1st Cycle: Test E (500/wk)

have to agree always do heavy first to make sure u can lift the heaviest weight possible then as u progress through ur workouts u can start to hit the smaller muscles in between heavy sets. at least that's my opinion but u were wise not to push heavy deads with a sore back. never turns out well.

Tuesday, July 12th

After getting 2 meals in this morning i went to the gym and did some bi's/tri's. Lately i've been watching some videos of Dorian Yates training people, which has helped me focus on strict form and concentration while lifting...which i have had, but now more so. I did slightly lighter weights on arms today but had a really good pump from strict form.

Gym: Arms

eZ bar curls: 95x10, 105x8x3
supersetted w
DB curls: 25x8x4
DB concentration curls: 30x10x3
DB sitting curls (slightly declined): 35x8x4

Straight bar pulldowns: 150x10, 160x8x2
DB overhead extensions: 65x10, 70x8x2
eZ bar skullcrushers: 85x8x4

My triceps were really sore from doing DB pullovers yesterday..even though i focused on hitting lats with the pullovers i guess my triceps were hit some too..this hindered me some with hitting more weight on tri's today.

I weighed in at a solid 188 today.

The only sides i have noticed so far (5th week) is some minor acne on my face (1 pimple on my back), and i get hot alot easier now. As far as gains go, i have gained roughly 13 lbs, my lifts have increased, and i look somewhat bigger. I do not feeel any different excpet for my intensity in the gym.
Wednesday, July 13th

This morning i did shoulders/traps. After watching vids of Jay Cutler doing shoulders, i switched my normal routine to that similar to Cutlers...which was tough. My military press was heavier than last week :) ( i use to do military on a slightly leaned back bench but felt i was cheating myself cause my back was arched, so ive switched to the straight bench which is harder, but ive improved.) and the other lifts were newer to me, although i do lifts similar.

Gym: Shoulders
DB Military Press: 75x10, 80x8x2
DB Lateral Raises: 35x8, 40x8x2
Rear Delt Flys: 25x8x3 (wanted to keep good form)
Rear Delt Cable Pulls: 100x8x3
Barbell Front Raises: 60x8x4

Barbell Shrugs: 225x8x3
DB Shrugs: 80x8x3

I had a great shoulder pump in the gym and a few people said i was looking swole haha. I weighed in at 188.5. Hopefully this week i can reach 190 :) Tomorrow i will see how im feeling, if good then i;ll do legs or rest. Im going to rest Friday and then my bud is coming in town saturday and we're gonna hit chest.
I think ive used the smith machine only twice this cycle because i didn't have anyone to spot me. I didn't want to try new heavy weight without one.

But yesterday i did my most weight ever (335x8) without the aid of the smith machine, so i was happy.

haha I must have just clicked pages and scrolled to those points; but no I wasn't bashing or anything I was just curious if it was your preference or if you were injured or whatever.

was told that a test only cycle would be mostly lost at the end

talk to smarter people.
haha I must have just clicked pages and scrolled to those points; but no I wasn't bashing or anything I was just curious if it was your preference or if you were injured or whatever.

hey didnt mean to come across as if you were bashing..haha. I jusy didnt want people to think i use the smith everytime cause using the aid of a smith is easier than regular rack squats lol

talk to smarter people.

hey didnt mean to come across as if you were bashing..haha. I jusy didnt want people to think i use the smith everytime cause using the aid of a smith is easier than regular rack squats lol
Thursday, July 14th

I rested today and am doing legs tomorrow.
I did my 10th pin today and 6th Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin, all is well. My diet has been solid every day .

I have seen a few small acne on my face but should go away with medication.

Also, i think my bf has dropped some since my vacation last week which is a plus!
Friday, July 15th

It's almost been 5 weeks since i did my first Test E pin and my weight has gone from 175-188.5. My lifts have gone up, and my intensity/pumps in the gym have been better. Overall, my upper body looks broader/fuller, and my legs have gotten more mass. I have been at 188.5 for about a week so i am going to up my caloric intake because my diet was planned around my weight at 175. So obviously my TDEE and BMR has increased, so my diet will too.
The little fat that i gained while on vacation has seemed to go back down which is good. Im hoping if i bust my ass in the gym and keep my diet solid the next 7 weeks, i will hit the 200lb mark.

