1st Cycle: Test E (500/wk)

Thursday, July 28th

I did bi's and tri's again today, layed off the legs because deadlifts killed them yesterday lol. Had another real good pump.

Gym: Biceps
Preacher curl machine: 90x10x3
DB concentration curls: 35x8-10x4
DB incline curls: 35x6x4

DB overhead extensions: 70x10, 75x10, 80x10,85x8 (never done that much weight)
eZ bar skullcrushers: bar + 70x8x2, bar + 80x6x2
Straight bar pushdowns supersetted w single reverse pulldowns

My weight today was 189.5....WTF!!!! ive been at this weight for almost 2 weeks! i posted a thread in the anabolic section to see why my weight is stagnant, even after increaising my dosage to 750/wk for weeks 6-10.
Saturday, July 30th

Whats up fellas, i took a day off yesterday and hit chest today. overall i had a good pump and hit some weight i never have tried before (on DB press, and incline barbell) :) (PR's in bold)

Gym: Chest
Flat DB press: 105x9, 110x7,6,6
Incline barbell: 185x8, 195x6x2, 185x8 (i was surprised to get this weight after doing heavy flat)!
Incline DB flys: 40x10x4
Decline barbell: 205x5, 185x8x2 (my pecs were fried)

i hit 110's which was awesome, and last time i tried barbell incline i couldnt even do 185 5times. so today after doing flat i hit 185 on incline no problem. I weighed in at 191.5.

The past few days ive been re-fixing my diet and adding some cals to it so i can continue to grow...however, my diet today has sucked because i had a super busy day. My diet will be tough the next 2 days as well because i will be traveling for a 2 week vacation.

I will be leaving for vacation tomorrow for 2 weeks so i will have to do a 3 day split both weeks.

I will keep my diet on point and hopefully i can get all the training in, the gym is not convenient to where we're staying.

My goal in these 2 weeks is to train hard, get a good amount of rest, and follow my strict diet. Hopefully i will reach 200lbs by the time i get back :) I won't have much access to internet on vaca but i will update at least once a week if i can. See you guys later, wish me luck the next 2 weeks!
Well... Although I am sure nothing you want to hear... Way too young, you could of accomplished a lot more by eating and training properly. No need for AAS at 20 years of age regardless of whether you decided you were going to cycle or not. Secondly your diet is junk. Who the fuk eats a bagel for their PWO meal? Don't take a casein mixed protein either. You also should really post pics I am curious to see where you actually really started from. Anyways like I said nothing you want to hear but at least maybe some "kids" will learn from this, or at least we can hope. You will make some gains, keep a bit, but at your age the end result will be the same what you would have got by proper training, diet and rest.

Have fun kid.
Secondly your diet is junk. Who the fuk eats a bagel for their PWO meal?

Actually a bagel is a good choice for a pw meal. PW is (i think) the only time you should consume fast acting carbs

after a workout there are high cortisol levels in your bloodstream. Without minimizing these levels cortisol will break down the protein in your muscle tissue to form glycogen (the bodys secondary preferred energy source). Ingesting fast acting carbohydrates after a workout will cause an insulin spike. the insulin will then pull the carbohydrates from your bloodstream into your muscles to form glycogen...instead braking down the proteins in your muscles ><

And then again we get like hour after workout called by some window of opportunity lol when our body will absorb nutrients faster and the insulin spike only helps with that...thats my understanding at least
a bagel would be a complex carb more than likely (unless it was made with white flour) and not really fast acting. you want simple carbs, dextrose etc immediately post workout.
a bagel would be a complex carb more than likely (unless it was made with white flour) and not really fast acting. you want simple carbs, dextrose etc immediately post workout.

all the bagels i see around are white flour rich in dextrose thats why i figured people would like that pwo...3j always included one pwo in his diets

but yeah they come in all forms like bread does..wheat, white etc

i like to eat honey though...either add some to my shake or make few sandwiches with it + shake pwo
Well... Although I am sure nothing you want to hear... Way too young, you could of accomplished a lot more by eating and training properly. No need for AAS at 20 years of age regardless of whether you decided you were going to cycle or not. Secondly your diet is junk. Who the fuk eats a bagel for their PWO meal? Don't take a casein mixed protein either. You also should really post pics I am curious to see where you actually really started from. Anyways like I said nothing you want to hear but at least maybe some "kids" will learn from this, or at least we can hope. You will make some gains, keep a bit, but at your age the end result will be the same what you would have got by proper training, diet and rest.

Have fun kid.
u know you got a fairly big mouth on you...

i can tell by the way you talk u have little to no idea what your talking about...

any semi-simple carb pwo will work.. a bagel being one of them.. it will give the correct insulin response for an anabolic state...

the op is under my personal coaching.. so that "junk" diet your talking about is one i set him up on.. one that i have a 98% success rate with when it comes down to my clients..

not smart to insult people like that
a bagel would be a complex carb more than likely (unless it was made with white flour) and not really fast acting. you want simple carbs, dextrose etc immediately post workout.

i have yet to see a bagel that is a "complex carb"
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well thats good to know. guess im used to seeing 'made with whole grains' on my bagel packages. i will still stick with my tried and true protein shake with all the goodies added followed by a carb/protein meal for post workout but im glad that is working for you.