If you'd just calm down about the whole "cycle" thing for a second you'd realize they're telling you to gain naturally up to a reasonable size and hold off a bit. I'd say 175-180 for a 5'7' individual. So first put on some decent mass without drugs.. focus on getting your food in order. Just because your cycle looks good, which it is, don't get me wrong.. it just doesn't mean you're ready for it necessarily. Also you look good, I see you've made great progress. Just a little more mass and you're good to run a cycle. And really, my main concern with you starting a cycle isn't the information you've provided.. cause what you've given us so far looks great.. but you're still asking several questions that are telling me to speak up and ask you to wait a little longer.
If done properly, and especially if you get with 3J (provided you have the money to purchase his services), 10lbs will literally take you 3-4 months. With that time you could ask more questions about cycling, learn about adjusting your training to adhere to the drugs you'll be taking, and most importantly.. gather all the needed materials you'll need. Cause there are quite a bit, the shit piles up and before you know it you've spent 200 bucks in misc. crap (mixing syringes, sharps box, gloves, mixing vials, alcohol pads, cotton balls, filters, band aids, mini fridge (if you have roommates), etc.) These aren't even the primary things you'll be purchasing you know?
I'm thrilled with your progress so far, really. Just take your time, and gather materials and learn more while preparing your body for the drugs (gaining weight, building connective tissues, adjusting training methods).
Good luck buddy! Hope to see you succeed!
Thank you so much for this, yes i know i have a lot of questions, and i'm planning to gain even more naturally, while i gather all the information needed.. i'm just making sure if im on the right track.