Aboot's Tren/Test, Boldenone/Test Cycle Journal

Saturday, Week Three

Workouts are still going fairly well with the strength increases showing up more and more. The weights have begin to feel "smooth" throughout each movement and well under control. Always a good sign in terms of strength and the fact that I am indeed getting stronger. Hopefully this coming week I'll really be able to begin to push for more weight on my major exercises and continue on from there.

I've basically been trying to spread my body parts out over 5 days at the gym, with my arm day being a "light day" as I don't do any heavy, basic movements. Bad idea. I'm definitely cutting that back to four days per week and just include biceps with shoulders and triceps with chest. I always seem to still want to get to the gym more often. Even after all these years of training I still have to slap myself once in a while. The extra day hasn't effected the weights I have been able to handle yet, but I can definitely tell that it's coming. My sleep patterns are a bit off as well as my food intake. Not good signs. With the extra day of rest I'm sure my motivation will go through the roof.

My injections have been going a lot better lately as well. Very smooth with little pain and no real complications. Most still bleed a little once I pull the needle out, but nothing major. I'm basically averaging about each site once every 6-9 days. The major gap is because I hate hitting smaller body parts more then once per week, while I may hit my quads or glutes after 6 days or so.
Monday, Week Four

Strength increases here we come. Today was the second straight shoulder workout that included weight increases and an increased number of reps. I put another 10 pounds on my standing press. This is what I've been hoping for and it's here. Hopefully this translates well over to my other lifts as well. Definitely motivating to hit the gym hard.

For the past couple of days my appetite has also been up. I'm hungry much of the day but especially in the evenings. This is a welcome change from what I have been experiencing over the last several months. I have always been able to pack in the calories no matter what, but I love the fact that I can eat and eat and eat but my body still wants more.

Just to update on the side effects, they are still few and far between. No acne, tren cough, night sweats, irritability, etc. I noticed early on some testicular atrophy, but the HCG has stopped this in it's tracks. They've remained the same size now for quite some time. No worries there. The only other noticeable differences are my heart rate and cardiovascular endurance. I definitely do get winded easier it seems. As for my heart rate, it is most noticeable when I'm resting. It is definitely a bit faster and my blood pressure is elevated, even more so then normal. And yes I do regularly see a doctor about it and have discussed my options with him many times. I practice what I preach. However I know the risks and do what I can to minimize them.

So it looks like I've turned a corner in terms of results. Hopefully it continues.
LiftTillIDie said:
Sure would be nice to have a doc who's understanding to sit down and talk with regularly.

Trust me, he still gives me a lot of shit! But yes I can be honest with him about my use and goals, etc. We've discussed basically anything that has popped up rationally and he doesn't fly off the handle about how steroids are going to kill me. That's not to say that he doesn't discourage me as much as he can. He just knows that I am smart enough to do the things that I do as safely as possible and an open dialogue with him is one of the things that will help this.

Of course it helps that he is an athlete himself. He's been a competitive long distance runner since he was a teenager and racing continues to this day. This is despite having had (I believe) seven separate surgeries on his ankles and a few on his knees. He simply won't quit. So obviously he knows something about physical obsession. :) We laugh about ourselves so it helps a little.

I definitely know I'm fortunate to have such a decent guy as a doctor.
Thursday, Week Four

So I'm hungry all the time and my strength is going up, up, up. Definitely good signs all around. Still no sides and pretty much don't expect to see any new ones develop using these compounds. My hands occassionally swell up a bit when I eat food with tons of sodium on it, but other then that nothing is bothering me.

As for my training, the only thing that's bugging me is my arm training. Biceps have always been a problem with me. Due to the fact that I have a powerlifting background, and the fact that I'm not genetically predisposed to mountainous peaks of muscle, I have always hated training them. I have fore the most part always kept to cheat curls and hammer curls, but I simply can't feel the muscle working any more. I'm going to try using cables and machines almost exclusively for a few weeks while training biceps and see how it goes. Hopefully it improves.
Cheat curls and hammers definitely aren't the best for "feeling" the biceps working. Maybe some preachers?

