Aboot's Tren/Test, Boldenone/Test Cycle Journal

khalnayak said:
Pics would be great Aboot but if im not mistaken ur Gov job prevents u from doing so,right?

Correct. Good memory. This is what I have written on the subject previously.

Aboot said:
Sorry. I got a strict "no pictures" policy due to my job and issues surrounding it (government work). I almost posted some training videos a week or two ago, ignoring my golden rule, but some bullshit happened with someone posting another person's pics on another board without permission, causing quite a bit of havoc, and that brought me back to reality. It may still happen one day, but not in the near future.
Friday, Week Two

Last couple of days the injections have been not so good. Thursday, everywhere I tried it was painful to even get the tip of the needle in. I gave up on my calf and shot the Omnadren in my quad. Today I shot the tren in my left tricep. When I pulled the needle out a river of blood came with it. Yipee. Nothing horrible, just annoying. Ah well, only 15 more weeks to go. Ugh.

Last couple of workouts have been sub-par. Not really in terms of weight used, more just intensity. I have to keep it up. Hopefully next week will be better and I'll maintain focus a bit more. Saturday and Sunday are off days so I have time to get re-charged.
with a govt. job i'm surpised you even post on a site like this

although at your size i'm sure prettymuch everyone knows you juice, do you get any flack for it at work?
Thanks for keeping a log.. Like what I see.

Why the Tribulus throught?

I like the post cycle therapy (pct) you have setup. I have always done just clomid might try this.
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Im suprised that you don't just shoot the Sust and tren together? Or why not inject the sust 3 times a week at 500mg a shot?? I know that is 250mg less a week..but you could make one of the shots a 750mg shot...for instance.. the shot on Friday (M, W,F) could be the 750mg shot while monday and wednesday could be 500...That is just way too much poking for me....LOL.. At least this way you have cut down on your total injects...... just my thoughts..Keep us posted
All the best of luck to you - I can only imagine how strong i would be if i had the courage to do what your doing.

2 shots / weeks is all i could handle let alone ED for 17 weeks or so-
LiftTillIDie said:
although at your size i'm sure prettymuch everyone knows you juice, do you get any flack for it at work?

Yeah trust me, it's not a secret. It's pretty much assumed by most anyone I meet now. I don't get any real flack for it at work as it's never been an issue and I try and keep it as low key as possible. I'm not walking around in a tank top at the office or anything. :insane2:
Aboot said:
Yeah trust me, it's not a secret. It's pretty much assumed by most anyone I meet now. I don't get any real flack for it at work as it's never been an issue and I try and keep it as low key as possible. I'm not walking around in a tank top at the office or anything. :insane2:

Don't lie.
Monday, Week Three

Basically for the last two days I have done nothing but sleep. I don't feel really sick or anything, just tired as hell. I've probably slept 24-25 hours over the last couple of days. I skipped the gym today, but will make up the missed workout on the weekend. Not a great thing to do, but not a major issue.

The injections have gotten a bit better over the last few days as well. Not nearly as annoying which is a good thing. Noticed a bit of testicular atrophy but nothing major. Did my third HCG shot today so I'm not overly worried about it. In terms of other side effects, I still haven't noticed any. Temper has been in check for the most part. I've felt a bit hot while trying to sleep on a few nights, but nothing on a consistent basis. No acne, hair loss, etc. to speak of as of yet. We'll wait and see though.

I've been thinking about altering my cycle a bit, but I'll keep that under wraps for now as I'm still just thinking about it. Other then that, it's basically still smooth sailing for now.
Tuesday, Week Three

I feel like death today. Sick as a dog and have eaten only one sandwich all day. Skipped the gym of course. I'm pretty sure I'll be back at the gym tomorrow, but holy fuck I have felt like shit. Slept pretty much the whole day when I could. The fact that the wind was whipping around my house and kept me up didn't help matters. I did however fight off the urge to skip my injections, which I am glad I did after the fact.

So with the lack of food today and the fact that no matter what I will be dragging myself to the gym tomorrow I'd better down some serious calories before I workout. I doubt I'll be eating completely "clean" calories during this, but hey who's counting?
thefantom1 said:
Im suprised that you don't just shoot the Sust and tren together?

I don't like mixing oils with suspensions.

thefantom1 said:
At least this way you have cut down on your total injects...... just my thoughts..Keep us posted

At the very least I am thinking of switching to shooting the Omnadren EOD and extending it a bit so I don't jump on the test suspension so soon. That should cut down on the injections at least a little bit. We'll see...
Thursday, Week Three

Today was my first day back at the gym this week due to me being sick the last few days. I believe it was food poisoning, but it lasted awfully long to be from something I ate. Anyways, the last few days I definitely have not been eating much but sleeping every minute I could. Surprisingly my workout today was great. Definitely felt strong and noticed a few strength increases in several exercises. I think I can officially say that the drugs have begun to show results.

All of this means that hopefully I can continue making strength gains (my primary goal) while shedding a bit of body fat (secondary goal). Now of course I'll be eating better then I have over the last couple of days, but it is nice to see that even when I'm in a major calorie deficit my strength can be maintained.