25 years old, 165 lbs, 3 years into trainig


New member
As I've mentioned my stats, i would also like to add my lifting stats

Bench 190 lbs
Squats 280 lbs
Dead-lift 290 lbs

I've been planning since a long time to start a steroid cycle, I've read a lot and the best beginner cycle is TEST ONLY cycle or TEST and DECA cycle, my diet is in place, been following my diet since a long time, i train 4 times a week Upper/Lower split. Been bulking since a year now. I've seen people around me on a cycle, but they cut off carbs completely.. Is that necessary?

My main goal is t gain more, more lean muscle mass, im okay with the fat gain as well.. so will TEST ONLY CYCLE do the trick for me? and also i think cutting carbs completely is not a good idea, I'm just a beginner, so any help would be appreciated.

Thank You.
cutting carbs out completely won't be a good idea, you need carbs but chose wisely and they can help you gain lean mass.
test only as first cycle is perfect but you need more then just test on a cycle such as AI, Hcg and pct.
I've been doing some reading, so i thought ill do the following things.

Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.

Now, do i need both, or just clomid?
And also i didn't find anything about needles, or maybe i did not pay attention, can you help me with that.

I'm taking my numbers from IIFYM ,i read some of your threads, and you seem to be a little against IIFYM, but i just take me numbers from there, but my diet is 95% clean, just a cheat meal a week..
My current macros are
1g/lb protein
0.40g/lb fat
165p/504c/65f (750 over TDEE) as I'm bulking. Should i keep my macros same while on my cycle?
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You will want to take in more calories on cycle if you want to bulk. Protein intake seems a bit low now, but on cycle you want more food to support growth and get bigger lifts. Your lifts seem a little low even at 165 so don't hurt yourself on cycle by going up in weight too fast. What abou syringes? Use both clomid and nolva. Good luck and welcome.
I've been doing some reading, so i thought ill do the following things.

Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500mg a week
Arimidex .25mg starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

Now, do i need both, or just clomid?
And also i didn't find anything about needles, or maybe i did not pay attention, can you help me with that.

I'm taking my numbers from IIFYM ,i read some of your threads, and you seem to be a little against IIFYM, but i just take me numbers from there, but my diet is 95% clean, just a cheat meal a week..
My current macros are
1g/lb protein
0.40g/lb fat
165p/504c/65f (750 over TDEE) as I'm bulking. Should i keep my macros same while on my cycle?

he wasn't 3J.. im 3J.. he is one of my clients..

yes, im not a fan of iifym because people do not follow it correctly
You will want to take in more calories on cycle if you want to bulk. Protein intake seems a bit low now, but on cycle you want more food to support growth and get bigger lifts. Your lifts seem a little low even at 165 so don't hurt yourself on cycle by going up in weight too fast. What abou syringes? Use both clomid and nolva. Good luck and welcome.

Hey, I'm already over 750 and gaining considerable amounts of fat, on a cycle do you suggest to go over by 1000? I've read eating more than 1g/lb protein is a waste, so im following this basic theory of protein. and i don't go full retard on my lifts, i try to maintain my form and as I'm doing LYLE McDONALDS GENERIC BULKING ROUTINE, i try to follow what he's written. About syringes, i wanted to ask about this, i have no idea which pin to use, so if can please help me with that, that would be great...
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Yes i know people dont follow it correctly, but i like to eat clean 95% of the times, and just a little here and there.. i basically use it to calculate the numbers, how does the cycle look sir?
he wasn't 3J.. im 3J.. he is one of my clients..

yes, im not a fan of iifym because people do not follow it correctly

Yes i know people dont follow it correctly, but i like to eat clean 95% of the times, and just a little here and there.. i basically use it to calculate the numbers, how does the cycle look sir?
Yes i know people dont follow it correctly, but i like to eat clean 95% of the times, and just a little here and there.. i basically use it to calculate the numbers, how does the cycle look sir?

how tall are you??
how tall are you??