How is the bodyweight? Up? Down?
LiftTillIDie said:
Cheat curls and hammers definitely aren't the best for "feeling" the biceps working. Maybe some preachers?

Yeah, I have to test out some movements to see what feels right. Still want to train for strength, but the traditional lifts just aren't cutting it.

LiftTillIDie said:
How is the bodyweight? Up? Down?

I'm up seven pounds or so as of yesterday.
Saturday, Week Four

Training continues to progress extremely well. My legs are really tired today so I took the day off from the gym. I'll just make up the day tomorrow (Back). It actually works out well in terms of my schedule so no worries there.

When I trained Chest yesterday my bench was flying. Lifted more weight then I have in a while and my shoulder felt great. I didn't push it as much as I could have, but the increases are definitely there to be made. The thoughts of how high I could get my bench started dancing around in my head. I don't want to get ahead of myself and end up re-injuring my shoulder, but motivation definitely won't be a problem when training chest any time soon.

This week I've noticed that my lower back is getting pumped pretty quickly while I'm training most body parts. Even when I'm off of all anabolics my lower back will get pumped rather consistently, but the increase in severity is quite noticeable. It's nothing debilitating, but during things like squats it's a bit annoying.

Other then that everything continues to run smoothly. Injections have been going well with no problems. Appetite varies from day to day (today it's down) but I'm still getting my food down no matter what.
Tuesday, Week Five

So the strength increases continue. Nothing really new on the training front. My wrists have begun to bother me a bit, but nothing major. Hasn't effected my lifts. I'm sure it will pass, as I have had this same type of pain before.

I have lowered my arimidex dosage to .25mgs EOD just to see if the bloat comes in. The only time I really notice it is if I eat something with tons of sodium in it, so it's only my diet that really effects it. I'll see how it goes at the lower dosage. I'll update with the results.

I've almost got completey used to the injection pain with the tren suspension. I don't dread the injections or anything. One positive is that shooting Chorulon from now on will be a breeze!

I guess the only other thing to mention is that I've been sleeping like crazy lately. I could easily sleep for 12 hours every day if I could. I doubt this has to do anything with the gear, but rather with my training and the fact that I work shift work. Probably a good thing in the long run but definitely weird that I can sleep half a day away.
Wednesday, Week Five

Today was definitely a down day for my appetite. That's fine as long as my strength continues to improve. Dropping some body fat would be welcome if I can accomplish it while getting stroger (my primary goal). I'm sure tomorrow I'll be starving as that has been the pattern lately.

Got absolutely no sleep last night. Nothing to do with the tren or anything, just my work schedule. I seem to not be able to get to sleep but once I'm out, I can sleep for 12+ hours every day. It's torture when I have to get up early, but during my days off it's heaven. Ah well, I'm sure it builds character or something.

As I mentioned in a previous entry, I have been having trouble "feeling" my biceps work while training them. I have basically been doing cheat curls and hammer curls for them over the past few years, but recently I have simply not been able to work them properly. I promised to myself that I would use cables and/or machines to help isolate the muscle and get some feel back into the movement. I sucked it up and did 6 sets of machine preacher curls. I hated myself as I warmed up and saw the skinny 15 year olds watching me, thinking to myself that I should be grunting with a ton of weight on an Olympic Bar, not using some stupid machine. Anyways I worked through it and did my sets. Lo and behold by my second set my biceps were burning and felt like they were working like they hadn't in a long time. Six sets was more then enough (I never do more then six sets for biceps ever). I definitely will continue on with the cables and machines for biceps for at least a couple more weeks just to get back into the groove of really concentrating on the muscle. Even though my goal is to get stronger, I still want to make sure I'm working my target muscle.

One final note. Late last night I had a trickle of blood run down my nostril. Not much. I've been stressed as hell over the past few days so I am sure that is the cause (but of course the gear would only compound the problem). Not to worried about it, but just something I wanted to note in case it comes up again.

