1st cycle officially underway!


New member
Well, after standing in the bathroom with a loaded syringe for about 15 minutes staring in the mirror at my ass, I finally summed up enough courage to break my pinning cherry. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was hard getting the plunger all the way down, and i thought I injected it all, but i was disappointed that there was still about .05cc left in the syringe. I like how easy the 25g went in, but man, its slow on the inject (20g draw). I'm sure next time will be easier. I can't believe I actually did it.

I'm doing 240mg 2xW/12 weeks (my test e is 300mg/ml. easier to pin .8cc than .83 cc for 250mg)
adex, pct, etc.

Beginning stats:
209 lbs
36.75" navel
16.5" neck
17.5-18% bf
biceps 15.5"
chest 43.5"

Diet: 2300-2600 clean calories ~40/40/20 6x weekly, 1 <3000 calorie fun day.

Mon-chest 45 mins mix cardio (HIIT/edurance)
Tue-arms, abs, 30 min cardio HIIT
Wed-shoulders, 45 min cardio mix
Thu-back, 30 min cardio HIIT
Fri-legs, 20 min cardio
Sat-30 min cardio, 30 min swimming laps

I change up my exercises every few weeks to keep it interesting. I also started a baseline gym log last week to track reps and weights.

Well, since my throat hasn't swelled up, i can still breath, don't have hives and my ass hasn't turned purple, I guess I'm not gonna die and can get on with my day. Just have the tiniest tinge of pain and ever so slight burning at the injection site. All in all, my flu shot was worse. So when do the awesome boners start? :)
Actually it's my girlfriend who inject me, she is a nurse and she know where are the tendons. At the beggining it's hard but it become a habitude.
I'm gonna update this as things happen, or weekly at least and with pics. Might help someone else know what to expect. I know when I was researching, reading these types of blogs helped a lot.

9 hours since I injected. There is the TINIEST little red spot where I injected, but it didn't show up until I went tanning. I really can't feel any pain at all, it's not even really tender. No swelling or lump what-so-ever, so I'm 100% positive it was injected deep in to the glute, and not subcutaneous. I had a little bit of nausea a couple hours after I injected, but I am pretty sure that was because of how scared and nervous I was leading up to the first injection plus I forgot to eat breakfast. I have a drug phobia, so the decision to do this wasn't taken lightly. I went to the gym 4 hours or so after. I noticed a couple of things: While doing cardio, the time (45 mins) went by EXTREMELY fast and I felt very alert and focused. When I was lifting, I noticed my strength was rock solid until failure, then that was it. I was doing bench presses and 7th rep was fine but 8th was a no-go half way up. Usually I have a rep that's weak, another that's somewhat of a struggle, and then a failure rep. Had to cut my chest workout short at flyes, my rotator cuff (previous motorcycle wreck) started acting up. I noticed going to the locker room that my muscles seemed to be harder. Almost like all of my major muscles were flexing, but not quite. They stayed like that until I sat in the hot tub for a while. Dunno if any of this is test related or just me being hyper aware of myself, although I am very sensitive to drugs, and I notice when things seem different. Last couple hours, I have gotten tired (shitty sleep last few days leading up to this), but I have this like peaceful, calm, smooth, almost euphoric feeling that comes over my body in waves. Been getting stronger last couple of hours. I also been feeling warm in waves. The other thing I have noticed is my junk. What the fuck! I'm the kind of guy that when I get done working out, my junk is like trying to hide up in me and shit, but today after working out, it was like WAY plump. Not in an aroused sort of way, just like THERE. It's weird. The other thing is I have been suddenly noticing it at random, out of the blue times.

Like I said, probably just hyper aware, but whatever.

Here are cycle 1, week 1, day 1 pics:
.8 twice a week.. just do it all at once u will be better off.

Seems to be a 50/50 split on this. I'm just going to split it up into 2. i don't mind the injections and I feel like my levels won't spike so much. In my research, some schools of thought are that levels that aren't spiked as much might limit side effects and pc recovery, though, of course, there are no actual studies that I could find.
Like I said, probably just hyper aware, but whatever.

Yes, it is psychological.

In my research, some schools of thought are that levels that aren't spiked as much might limit side effects and pc recovery, though, of course, there are no actual studies that I could find.