175 cms. I've done a little editing

Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.
so youre 5'7 165...

i'd say youre not close to your potential.. my advice would be to wait.. gain another 20lbs.. then consider it
so youre 5'7 165...

i'd say youre not close to your potential.. my advice would be to wait.. gain another 20lbs.. then consider it

i was planning to start it from next month, will probably gain 5 lbs, i think im ready... is the cycle good? when i start though, how many calories above TDEE should i aim, already going 750 over.. and also one last thing, what supps should i use while on a cycle? using creatine, whey and multi-vitamins, for pre workout i use prolbab or nutrex caffeine.

I hope i gain enough mass and size on this..
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supps???? food.. real whole foods.. thats what you should use brother..

if youre going to do this at least get your diet critiqued in my free diet advice thread..

youre technically not heavy enough.. thats my 2 cents..

but the cycle looks good
supps???? food.. real whole foods.. thats what you should use brother..

if youre going to do this at least get your diet critiqued in my free diet advice thread..

youre technically not heavy enough.. thats my 2 cents..

but the cycle looks good

Ya i'll do that, in a while, supps because, i don't know if to take them or no while on a cycle.. i don't rely much on them, just the basic ones, whey, pre and creatine.. i'll try to gain like 10 lbs and i'll start with my cycle... and also is 1g/lb protein enough?
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so youre 5'7 165...

i'd say youre not close to your potential.. my advice would be to wait.. gain another 20lbs.. then consider it

5'7" 185 is huge for a natty. If he has a smaller bone structure he can only get there with gear or with some fat. Shit I've seen you work some magic, but if you can pull some shit like this off then you are the god of all trainers and nutritionists.
Hey, I'm already over 750 and gaining considerable amounts of fat, on a cycle do you suggest to go over by 1000? I've read eating more than 1g/lb protein is a waste, so im following this basic theory of protein. and i don't go full retard on my lifts, i try to maintain my form and as I'm doing LYLE McDONALDS GENERIC BULKING ROUTINE, i try to follow what he's written. About syringes, i wanted to ask about this, i have no idea which pin to use, so if can please help me with that, that would be great...

You should eat more to grow. Some people need more food than others. Get your diet critiqued by someone, preferably 3J. I lift for strength so my diet is very heavy in calories and protein. I am not doing this for aesthetics, but you can find someone who is to dial in your diet plan.
You should eat more to grow. Some people need more food than others. Get your diet critiqued by someone, preferably 3J. I lift for strength so my diet is very heavy in calories and protein. I am not doing this for aesthetics, but you can find someone who is to dial in your diet plan.

Exactly, i need someone who can help me with a diet plan, my cycle is good, but dont know how much to eat 1lb/g protein or 1.5-2 while on cycle.. and same for fats and cals..
If you'd just calm down about the whole "cycle" thing for a second you'd realize they're telling you to gain naturally up to a reasonable size and hold off a bit. I'd say 175-180 for a 5'7' individual. So first put on some decent mass without drugs.. focus on getting your food in order. Just because your cycle looks good, which it is, don't get me wrong.. it just doesn't mean you're ready for it necessarily. Also you look good, I see you've made great progress. Just a little more mass and you're good to run a cycle. And really, my main concern with you starting a cycle isn't the information you've provided.. cause what you've given us so far looks great.. but you're still asking several questions that are telling me to speak up and ask you to wait a little longer.

If done properly, and especially if you get with 3J (provided you have the money to purchase his services), 10lbs will literally take you 3-4 months. With that time you could ask more questions about cycling, learn about adjusting your training to adhere to the drugs you'll be taking, and most importantly.. gather all the needed materials you'll need. Cause there are quite a bit, the shit piles up and before you know it you've spent 200 bucks in misc. crap (mixing syringes, sharps box, gloves, mixing vials, alcohol pads, cotton balls, filters, band aids, mini fridge (if you have roommates), etc.) These aren't even the primary things you'll be purchasing you know?

I'm thrilled with your progress so far, really. Just take your time, and gather materials and learn more while preparing your body for the drugs (gaining weight, building connective tissues, adjusting training methods).

Good luck buddy! Hope to see you succeed!