Hey guys, so i've officially been on Test E for 6 weeks...6 more to go! I just wanted to give everyone who's following an update on what has happened thus far, and the goals that i have for the next half of this first cycle.
So at the beginning of this cycle i had the hardest time breaking the ampoule open, but now it's second nature. Every injection has gone smoothly, aspirated every time and havent had any problems...except for accidentally pinning with a 20G one time..ouch!
I began the cycle weighing 174 (no creatine). During the first 2-3 weeks, i noticed my body changing shape. My shoulders were looking broader, and my arms were bigger. My weight was also going up slightly every week. In the past i had never had a strict strict diet plan, although i ate clean for the most part. But on this cycle i made an effort to get in 4000-5000 lean calories, 300g+ of protein, 400-450g carbs, 90g of fat everyday. I can def tell that this has helped me throughout these 6 weeks to help me grow.
During week 3 i began injecting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (subq) twice a week (500iu/wk). I had trouble mixing but in the end it worked out. The only thing i hate about the subq injections is my lower abs are sore every week from injecting twice a week. I dont feel an abscess, but it kind of hurts. My balls have maintained their size because of the HCG..which is always good lol.
I have been taking 12.5mg Aromasin ED from week 1 and havent had any symptoms such as bloat, gyno...I didn't want to have much water weight...just lean muscle.
Being that i have been eating so much, and went on vacation during week 3, i have gained a little fat..which was predicted, but i began adding in cardio 3 times a week starting in week 6, which i can already tell has helped me with fat loss. I even dropped 1-1.5lbs because of the cardio...which was just fat loss.
SIDES: After 6 weeks, here have been my sides: instead of having like 1 small pimple on my face, i now have about 8-10 zits on my face, but i have facial hair so it's hardly noticeable, and i have been using Neutrogena body wash/ prescribed acne treatment which if i stay reliable on using the products, it normally zaps the acne away.
Being that im 20y/o, i do sweat alot throughout the day (guess from hormones), so after adding Test E to the equation i do sweat alot more often which is a pain, but doesnt slow me down. I get hot alot more easily, especially at night, i sleep with no covers w the AC cold. lol.
I also find myself tired throughout the day, moreso than usual. But once i get in the gym i can always get pumped up.
The final thing ive noticed is sometimes little things really seem to bother me, or if somethings in my way while im doing something, i get really pissed..which is unusual. idk
GAINS: After 6 weeks, i have gone from 174 to 190.

I've recently been at 190 for a week and 2 days, which im hoping to change. My lifts have increased as well, but nothing too drastic. When i started i was benching 205x8, 2 days ago i did 225x8, which i was stoked about. One of my goals was to be able to rep 225 which i am just starting to. My body looks thicker/bigger and my shorts/jeans hardly fit anymore. EVery body part has increased in size, but most noticeable in my legs/glutes! I've gone from being called small butt to big butt by my gf. haha. My chest and back were lacking but now they are alright..still want to add mass to my back. My arms are bigger, not big enough as Ronnie COleman says.
I've probably had 8 people ask what i was taking, normally as a joke, but im sure some peeps are questioning. lol. I have not told anyone though.
GOALS for the next 6 weeks: My goals for the remaining part of the cycle is to get to 200lb+ in weight. I want to be able to get 225x8x3 on bench (3 sets), maybe even 235x8-10. I want to really add mass to my back. (i have stopped deadlifting for the time being to let my lower back rest).
I am resting today, but am either doing legs or shoulders tomorrow. I will be on vacation starting Aug.1 for 2 weeks, but i am still going to be able to train and keep my diet spot on. Wish me luck..thanks for the ones who are following, hope this log is informative for some.