Today i did legs and really pushed myself... for fun ive been watching Ronnie Coleman vids of him training, and the guy is freakin hilarious! "yeaahhh budddy, light weight baby".."ain't nothin but a peanut" hahaha i was cracking up. anyway, despite is sense of humor, he trains like a monster and has given me more motivation to really knock out those last couple of reps to failure.

Each lift today went up from last week. (PR's in bold)

Gym: Legs
Squats: 335x8,8,7.5
Leg Press: 450x10, 460x10, 470x10, 480x8
Leg Extensions: 202.5x10, 210x10x2
Leg Pulls: 100x10, 110x8x3

Barbell Calf Raises: 225x12-15 reps x 4
Sitting Calf Raises: 45x10x3 (my calves were fried)

Tomorrow my buddy is doing chest w me, hoping to get 215x8..i'll update tomorrow afternoon.

Now time to get meal 4 in. later
Saturday, July 16th

Today was chest day! Overall i did more weight than i did last week, but still wish my bench would go up.

Gym: Chest
Flat Barbell press: 215x8,7,6 225x4 (the first 3 225's were real easy but then i hit a wall)
DB Incline: 85x10, 90x8x2
Butterfly machine: 135x12x3
Cable Flys: 65x10x2

Then i did some traps/abs. I had another good pump today, as always. I weighed in at 188 which ive been at this entire week :flamingma idk why, my diets been great and lifting has gone good too.

tomorrow i will do back if im not too sore, i really want to develop my lats more.
It seems like my whole day revolves around eating! here's what my diet was today, and is everyday: (keep in mind i drink over a gallon of water every day too)

Meal 1: 9:30am
3 egg whites
1 whole egg
2 pieces whole wheat bread
1 cup oatmeal
12 oz skim milk

Meal 2: 12:00pm
6 oz chicken breast
1 cup brown rice
1 cup fruit/ or banana

Meal 3:PWO 2:00pm
44g Whey/Casein protein
1 whole wheat bagel

Meal 4: 2:30pm
6 oz chicken breast
1 sweet potato
1 banana
12 oz skim milk

Meal 5 5:30pm
7 oz beef or steak
1 cup veggies
2 slices whole wheat bread
1 cup rice/ or potato

Meal 6: 8:00pm
6oz fish
22g Protein powder

Meal 7: 10:00pm ---( added this meal in just to get some more calories in)
2 PB&J sandwiches

Meal 8: 12:00-2:00am
44g casein protein powder

Tomorrow i am going to re-stock on some more Xtend powder (taken during my workout for something to sip on besides water, gives me a little energy), get some more BSN Syntha-6 Whey protein, and am gonna try another pre-workout.

ive tried Jack3d, and 1.M.R. pre workout but they didnt have much effect on me. I used 2 scoops.

I've heard its better to take the pre workout supp without food but i like to eat before i lift so i have energy...that could be why it didnt do much cause i had it with lunch..any ideas?
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subbed...very informative log. Gunna be starting my test e cycle next week so this is getting me all psyched up.

Im considering pinning quads...any good info/vids on exactly where/how to pin quads? (I read the sticky about pinning)

I drink white flood for pre-workout...I've noticed it doesnt really do much anymore. I was told I should prly cycle off stims for a few weeks/month in order for them to have the effect they used to. Like anything else your body begins to adapt and the effect is lessened.

BTW diet looks great. Thats gunna be my biggest hurdle when I start my cycle. Gotta make sure Im getting enough calories which I dont always do.
subbed...very informative log. Gunna be starting my test e cycle next week so this is getting me all psyched up.

Im considering pinning quads...any good info/vids on exactly where/how to pin quads? (I read the sticky about pinning)

I drink white flood for pre-workout...I've noticed it doesnt really do much anymore. I was told I should prly cycle off stims for a few weeks/month in order for them to have the effect they used to. Like anything else your body begins to adapt and the effect is lessened.

