25 years old, 165 lbs, 3 years into trainig

If you'd just calm down about the whole "cycle" thing for a second you'd realize they're telling you to gain naturally up to a reasonable size and hold off a bit. I'd say 175-180 for a 5'7' individual. So first put on some decent mass without drugs.. focus on getting your food in order. Just because your cycle looks good, which it is, don't get me wrong.. it just doesn't mean you're ready for it necessarily. Also you look good, I see you've made great progress. Just a little more mass and you're good to run a cycle. And really, my main concern with you starting a cycle isn't the information you've provided.. cause what you've given us so far looks great.. but you're still asking several questions that are telling me to speak up and ask you to wait a little longer.

If done properly, and especially if you get with 3J (provided you have the money to purchase his services), 10lbs will literally take you 3-4 months. With that time you could ask more questions about cycling, learn about adjusting your training to adhere to the drugs you'll be taking, and most importantly.. gather all the needed materials you'll need. Cause there are quite a bit, the shit piles up and before you know it you've spent 200 bucks in misc. crap (mixing syringes, sharps box, gloves, mixing vials, alcohol pads, cotton balls, filters, band aids, mini fridge (if you have roommates), etc.) These aren't even the primary things you'll be purchasing you know?

I'm thrilled with your progress so far, really. Just take your time, and gather materials and learn more while preparing your body for the drugs (gaining weight, building connective tissues, adjusting training methods).

Good luck buddy! Hope to see you succeed!

Thank you so much for this, yes i know i have a lot of questions, and i'm planning to gain even more naturally, while i gather all the information needed.. i'm just making sure if im on the right track.
i was planning to start it from next month, will probably gain 5 lbs, i think im ready... is the cycle good? when i start though, how many calories above TDEE should i aim, already going 750 over.. and also one last thing, what supps should i use while on a cycle? using creatine, whey and multi-vitamins, for pre workout i use prolbab or nutrex caffeine.

I hope i gain enough mass and size on this..

Im 175 cms that is 5.9"
Ya i'll do that, in a while, supps because, i don't know if to take them or no while on a cycle.. i don't rely much on them, just the basic ones, whey, pre and creatine.. i'll try to gain like 10 lbs and i'll start with my cycle... and also is 1g/lb protein enough?

you see.. when someone gives me ratios like 1g/lb protein i kinda worry..
youre 160lbs.. do you think 160g protein is enough to bulk??????
you see.. when someone gives me ratios like 1g/lb protein i kinda worry..
youre 160lbs.. do you think 160g protein is enough to bulk??????

But ive read everywhere 1g/lb protein is enough, layne norton had written smothing and even lyle mcdonald,
But ive read everywhere 1g/lb protein is enough, layne norton had written smothing and even lyle mcdonald,

It is enough...for a natural.

On cycle you want to take advantage of the increase in protein synthesis that comes with steroids, so increasing protein intake to 1.25-1.5g/lb isn't a bad idea.
It is enough...for a natural.

On cycle you want to take advantage of the increase in protein synthesis that comes with steroids, so increasing protein intake to 1.25-1.5g/lb isn't a bad idea.

SO that;s what i was exactly saying, i'm training natural right now with 1lb/gm, if i start my cycle, i'll increase it to 1.5..
Thank you so much.. if you dont mind, i just wanted to know, if i can continue the same workout upper/lower split? doing lyle's generic bulking routine

If your following the generic bulk routine without any self made modifications and are still seeing results then yes, continue with it :)
If your following the generic bulk routine without any self made modifications and are still seeing results then yes, continue with it :)

Ya, im following the exact routine as posted, just added cardio 1x a week, i'm getting good results, gaining amazing strength though, and as long as im gaining strength, i guess im gaining muscle too..
Can I ask.... if you are gaining strength, muscle and making improvements... why are you so keen to cycle right now?

I personally think you should leave the cycle until you hit a plateau - if it's not broke, don't try and fix it!
Can I ask.... if you are gaining strength, muscle and making improvements... why are you so keen to cycle right now?

I personally think you should leave the cycle until you hit a plateau - if it's not broke, don't try and fix it!

Im going to do it in April, my progress has slowed down, And i think this is the right time for me t do it.. just feeling confident
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so youre 5'7 165...

i'd say youre not close to your potential.. my advice would be to wait.. gain another 20lbs.. then consider it

If i gain 20 lbs more, i'll gain considerable amount of fat, and ive read on this forum, its a good idea to sart around 15-17% bf range..
If i gain 20 lbs more, i'll gain considerable amount of fat, and ive read on this forum, its a good idea to sart around 15-17% bf range..

Which is why it's a great idea to bulk, add that 20lbs (or so) then maintain for a month or two. Then cut back down to 12-15% bf. Maintain that for another month or two, THEN start your bulk cycle. Results will be phenomally better. Plus you will have more experience with bulking, maintaining and dieting down. ALL of which are absolutely necessary if you want to get good results and keep them.
Which is why it's a great idea to bulk, add that 20lbs (or so) then maintain for a month or two. Then cut back down to 12-15% bf. Maintain that for another month or two, THEN start your bulk cycle. Results will be phenomally better. Plus you will have more experience with bulking, maintaining and dieting down. ALL of which are absolutely necessary if you want to get good results and keep them.

What are the possible side effects from this cycle? i read if sust is taken the side effects are more, and with cyp its next to none, what about enanthate?
If you are still gaining 5 pounds a month Natty, I see no need to run a cycle at this point. Save it for when you need it.

By the way, what would you do between last injection and PCT? There is a gap in your cycle?

Have you gotten Natty baseline blood work yet? How does that look? Any issues? Please post up your blood work results.

What blood work would you get on and after the cycle?

How often would you pin the hCG?
If you are still gaining 5 pounds a month Natty, I see no need to run a cycle at this point. Save it for when you need it.

By the way, what would you do between last injection and PCT? There is a gap in your cycle?

Have you gotten Natty baseline blood work yet? How does that look? Any issues? Please post up your blood work results.

What blood work would you get on and after the cycle?

How often would you pin the hCG?

Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.

I haven't done my blood test yet, im planning to gain 5-10 lbs naturally, then cut to 15% bf, so there's still a few months, ill do my blood test a week prior my cycle, and By the way, what would you do between last injection and PCT? There is a gap in your cycle? yes there is a gap i my cycle and you've pointed out a good question, :/ i haven't read anything about the gap between the last shot and before my PCT.. And also i spoke to some guy in the gym he told me TEST E cycle is too heavy for a first cycle, he suggested to take primo 200mg and anavar cycle. Can you put some light onto that.. Thank you..

Ill delete my thread with the same question. Sorry
Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.

I haven't done my blood test yet, im planning to gain 5-10 lbs naturally, then cut to 15% bf, so there's still a few months, ill do my blood test a week prior my cycle, and By the way, what would you do between last injection and PCT? There is a gap in your cycle? yes there is a gap i my cycle and you've pointed out a good question, :/ i haven't read anything about the gap between the last shot and before my PCT.. And also i spoke to some guy in the gym he told me TEST E cycle is too heavy for a first cycle, he suggested to take primo 200mg and anavar cycle. Can you put some light onto that.. Thank you..

Ill delete my thread with the same question. Sorry

You haven't read the stickies yet, have you?

You would need to continue your hCG and AI through that period. Stop about two days before PCT starts.

Test (regardless of ester type) is perfect for a first cycle.

And you would have to run test with primo and anavar anyway so I dont know what your buddy is thinking. Males can't run them without a test base as they shut down your natural test productuon. Perhaps he is thinking about cycles for women?