2016- the years this shit gets real.

Have you ever done tri's on back day, bi's on chest day ?

No...why? I try not to work my arms too much. They are good size already so I just put in a few sets after chest or back (for biceps).

Never thought of hitting them like that
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No...why? I try not to work my arms too much. They are good size already so I just put in a few sets after chest or back (for biceps).

Never thought of hitting them like that

Give it a try, I like the symmetry it creates.

Ive done the back and bi's chest and tri's a lot too.

Sometimes I do chest then back tri's then bi's on the same day its all good but I just gotta change it up all the time this and that.
No...why? I try not to work my arms too much. They are good size already so I just put in a few sets after chest or back (for biceps).

Never thought of hitting them like that

Nice problem to have. Hopefully by the time I'm your age my arms will also be big enough that I no longer have to focus on them.
Mri consult with Ortho on Friday last. Had a couple small meniscus tears but my knee has been fairly solid so we elected not to do surgery as of yet. No hope that it'll heal by itself as there's very little blood flow where the damage is. So I will carry on and resist the urge t go heavy with squats. I'm still going to train legs but just more reps less weight more t-u-t

Friday night i did train legs with my little brother going up to 5 plates with the leg press(no squats) and some reps on the linear hack press. Finished with calf,raises and leg ext.

Today, Sunday, went in before the Seahawks game for 30 min cardio on the elliptical burning 400 cal
Weight still hovering around 253
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Give it a try, I like the symmetry it creates.

Ive done the back and bi's chest and tri's a lot too.

Sometimes I do chest then back tri's then bi's on the same day its all good but I just gotta change it up all the time this and that.

How can you determine if what works symmetry wise for you will work for me especially without pics of my physique. I'm thick waisted, narrow shoulders, big arms, droopy chest( moobs)
How can you determine if what works symmetry wise for you will work for me especially without pics of my physique. I'm thick waisted, narrow shoulders, big arms, droopy chest( moobs)

I said give it a try I didn't say give it a try I guarantee it will work for you and what you are trying to achieve.
Been trying to settle in to a routine with the gym and work. I'm traveling again about an hour and 15 min ea way but only working 8 hrs so gym time is doable but today I took a day off and let out a pint of whole blood as its been 6 weeks or so and I'm starting to feel the effects. Tiredness, unexplained headache, higher BP. Foginess. I supplement with iron for 2 weeks after as well.
Training wise I've been adding 30 min elliptical after weights and burning 400 cal (according to the machine)
Weight has been rock steady around 254 ... I tracked calories a few days and I'm right between 2500-3000. Should be losing fat at those numbers
Hey big C, how long have you been trying to drop weight with the 2500-3000 plus cardio?

Before my last blast, I dropped a bunch at 2#/week calorics but it took literally weeks and weeks for the weight to start moving . It in fact went up at first. Body panicking I spose. After a month, the 2#/wk got amazingly steady considering the cal level was recommended from the web. (Phone app actually)

You got this! :)
Hey big C, how long have you been trying to drop weight with the 2500-3000 plus cardio?

Before my last blast, I dropped a bunch at 2#/week calorics but it took literally weeks and weeks for the weight to start moving . It in fact went up at first. Body panicking I spose. After a month, the 2#/wk got amazingly steady considering the cal level was recommended from the web. (Phone app actually)

You got this! :)
Actually started tracking this week and making time for cardio. Waistline was coming down s-l-o-w-l-y but weight hasn't moved much. So pretty much just gonna have to be hungry most of the time.
So it looks like I'm unemployed again, at least for the near future. It's bad and good at the same time. It's never good in that someone thinks their company is better off without me on the payroll. And good in that a pesky job won't stand in the way of the progression of my physique.
Time to get real serious in the next few months. This is gonna get real interesting and I would implore you to stay tuned.
Got a late start this morning and had to go get my termination paperwork from my old boss then turn it in to the union hall.
Any way my plan was to do cardio first thing then go back several hours later after a small meal and hit shoulders. Instead, I went in around 1:00 and hit shoulders then 30 min of elliptical
Weight this morning was 252 but I ate some brisket and potatoes last night.. Salty meal. We' ll see what tomorrow weighin is.

Workout went great. I never gave my dr a blood sample like she wanted and yesterday I added the deca back into my stack. My shoulders have been aching the last week or so.

First exercise was shoulder presses on the smith machine followed by upright rows supersetted with side dumbbell lateral raises.
Finished up with some rope face pulls then hit the cardio for 30 min.

