25 years old, 165 lbs, 3 years into trainig

Your buddy doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm going on a hunch. Your buddy is selling you the gear. Primo and var are 2 of the expensive compounds to get. They are also faked a lot...
You haven't read the stickies yet, have you?

You would need to continue your hCG and AI through that period. Stop about two days before PCT starts.

Test (regardless of ester type) is perfect for a first cycle.

And you would have to run test with primo and anavar anyway so I dont know what your buddy is thinking. Males can't run them without a test base as they shut down your natural test productuon. Perhaps he is thinking about cycles for women?

I have read almost all the stickies, maybe didnt pay attention to this part.. no he said dont take test specifically.. only primo and var.
Your buddy doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm going on a hunch. Your buddy is selling you the gear. Primo and var are 2 of the expensive compounds to get. They are also faked a lot...

He is like the salesman of our gym, THAT GUY if you know what i mean, and thats what i thought, he said he doesen't believe in TEST cycles.. but i think he has a lot of knowledge :/
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He is like the salesman of our gym, THAT GUY if you know what i mean, and thats what i thought, he said he doesen't believe in TEST cycles.. but i think he has a lot of knowledge :/

THAT GUY is a complete idiot. Men NEED testosterone. Try running any cycle without test in it, and see where it gets you lol. You'll feel like complete shit, no energy to train, dick almost certainly won't work, won't be able to concentrate... ugh. Why would anyone not want testosterone?? Crazy.

I'd find somewhere else to buy your gear man. And anything he tells you best come check with us first. I made that mistake when I was young on my first cycle; just listened to what the massive jacked up guy selling me the gear told me. Needless to say, he was a complete idiot... I was far too young and he put me on a gram of test weekly for 24 weeks with no AI at all, told me a 4-6 week break would be fine to jump back on... etc.

Retards are everywhere. Best advice anyone can give you is do your own research and don't just take someones word for it because they're big, or they sell gear, or they sound convincing. Nobody here is making any money, we are here because we want to help people and share the knowledge.
Just remember that none of us are trying to sell you anything. We have no reason to be biased with the advice we give you. We are just like-minded individuals who were in your same shoes at one point. We either learned things the hard way or had the good fortune of finding this place and getting help. This is our way of paying it forward.
I'll chime in again.

I did two seperate cycles of Pro Hormones; steroids in pill form, that take two passes through the liver and wreak havoc on your body..

The first run was 4 weeks. I used no AI, and the PH I took contained 0 Testosterone. I had an over the counter PCT to take.. which who knows if actually worked cause I had no bloods done to see.. 2 weeks pass and I'm strong as fuck, I'm up 10lbs, eating everything I see, and the weights piling on. Week 3 comes to a close and I'm depressed, stressed, not giving a fuck, eating all fast food, skipping the gym, getting fat and my girlfriend (who I'm still with thankfully) is going insane because of how up and down my emotions are.. I quit the cycle 1 week early and jumped on that shitty PCT. From there I found it impossible for months to have any motivation to workout, eat well, and generally give a shit.. the only good that came from this was I'm permanently 10lbs heavier than when I started. 165 to 180.. never dropped below 175 after that.

Fast forward, a year. I've read a little more about PCT. I've got my hands on some Clomid and Nolva, but I still hadn't grasped why Testosterone was needed.. I started the 2nd cycle, this time using up the previous week of leftovers I had, so now for 5 weeks! This time I was more dedicated.... I wasn't going to quit out after 3 weeks. I've learned something!.. but not quite. Around Week 3 the same shitty feelings came on.. only this time I just pushed through. I went from 175-198 in that 5 weeks.. but I got fucking FAT and still didn't feel good! Also, my shit was turning yellowish white, a sign of liver problems. This is when I hired 3J. I started PCT of Clomid and Ralox, and he dialed my diet in.. we dropped 20lbs in 7 weeks.

So.. I just wanted to share this so you understand.. if there is no Testosterone present and your Testosterone production shuts down, it's only a matter of time before you begin to feel like the shittiest person on Earth. So, ANYTHING that your dealer is selling you without Testosterone included, tell him to fuck off about. The dudes an idiot. Imagine yourself doing what I did, only running it for 3x as long.. yeah.. even the most willful individuals wouldn't be able to maintain a positive attitude with 0 Testosterone for that long.. that is, again, unless you have a vagina.long

Hope this sheds light on a few things and especially what people are trying to explain to you. Keep up the research dude. It'll all fall into place eventually. I'm glad you're asking questions, stick around.
I'll chime in again.

I did two seperate cycles of Pro Hormones; steroids in pill form, that take two passes through the liver and wreak havoc on your body..

The first run was 4 weeks. I used no AI, and the PH I took contained 0 Testosterone. I had an over the counter PCT to take.. which who knows if actually worked cause I had no bloods done to see.. 2 weeks pass and I'm strong as fuck, I'm up 10lbs, eating everything I see, and the weights piling on. Week 3 comes to a close and I'm depressed, stressed, not giving a fuck, eating all fast food, skipping the gym, getting fat and my girlfriend (who I'm still with thankfully) is going insane because of how up and down my emotions are.. I quit the cycle 1 week early and jumped on that shitty PCT. From there I found it impossible for months to have any motivation to workout, eat well, and generally give a shit.. the only good that came from this was I'm permanently 10lbs heavier than when I started. 165 to 180.. never dropped below 175 after that.