That's it for now.
Have you considered dropping the poundage some and working more on form for your bb and db curls? I'm sure your used to curling a ton and that of course leads to other muscles getting involved.
What are you benching and squating now? as in poundage? I love coming into the gym and seeing a guy lift some impressive weight. Motivates me to no end. Thanks for posting. :shoot2:
good log Aboot, although i'm just now on my first cycle of test e only, from all my reading and people's experiences, tren has my attention as a possibility for my next cycle next spring.
Aboot said:
Wednesday, Week Five

One final note. Late last night I had a trickle of blood run down my nostril. Not much. I've been stressed as hell over the past few days so I am sure that is the cause (but of course the gear would only compound the problem). Not to worried about it, but just something I wanted to note in case it comes up again.
Could it have something to do with your blood pressure?Has this happened during previous cycles?
khalnayak said:
Could it have something to do with your blood pressure?Has this happened during previous cycles?

My blood pressure is always high. It's genetic. Yes, it increases on cycle but this has never caused me to have nose bleeds. Seemingly I have strong capillaries in my nose. :) I can honestly say that I've had less then 10 nose bleeds in my entire life. Plus, even when I am hopped up on stimulants at the gym and my blood pressure would be at it's highest I have never had a problem. I'd definitely think it was either an anomaly or else related to stress. It hasn't happened since, but if it does I'll be sure to check things out.
Friday, Week Five

So leg day went well today. Squats were feeling great and the weights went up. Of course this probably has more to do with the fact that my form has got back into shape then the actual drugs I'm on, but it was still encouraging. I've felt out of the groove for week now but I got it in gear today. I think it was mostly on the walk out that I had problems, but I stayed tight throughout and my feet spacing was dead on for the most part. Chest is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing how much bench looks.

No sign of the bloody nose that I suffered on Tuesday. It's likely just a one time thing. I wasn't worried about it but I'm glad it hasn't reappeared.

Aside from that, my appetite hasn't really gone up or down. It's basically been the same over the past few days. No real hunger pains, but I'm not really restricting myself too much anyways. I should also note that I do take ephedrine pre-workout. I have been doing so since before my cycle began so I haven't felt the need to note it really. I use it exclusively for the stimulant effects it provides. I have constant feelings that I'm slowly killing my heart do to my over use/abuse of it, but hey you can only kill yourself once, right? Ah well, nobody ever called me smart.

That's about it for new stuff. Tomorrow is chest and calves, and then Sunday off. I can't believe that it is almost week six. Crap!
Monday, Week Six

Today's workout was a bit off since I was so tired (worked night shifts on Friday and Saturday) and couldn't get the motivation up to go until the very last minute. I had to rush through a back workout before my gym closed but was still pretty happy with it considering. Tomorrow (shoulders) should be much better.

I haven't really noticed a difference in bloat or anything since switching to .25mgs EOD of arimidex last week, which is a good sign. I always want to run my AIs as low as possible and it seems to be doing it's job at this dosage. I think I'll keep it here until post cycle therapy (pct) unless something pops up in terms of increased side effects.
Tuesday, Week Six

Had to rush through another work out because I couldn't get up the energy to get my ass out the door until the very last minute. I really have to stop doing this or else I'll entirely screw up my work outs. I still got a decent one in. It was just rushed and had to skip a couple of sets though.

Only other thing of note to report is that I have definitely noticed some testicular atrophy, although I have mentioned this previously. I am running 500ius of HCG twice per week but since I'm running tren it's completely understandable why I'd suffer at least a little bit. It seems to have levelled off and they haven't shrunk that much so I'm not worried about it. I could increase my HCG to 500ius E3D but since I only have 2+ weeks to go of tren I'm not going to worry about it. However if they do shrink any more I will go ahead and increase the frequency of my doses. I fully expect however that they'll bounce back so no problems there.