Edit: I started with the hammer strength shrug machine for 4 sets

Started using my fitness pal to track my calories and macros. It'll be a few days before I get most of my foods saved and then it should be much easier to see what my totals are for each day. I figure I can lose weight with 2500 calories/ day. 250-300 gr protein, a little less carbs and the rest fats
Weight this morning was 248.6. Woohoo!!! Breaking the 250 barrier. Goal is 230 by December 1.

Lazy day.... Woke up around 8:30, made some breakfast. Sirloin Steak, brown rice and quinoa, 1 egg 1/2 c egg whites , Mexican seasoning, tapatio sauce.
Waited for that to digest some then hit the gym for some cardio 30 min elliptical.
Traps are sore as hell from shrugs last night.

Came home, ate some more steak and yams, then napped for an hour or better. Got a touch of the test flu after I pinned up this morning. Was feeling bad, achy, and had the chills at times .

Seemed to mostly go away and so I went back to Golds for leg work

Leg press sled
3 plates x 20
4 plates x 15
5 plates x 15,15,12 all sets continuous movement with no lockout on top

Moved on to the linear hack press
1 plate x 15 wu
Added qtr x 3 more sets to failure. My lower quads on fire by now.

2 sets of sldl with bar and a pair of 25's. Legs are feeling wobbly now

Calf raises on hip sled 4 sets until the pain got too much 45 second rest between sets

Leg ext supersetted with abduction( forcing kness outward) 3 sets till failure

20 min of steam room and power jet sauna and I'm good to go. Probably the hardest I've worked my legs since hurting my knee a month ago. I'd love to get my legs back to where they were last year, just a little scared of moving heavier weight with a bum knee. For sure incorporating some squats next workout just to feel it out

Today's diet macros
2546 cal
255 protein
203 carbs
74 fat
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Weighin this morning was 249.8

Had some brisket, quinoa, egg, egg whites for breakfast and did some cardio an hour later 35 min burning 480 cal

Afternoon nap then small meal and chest/triceps

Guillitine presses flat
Smith machine 45's x 15 wu
Added 25's x 15 reps
Added 10's x 12,10,9

Grabbed an incline bench (was going to do dumbells but not enough room) and proceeded with guillitine incline presses with 70 lbs ES
3 sets to failure

On to triceps
BW dips x 15,10 tris started cramping

Flat bar pulley tricep ext 3 drop sets
Then overhead ext the same way

Finished up with a little stretching and hyperextensions until my low back had a knarly pump
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Yesterday's macros
Cal 2350
Protein 209( need to bump that up 50)
Carb 170
Fats 78

Weigh in this morning 248lbs. Had an epiphany last night to try out some modified carb cycling for a few weeks. Trying to time the higher carbs days with the days I do legs and back. They seem to zap my glycogen energy storehouse the most.

My thought was
Day 1-100 grams carbs
D2- 50 grams
D3 150 grams
D4 50 grams
D5 200 grams
All things subject to modification of course

Tonight back and biceps...
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Yesterday's macros
Cal 2350
Protein 209( need to bump that up 50)
Carb 170
Fats 78

Weigh in this morning 248lbs. Had an epiphany last night to try out some modified carb cycling for a few weeks. Trying to time the higher carbs days with the days I do legs and back. They seem to zap my glycogen energy storehouse the most.

My thought was
Day 1-100 grams carbs
D2- 50 grams
D3 150 grams
D4 50 grams
D5 200 grams
All things subject to modification of course

Tonight back and biceps...
great log, thanks again for sharing.
Thursday night no weights. Spent time with the Mrs.

Friday morning weigh in was 247.5 looks like I'll make my 247 goal for the end of the week. Cardio today was only 30 min. Had a killer side ache.
Was gonna be way under my macros for the day but the wife wanted to watch the Cubs at at bar. Ordered prime rib and baked potato. Still under but not as much

Trained back and biceps with little brother today. Hella good pump. Left depleted and tired
Weight this morning was right at 247 (my weekly loss goal) made it in for cardio and completed 45 min. I loathe cardio mononotonous cardio but it seems to be working so I'll suffer through it.
Sunday morning saw 246 on the scale. Had a whey isolate shake, a handful of mixed nuts and off to the gym for some shoulder work.

Started out with some HS isolateral presses
45es x 15 x 2 wu
90'es x 12
115'es x 9,8,6 ....spent

Smith machine upright rows supersetted with dumbell side laterals
45 Es x 12 ss w/ 22.5 dumbells( seemed pretty light at first)
Added 5#'es and did 3 more super sets.

4'sets shoulder height cable crossovers each one a dropset
3'sets face pulls dropsets

Was gonna do some light cardio and felt good enough to get 38 minutes burning 500 cal

Time for some real food now.