BTW diet looks great. Thats gunna be my biggest hurdle when I start my cycle. Gotta make sure Im getting enough calories which I dont always do.

Quads are great, thats what ive done everytime so far.
And i agree, eating is the toughest part bc you can't eat more one day to compensate for the next, it has to be constant eveerrryy day. lol
Sunday, July 17th

I woke up this morning and wasnt too sore from chest yesterday, so i went ahead and did back today. I didn't focus too much on how much weight i was doing, but more getting a good squeeze w my lats, etc..
My lower back was a pain today bc it started really hurting after i did bent over rows. I must have strained my back from deadlifts 2 weeks ago. I was going to do some bent t-bar rows but it hurt too bad

Gym: Back
Bent Rows: 185x10,10,8,8
T-Bar Rows: 135x10, 150x8x2
Wide Lat Pulls: 150x10x3
Reverse Lat Pulls: 135x10x3
Cable Rows: 135x10x4
Nautilus Pullover: 135x10x4

I had a really good workout/pump today. i am looking broader and thicker, partially bc my diet prob. but the test seems to be doing the trick. I've increased my caloric/protein intake to help gain more weight. today i weighed in at 189.5-190 :)

I may hit bi's and tri's tomorrow, or rest...not sure
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Monday, July 18th

Today i am taking a day off and going to do arms tomorrow.
I did my 11th pin today and it went pretty good...i poked it in my quad but felt like i hit something so i changed spots and it went fine.

So i always do my HCG sub q in my right lower ab (Mon/Thurs) and its always sore to the touch, especially right after the injection,...did it this morning, and its sore.
I did my left lower ab 2 weeks ago and it still is kind of sore to the touch, my right ab seems always sore bc i do it twice a week. idk if that is normal?
Tuesday, July 19th (6th week of cycle)

This morning i re-stocked on some protein powder. Instead of using Syntha-6, which has Whey and casein mixed together, i got two separate containers of whey isolate and casein. hopefully this will be more effective for taking the whey after i lift, and casein before bed.

I just finished bi's and tri's today and had a real good pump, my arms were looking big. Once again i didnt focus too much on how much weight i was doing, but instead getting a really good contraction of the muscle.

Gym: Arms

Sitting DB curls: 40x10x3, 45x8
Concentration curls: 35x10x4
Preacher machine: 2 plates + 10 = 100x10x3
Straight bar 21's x 3

eZ bar skullcrushers: (forgot what bar weighs) 40 on each side x 10x2, 42.5 on each side x 8
Straight bar pulldowns: 140x10x4 (triceps were fried)
Rope pulldowns: 100x10x4
One arm overhead extensions: 40x12x4

Week 6 sides/gains so far
Sides: Im in my 6th week on Test E and have noticed more acne on my face this week than before. The acne are all small but there are def more than 2 weeks ago. Sometimes i feel real short tempered, little things bother me more than they should (not sure if Test is causing this). I get hot and sweaty alot more easily. Luckily my balls are still there normal size thanks to the HCG. I havent noticed bloating bc im taking 12.5mg Aromasin ED. My abs arnt quite as good as they were though bc i have upped my calories by 1500-2000 since i started the cycle. I also feel tired most of the day, except when i lift.

Gains: As far as gains go, i am looking broader/thicker (diet has something to do w this too), my lifts have gone up, but nothing tooo drastic, but i am able to do more weight than usual. Before my cycle and after my creatine left my system, i weighed 174, i now weigh 190 :). Hoping to reach 200. My legs/glutes are noticeably bigger. Just need to get that back/chest up to par! I've had several people say im looking bigger and even ask what im on lol...which i respond nothing.

Anyway, 5 more days until i reach the halfway point. With my diet in line my goal is to reach 200lbs+ with limited fat gain. I havent done any cardio since i started cycling, but i will probably add in some in the next few weeks to help reduce a little fat on my lower abs. Hope this log helps anyone thinking of doing a Test cycle. later, until tomorrow.
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