Twice a week for enanthate is best. It is not about your levels spiking necessarily, it has to do with the half life, and keeping the levels even. A once a week injection will leave your levels lower the last 1-2 days of the week. Again twice a week is right.

Be more specific about the PCT you have lined up being as this is your first cycle.

I wouldn't recommend such a small needle (25g) for the oil. Especially since you seem to be nervous about injecting, you are more likely to be shaking while pushing in the oil, and the smaller gauge will require you to remain inside the muscle longer. Move to a 23g its not that big of a deal once you do it a few times, this is just my personal opinion on the needle size though.
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Almost 24 hours now since pinning and 0 pain, 0 tenderness, 0 discoloration, 0 bruising at the injection site. A shitload of injection research was a good thing and paid off.

Yes, it is psychological.

Be more specific about the post cycle therapy (pct) you have lined up being as this is your first cycle.

I wouldn't recommend such a small needle (25g) for the oil. Especially since you seem to be nervous about injecting, you are more likely to be shaking while pushing in the oil, and the smaller gauge will require you to remain inside the muscle longer. Move to a 23g its not that big of a deal once you do it a few times, this is just my personal opinion on the needle size though.

Just standard clomid for now. I'm still researching post cycle therapy (pct). I'd love to throw some HCG in, but it seems to be quite hard to obtain lately. Since my baseline T values are low, I may just continue doing standard testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) there after. I am concerned about keeping my gains with naturally low levels (which is what I am researching), so we'll see.

It's just retarded that its illegal in this country. Alcohol is legal, but making yourself stronger and healthier and improving your mental well-being is illegal. Fucked up priorities. Another awesome revenue source missed.

I'm gonna stick with the 25g, since I already have them and I know what to expect now. I'll be fine for my next pin.
A pretty standard post cycle therapy (pct) for test-E seems to be clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. The feedback i have seen for the usage of HCG for a test only cycle is mixed. Some like to use it, others say its not necessary. I have some on hand but feel reasonably reassured that a clomid/nolva post cycle therapy (pct) will be satisfactory.
Good luck and keep us posted
You seem like you really did you research before starting. Dont see that to often anymore so best of luck to you. Just make sure you eat enough.
You seem like you really did you research before starting. Dont see that to often anymore so best of luck to you. Just make sure you eat enough.

If I had to guess, I would say I did >100 hours over the course of probably 6 weeks. AAS gets a very bad rap, and I wanted to sort out myth and fact first. This isn't something I'm going to do over and over again, so I want to get the most out of it the first time and then again this fall for a bulk stack.
Didn't notice much of anything today, until the gym. Hard a hard time getting into cardio, but during my arms workout, it felt like something exploded inside me and sent this massive amount of fire through my veins. I felt like an unstoppable BEAST. I've NEVER experienced that at the gym, EVER. It was insane. I felt like I would save the world if I got 2 extra reps in each set. When I got done, my arms were effin ROCK hard. Harder than I have ever seen them. If this beast mode is even a TINY taste of what is to come for the next 12 weeks, I'm screwed. I could get used to this.....
Beast mode workout AND cardio today. Felt good all day, very stable, good mood.

You can fry chicken on my forehead. I haven't seen it this oily since I was 16. Washed my face like 4x today.

Pin #2 tomorrow.
Pin #2 this morning. Piece of cake. Warmed the test again first, but this time didn't stand there staring in the mirror so it was still warm when I shot. Just loaded, located the precise spot, and BAM. Still took a bit of force to get the oil out, but much less than last time. Whole thing took 10-15 seconds. Piece of cake.
Laying in bed, cant sleep but exhausted, sweating my nuts off. Been tired as fuck since 6 after work. fell asleep for an hour, finally made it to the gym. was a struggle with cardio. Had plenty of power for weights, and increased all my weights 10% over last week. No energy. Off tomorrow(my birthday) so I'm gonna sleep until i dont want to sleep anymore. I just feel drained. i think its because i been killing it at the gym. No PIP again at all. Was in a great mood all day at work.

Different today (had a little yesterday), I was effin famished all day. I felt like I couldnt eat enough today, and ended up touching 3000 calories. Hate going that high, but my body needed it i guess. Kept most of it clean except the chocolate bar I had earlier (dark chocolate and almonds.).