69ERS mother beepin cut log

Ended up 50min on the treadmill did some hiit but mostly walking at level #4...... Finished off with biceps ran through dumbbell straight and hammer curls until i couldnt even curl the 10's i dont count reps or sets with accessories. My buddy is giving me some clen tomorrow only tried it ince a long time ago but quit after a few days
Keep the Clen to 20mcg, you don't need to go hard on it bro, if you can't tolerate 20mcg then clearly you don't respond. But you can still get results from that!

Keep your magnesium, pottasium, taurine etc covered when using Clen
Keep the Clen to 20mcg, you don't need to go hard on it bro, if you can't tolerate 20mcg then clearly you don't respond. But you can still get results from that!

Keep your magnesium, pottasium, taurine etc covered when using Clen

I was gonna ask aboit dosage 20 sounds good i remember i hated it because my hands would shake so bad i couldnt write when i was at work. Not working right now so i can pull it off.
20mcg is a great starting point, more isn't better and with Clen I never go over 40mcg... YOu get more of the shakes, it burns fat yeah, but I like a low dose of assistance with diet and training and sleep to do the work mainly.
Well PSL tren is legit making my life miserable worst fucken night ever i dont think ive slept a hour straight horrible horrible
What was your starting weight and did you take a pre cycle pic to compare it when ur done? Love ur posts dude haha
What was your starting weight and did you take a pre cycle pic to compare it when ur done? Love ur posts dude haha

288 last night i weighed 283 probably losing water pretty quick by cleaning up the food. Yes i have before pics with a paper with date written next to me and all my measurements.
I feel the best time to weigh in is the morning butt naked, i used to weight in at night and then in the morning it was crazy i would lose 5-7 lbs between that time
Another successful day of clean eating amd i am super happy my back has been killing me for months so finally gave in and tried sumo never liked these bit was able to pull 500 and it did not effect my back at all. Definitely gonna work on these until my back gets better.
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I was in mid 600's but strained myself pretty bad so its been a slow recovery

Take it slow..once you herniated disks and shit, it's very difficult to heal completely, ever.
I fucked myself up years ago pulling just 275. I can press 314x4, squat 315x 10, but stick to trap bar deads with 315.
Still on fire 100% commited, hit heavy shoulder presses today insane amount of delt work and traps. Clean meals all day just came back from late night cardio did 30-60 second sprints off and on for 40 min.