Fast forward, a year. I've read a little more about PCT. I've got my hands on some Clomid and Nolva, but I still hadn't grasped why Testosterone was needed.. I started the 2nd cycle, this time using up the previous week of leftovers I had, so now for 5 weeks! This time I was more dedicated.... I wasn't going to quit out after 3 weeks. I've learned something!.. but not quite. Around Week 3 the same shitty feelings came on.. only this time I just pushed through. I went from 175-198 in that 5 weeks.. but I got fucking FAT and still didn't feel good! Also, my shit was turning yellowish white, a sign of liver problems. This is when I hired 3J. I started PCT of Clomid and Ralox, and he dialed my diet in.. we dropped 20lbs in 7 weeks.

So.. I just wanted to share this so you understand.. if there is no Testosterone present and your Testosterone production shuts down, it's only a matter of time before you begin to feel like the shittiest person on Earth. So, ANYTHING that your dealer is selling you without Testosterone included, tell him to fuck off about. The dudes an idiot. Imagine yourself doing what I did, only running it for 3x as long.. yeah.. even the most willful individuals wouldn't be able to maintain a positive attitude with 0 Testosterone for that long.. that is, again, unless you have a vagina.long

Hope this sheds light on a few things and especially what people are trying to explain to you. Keep up the research dude. It'll all fall into place eventually. I'm glad you're asking questions, stick around.

Yes , i wan to ask as many questions as possible, if im taking a decision i want to know everything about it.. i'm trying to learn someting new everyday.. and thank you for your help.. i'll be here asking questions to you people.... :D
I agree with most of the people. if your 165 only u still got a long way to bulk up. 3 years of training and ur only that size without mostly lean mass means u don't understand how to diet correctly. I see u lost weight, so Props on that, but in terms of rebulking I would not cycle for a while. Try atleast 170 Mostly Lean
Your on the right track. I honestly think 750 over maintenance is too high for a natural. On cycle then yes fine. Also 1gr protein per lb is on the low end for naturals as well. 1.5 is better, on cycle 2 per and up is the way to go. Your Macros ratios look good. My suggestion is if you are gaining more than 1.5 pounds a week then that's too fast. Adjust your calorie intake so your at a 500 surplus by lowering the fat intake keep the carbs and protein where they are at.

Also remember training is the key here. Use techniques that encourage hypertrophy. High reps with moderate weight is better than high weight for low reps. Work towards 20 rep sets. Time under tension principle is key also. You did not mention or at least I do not recall seeing how old you are. But you seem to have done the homework on the cycle and this looks good for a first cycle. I am not personally as opposed to you going on cycle at this stage just for the sake that you appear to have your head on straight and have done some research on what is needed. Just be realistic on what to expect and set achievable goals. On the pins just keep looking there are several where you can order online without prescription.
Your on the right track. I honestly think 750 over maintenance is too high for a natural. On cycle then yes fine. Also 1gr protein per lb is on the low end for naturals as well. 1.5 is better, on cycle 2 per and up is the way to go. Your Macros ratios look good. My suggestion is if you are gaining more than 1.5 pounds a week then that's too fast. Adjust your calorie intake so your at a 500 surplus by lowering the fat intake keep the carbs and protein where they are at.

Also remember training is the key here. Use techniques that encourage hypertrophy. High reps with moderate weight is better than high weight for low reps. Work towards 20 rep sets. Time under tension principle is key also. You did not mention or at least I do not recall seeing how old you are. But you seem to have done the homework on the cycle and this looks good for a first cycle. I am not personally as opposed to you going on cycle at this stage just for the sake that you appear to have your head on straight and have done some research on what is needed. Just be realistic on what to expect and set achievable goals. On the pins just keep looking there are several where you can order online without prescription.

Hey, thank you for this information, i started off with 500 surplus, and as and when i stopped making progress i increased my intake by 50-100 cals everytime, yes im gaining around 1.5 lbs a week.. but i think ill just gain upto 175 lbs, cut and the gain again with maybe 500-600 surplus..
I agree with most of the people. if your 165 only u still got a long way to bulk up. 3 years of training and ur only that size without mostly lean mass means u don't understand how to diet correctly. I see u lost weight, so Props on that, but in terms of rebulking I would not cycle for a while. Try atleast 170 Mostly Lean

Yes i understand that, but ive been bulking for only a year infact 10 months to be precise, it took time for me to lose weight, a lot of time.. ya maybe there is something with my diet. right now what im thinking is gain till 175-180 then cut again bulk till 180-185 and then start my cycle..
Yes i understand that, but ive been bulking for only a year infact 10 months to be precise, it took time for me to lose weight, a lot of time.. ya maybe there is something with my diet. right now what im thinking is gain till 175-180 then cut again bulk till 180-185 and then start my cycle..

it's EVERYTHING with diet. That is what makes u or breaks u. U can train all year, U can lift heavy, U can lift in high reps. Whatever.. But if U can't diet then u will NOT GROW. I don't think 4 times a week is good either. Try Push, Pull, Legs twice a week. 6 days. Good gains always made off that is u can hit your surplus in macros and Don't even bring up IIFYM. Thats the poorest excuse for BB.
it's EVERYTHING with diet. That is what makes u or breaks u. U can train all year, U can lift heavy, U can lift in high reps. Whatever.. But if U can't diet then u will NOT GROW. I don't think 4 times a week is good either. Try Push, Pull, Legs twice a week. 6 days. Good gains always made off that is u can hit your surplus in macros and Don't even bring up IIFYM. Thats the poorest excuse for BB.

So should i do 40/40/20 style diet? would that be a good step? or the basic rule, 1g/lb protein, 0.40g/lb fat? and im doing lyle mc donalds generic bulking routine, i am planning to go on a cut and then start with P/P/L.. im reading on that too..
Up the protein to 1.5 or more, especially on cycle.. If you want to put on size you just really got to learn to eat as much as you possibly can (clean though). I started in this at 147 lbs, I should be 200 lbs at 12% bf midway through my next cycle.. Training and pinning gear is the easy part, eating big is the hard part
So should i do 40/40/20 style diet? would that be a good step? or the basic rule, 1g/lb protein, 0.40g/lb fat? and im doing lyle mc donalds generic bulking routine, i am planning to go on a cut and then start with P/P/L.. im reading on that too..

After reading half ur quotes, ur watching so many of these Videos, they are ment to be small tips.. not give u what to do.... no 40,40,20. It's SIMPLE. Get like bodyweight of protein in + 20-30g More over, get in about 70-90 fat, fill rest with complex carbs. No junk food for ur bulk. Train PPL two times a week with 1 rest. For you I suggest, LESS READING.. MORE DOING. U are over complicating things too much.
After reading half ur quotes, ur watching so many of these Videos, they are ment to be small tips.. not give u what to do.... no 40,40,20. It's SIMPLE. Get like bodyweight of protein in + 20-30g More over, get in about 70-90 fat, fill rest with complex carbs. No junk food for ur bulk. Train PPL two times a week with 1 rest. For you I suggest, LESS READING.. MORE DOING. U are over complicating things too much.

Thats what i did, i was eating 1gm/lb of protein,because i though that was optimal, changed it to 1.3gm/lb, now hope to see better results, and ive been doing upper/lower split since last 1 year, i dont usually change things until i really feel the need, just try to take in all the info.. Im planning to do jack tyler's PPL routine...
Up the protein to 1.5 or more, especially on cycle.. If you want to put on size you just really got to learn to eat as much as you possibly can (clean though). I started in this at 147 lbs, I should be 200 lbs at 12% bf midway through my next cycle.. Training and pinning gear is the easy part, eating big is the hard part

Ya i upped it to 1.3.. as im training natural, will change it again once on cycle, this thread has thought me a lot.. thank you..
Thats what i did, i was eating 1gm/lb of protein,because i though that was optimal, changed it to 1.3gm/lb, now hope to see better results, and ive been doing upper/lower split since last 1 year, i dont usually change things until i really feel the need, just try to take in all the info.. Im planning to do jack tyler's PPL routine...

It's shocking to me how people do not understand BB. This is unique to everyone because everyone is diff. There are general guidelines on Macros to START WITH, but that does NOT mean they will work for you. Yes Protein maybe good, but u might need more carbs or more fats. U should worry less about the protein anyways, u can eat 300g protein and if u don't hit no surplus at the end of the day u didn't do JACK. Also, I told u to stop following others. Ur diet is for u, ur training is for u. MAKE IT URSELF. ADJUST IT BY TRIAL AND ERROR.

-STOP. following others YT video guides. Those plans worked for them. Not likely for you. You may use their exercises as a guide, but don't take it as a entire plan. Comprende?
It's shocking to me how people do not understand BB. This is unique to everyone because everyone is diff. There are general guidelines on Macros to START WITH, but that does NOT mean they will work for you. Yes Protein maybe good, but u might need more carbs or more fats. U should worry less about the protein anyways, u can eat 300g protein and if u don't hit no surplus at the end of the day u didn't do JACK. Also, I told u to stop following others. Ur diet is for u, ur training is for u. MAKE IT URSELF. ADJUST IT BY TRIAL AND ERROR.

-STOP. following others YT video guides. Those plans worked for them. Not likely for you. You may use their exercises as a guide, but don't take it as a entire plan. Comprende?

Okay, I've made up my mind will do this cycle, right now I might be around 170 pounds, will try to go till 175... Go on a cut and then will start it.. Now my question is if I cut I'll lose weight, so should I bulk up again till 175?I am going to start buying everything will keep my stack
ready, is the quantity of the Arimidex and hcg correct or should I increase it is 1000iu? Any last minute changes that need to be made? Please suggest.
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