69ERS mother beepin cut log

Still on fire 100% commited, hit heavy shoulder presses today insane amount of delt work and traps. Clean meals all day just came back from late night cardio did 30-60 second sprints off and on for 40 min.

Damn 9er reading posts like this get me pumped up for workout bro!! Keep it up!
""As iron sharpens iron, one man strengthens another". - Prov 27:17
Bad accident today im lucky im not hurt. My body gave out on squats had over 500 on my back i started going up and collapsed lile the world trade center. Bad part is i forgot to set the safety slings luckily my spotter was able to catch some of the momentum enough for me to throw my body forward still caught my back and ankle but could have been bad. Lesson learned and i got a sick ass video to look back on ive dumped big squats before but always had slings in place.
Bad accident today im lucky im not hurt. My body gave out on squats had over 500 on my back i started going up and collapsed lile the world trade center. Bad part is i forgot to set the safety slings luckily my spotter was able to catch some of the momentum enough for me to throw my body forward still caught my back and ankle but could have been bad. Lesson learned and i got a sick ass video to look back on ive dumped big squats before but always had slings in place.
damn, hope your feeling better.
Go big or go home right 9er! Speedy recovery bro i would lose it if i had to sit out for any kind of time due to an injury
Were you walking back away from the rack when you collapsed or starting to squat?

This looks cool
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Nope i was on my way up and hips just gave out its due to my previous injury i need take it slower i guessView attachment 566173

And that's why this cat doesn't deadlift..maybe I could be coached into proper form and whatnot without injury. But, the pain I went through with sciatica and my disc problems make me leery of even trying it again. The only way to get away from the pain is opiates...I use them judiciously from time to time when sciatica rears its ugly head. But I know how addicting they can be. I'd love to have the thick back especially erectors that heavy deads give, but as I'm not a power lifter, is it really 'that' important ?

Anyways, use this time to recupe plan out next months workouts and get healed. Glad you at least took the precautions with the spotters, I've heard of much worse.
Case in point, in my old gym a guy was pressing 120 lb dumbells while balanced on an aerobic inflatable ball. Ball burst, guy hit the floor dumbells broke both wrists. Stupid is as stupid does.

Anyway-'get better
Oh ya to keep this thread honest day after accident was too tired to go get groceries so we ordered a large combination pizza lol back on track im looking slimmer tgough big time
Still doing good i have days i barely eat carbs and some days ill eat rice ect..... Hit chest yesterday definitely putting the super heavy shit aside for a min my body just cant do it right now. Hit some bis and tris about a hour ago definitely seeing improvement especially in the mornings. View attachment 566215View attachment 566216View attachment 566217
Looking stout my friend!! I think I even see a vein starting to pop in your shoulder. Keep on doing the damn thing bro! ;-)
How's the cut going? You haven't posted anything in a while. Just making sure you haven't fallen off the wagon.
How's the cut going? You haven't posted anything in a while. Just making sure you haven't fallen off the wagon.

Thx for checking definitely have not fell off i got alot more to go but i am very happy so far. I am probably my leanest ever since starting aas. It plays tricks on me i wake up looking lean but very flat not use to seeing my new size.

I will show my progress pics maybe another few weeks but im still on track jist been busy and lazy to update. Ill post a few nore pics of gow i been eating just forget to catch up sometimes.
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