27 yrs old never used AAS, what do you think?

I've been working on strength/athleticism for a while following a chad waterbury-type lifting schedule... But i'm now starting a metzner HIT type bulking phase which entails a shitload of eating. I'll kerp you posted. Considering AAS a ways down the road, we'll see how an all-out natural bulk goes first.
Diet first. You should be able to get to at least 190-200lbs natural without too much trouble. You're on the right track though. Post up your diet in the diet section and get some advice there. This will benefit you. Welcome to ology btw.

Diet first. You should be able to get to at least 190-200lbs natural without too much trouble. You're on the right track though. Post up your diet in the diet section and get some advice there. This will benefit you. Welcome to ology btw.

^this, your definition looks great, and got a good structure but 155 at 6ft is pretty light....you should def be able to bulk up at least 15-20 pounds totally natural with the right diet. Do you know what your calorie intake is each day?
I would suggest that you contact our nutritionist here on the site, 3J and first try to add some to your base before jumping on any steroids.

No disrespect intended with this but you are defined but you are also 6 ft 155 lbs so it is a given someone that skinny will have abs. Get another 20lbs of muscle put on your base first so that when you do a cycle you will be able to hold on to the gains. Without a decent base you just won't keep the gains bro.
Def. looking lean. However, I think your making a good choice with the upcoming bulking phase. If you could gain 15lbs of muscle and look that lean you would be G2G. G'luck!!!
try to add as much muscle as u possibly can with diet, enough rest days , multi vitamin, creatine etc .... once u do plateau and try changing workout routines and diets and plateau there, then go on a test only cycle.
Nice top i will have to admit.
But were is the wheel pics?
Abs on a skinny guy is like big tits on a fat chick...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am currently on my natural bulk, eatings been going well appetite is up, ill keep you posted on weight gain... Already decided on my next lifting routine starting in july which will be natural as well.

The reason i've been on here on the board asking questions is that I recently had the chance to grab some test e locally, and I did, in case I want it down the road. So now im learning all about this stuff. Not sure if i'll end up using it ever. But better to be educated at any rate. Not planning on it any time soon.

Wheels are like the rest, defined, solid, not huge. But I do legs every workout, a squat or dead variant of some sort, deadlifts are my favorite exercise to do. :)
Don't listen to this

Up thos cals and keep on lifting. At 6' you still have some weight to gain before doing a cycle if that's what you intend to eventually do

yeAH THAT'S BS! You wont gain because of steroids - it will be diet. contact 3 jand spend your money on him and food.
Thanks for all the feedback guys I appreciate it. Revamped my diet, calculated TDEE at 3100-3400 cal/day and upped diet to around 4400 cal/day, 33/33/33 split prot/carb/fat calories. 16 days in and scale weight is up 5 lbs, I know its early to say anything definite but it always feels good to see that bodyweight go up.

Im trying hard to be a listener around here, reading some of these posts by people who have no idea what they're doing and who also don't listen is frustrating. Its borderline ridiculous actually. And I care about my overall and longterm health enough to pay attention. Next move for me is to get my test levels checked to see where im at naturally.

This forum is a great source of info even if you may never use AAS. Its always better to have more knowledge and info on your side.
Thanks for all the feedback guys I appreciate it. Revamped my diet, calculated TDEE at 3100-3400 cal/day and upped diet to around 4400 cal/day, 33/33/33 split prot/carb/fat calories. 16 days in and scale weight is up 5 lbs, I know its early to say anything definite but it always feels good to see that bodyweight go up.

Im trying hard to be a listener around here, reading some of these posts by people who have no idea what they're doing and who also don't listen is frustrating. Its borderline ridiculous actually. And I care about my overall and longterm health enough to pay attention. Next move for me is to get my test levels checked to see where im at naturally.

This forum is a great source of info even if you may never use AAS. Its always better to have more knowledge and info on your side.

Great to hear this. Keep up the diet & you'll grow for sure.
Thanks for all the feedback guys I appreciate it. Revamped my diet, calculated TDEE at 3100-3400 cal/day and upped diet to around 4400 cal/day, 33/33/33 split prot/carb/fat calories. 16 days in and scale weight is up 5 lbs, I know its early to say anything definite but it always feels good to see that bodyweight go up.

Im trying hard to be a listener around here, reading some of these posts by people who have no idea what they're doing and who also don't listen is frustrating. Its borderline ridiculous actually. And I care about my overall and longterm health enough to pay attention. Next move for me is to get my test levels checked to see where im at naturally.

This forum is a great source of info even if you may never use AAS. Its always better to have more knowledge and info on your side.

Good call brother, I'm very glad you've listened to others and taken advice. You will be glad you did. :bigok: