, then tomorrow is a LONG day, work 2 shifts and do my personal trainers exam inbetween the shifts.

On an even brighter note, that girl i was supposed to go on the blind date with came out last night to play pool with me and my friends. She came with my buddy who was gonna set us up. I guess she kept tellin him he did a very good job and she was constantly lookin at me, flirting like crazy, and i drove her home at the end of the night. We didn't do anything but i got her number and all i'm sayin is this weekend will be a good one. She called up my buddy as soon as i dropped her off saying good shit about me.
She is fuckin cute as hell too. Very pretty face, amazing ass, she's shorter though, but i like shorter girls, she's 5'3, and you can tell she's active. She fuckin drinks like a fish though haha, but i'll get her going to the gym more often and cut down on that a bit, unless she dont' want it, i don't give a fuck either way, it's ass so it's all good. Wicked girl too, very easy to get along with, so i'm pretty happy about that.

Anyway, not sure if i can get to the gym tomorrow with such a busy schedual, but i'll try, if not i'll do tomorrows workout friday, so no huge loss.

Till tomorrow.
March 3rd still...

I ended up going to the gym to work legs.

Did squats, 4 sets, 2 sets of 135 for 15 reps, and 2 sets of 185 for 8 and 10 reps.
Then did standing calve raises, 225 for 15 reps, 3 sets.
Then leg curls, 3 sets of 125 for 8 reps.

That's all i got out of it, place was fuckin busy as hell today for some reason, then i went to my doctor's appointment, little did i know (cause it's been SO long since i've gone there) that they fuckin moved, so i missed the appointment. and now my fucking car is a piece of shit and it won't be working till Monday,,,, i'm not too happy about it. But fuck it.

At least i don't gotta work in the morning now so i can hit the gym tomorrow and work shoulders, so i'm happy about that. till then.
Friday March 5/04

-Pretty good. Not keeping too much track, but i wanna put on more size for sure, so i'm just constantly eating. Tryin to keep it clean but whatever, food is food right now, and i need to grow.

-Did shoulders and abs. Barbell press, did 125 for 6 reps. Did side front and back lat. raises (25's and 30's) for about 10 reps, 3 sets.
Then just did dumbbell shrugs, started with the 60's, then did the 90's, then did a super set with the 100's, then grabbed the 80's, then the 60's.
Then did abs, throwing the ball and doing hanging leg raises while i was resting from the throwing of the ball situps. Did it with twists today. Good workout over all.

-Been eating a LOT more lately, and i wanna keep that up so i can put on some more size. I wanna get big for this summer and i feel that i'm not getting there fast enough.
Also i got a date tonight, this girl is fuckin sweet too, looks good, we connected so well like right away, so i think it'll be a fun night. I'll be drinking tomorrow night, but i don't give a fuck because i'll be meeting up with her so it's all good.
Legs tomorrow.
Sunday March 7/04

-Could be better, got my vitamins in, some good proteins and shit,,, but not as much as i should have. lazy day today.

-Did 2 sets of 20 push ups when i woke up. Nothing more.

-Stayed the night at the girls place last night, was pretty drunk. But it's all good cause i had a good night. Feelin pretty fuckin tired today though. But by tomorrow i should be back into the routine again.
Chest, Triceps and Abs tomorrow.
Monday March 8/04

-Pretty good, ate a lot, not gonna stop eating till i go to sleep. Had the vitamins and some protein shakes. Runnin low on the protein, gotta pick up some more soon, so i think i'll get some other shit while i do that.

-Chest and Triceps (had to cut abs short today). Flat bench dumbbells, did 90's for 7 reps, decline dumbbells, did 80's for 6, flat bench flys, did 50's for 5.
Skullcrushers, 80 for 8 reps. Rope Pushdowns, did 40 for 12 reps, did dips in between pushdowns, just did 8 reps each time, Triceps and chest were pumped, it was a good workout. Might do abs later on tonight.

-The girl called, seems upset, said she's gettin a room tonight, needs to get away from the folks or some shit. Musn't bring cell phone to gym cause i had that on my mind as she called me when i was at the gym. Ah well, could end up being a good night. Off to work, Back and Biceps and calves tomorrow. Till then.
Tuesday March 9/04

-Absolutely terrible... hardly ate today, trying to make up for it now, i just got home and it's almost 5:00pm. No good today.


-Had a good night last night, resulting in a bad day today. Feeling really tired, stayed up too late and shit. Ah well. Gonna do back and biceps and abs tomorrow.
Wednesday March 10/04

-Yet again not the best, woke up late, have no idea but i was so fucking tired today. Trying to get down as much food as i can.

-Did Back, Biceps and abs. Did wide grip chins, first set 10 reps, then 2 more sets of 8 reps (sad, but this is an improvement). Did seated cable rows (wide grip) 2 sets of 10 reps (160), then did 2 sets of close grip with 10 reps. Then i did T-bar rows (close grip), first set with 70lbs for 12 reps, then 115 for 9 reps, then 135 for 8 reps. Back was pretty pumped, so i did biceps. Did straight bar curls, first set with the 60lb bar for 12 reps, then the 90 for 6 reps, then the 100 for 4 reps, then did the 60 again for 8 reps. Then did standing dumbbell curls, did the 40's for 8, then the 50's for 5, then the 50's again for 4 reps, then the 35's for 6. Biceps were killing me, then i just did 2 sets of preachur curls with dumbbells, then did abs and went home.

Felt like a good workout.

-Feeling tired as fuck all day today, don't know why but it sucks. I know it affected my workout cause i didn't do deadlifts which pissed me off, but i'll get them back into the routine next time for sure.
I think Shoulders tomorrow (unless i feel like i need another day of rest)