Aboot's Tren/Test, Boldenone/Test Cycle Journal

Saturday, Week Fourteen

Shoulder that I felt a bit of pain in a few days ago has been fine lately. No pain when doing any movement/exercise so next week is looking good. No injuries or soreness to speak of elsewhere either. Can't believe how smoothly my training has been going. Usually I get the regular aches and pains in my joints coming and going at the best of times, but it's been pain free for the duration.

Injection pain for the suspension is tolerable. No real problems as of yet. Quad shots were a bit much due to me doing them before I had to work, which encompasses sitting in a chair for hours on end, so after sitting for a couple hours and then standing up was quite the experience. Other then that, the pain hasn't affected my workouts or anything.
Tuesday, Week Fifteen

I've been feeling sick the last few days. Not nausea or anything, just run down. It's likely to do with the fact that I have had to work even more then normal, including a 15 hour shift, etc. I've basically been sleeping on my couch for the past three days recovering. I went to the gym today and had to drag myself there. I actually got some very decent lifts out of the workout and increased some of my weights. My endruance was for shit but early on I was doing well. Hopefully I can pull out of this starting tomorrow.

The suspension is still painful but tolerable. No real problems and it's not affecting my workouts at all. No real increase in bloat or blood pressure since I started the d-bol either which is a welcome relief. The increase in arimidex seems to be working as I had hoped.
Sunday, Week Fifteen

Stayed out of the gym pretty much all of this week due to feeling run down. Not sure if it was overtraining or not. I'm strength was still there, I just had no motivation and felt extremely run down. I slept as much as I could. Hopefully this coming week will be much better. I'll have to keep my number of sets in check. I'm not a big volume guy but with my strength increases I may be tearing myself down more then usual.

Noticed a bit of an increase in acne on my shoulders and back. Not bad when compared to most guys, just a few outbreaks here and there. I usually get none so that is why it is noticeable. I assume that it is the d-bol that is the cause. Not really a concern as it's nothing horrendous.
Bro,you just have a few weeks more on your cycle.Just put in as much as you can as long you do not tax yourself too much.Hope you feel better soon.
Aboot said:
Sunday, Week Fifteen

Stayed out of the gym pretty much all of this week due to feeling run down. Not sure if it was overtraining or not. I'm strength was still there, I just had no motivation and felt extremely run down. I slept as much as I could. Hopefully this coming week will be much better.
I hope so, too.

Keep your head up.
Aboot you are a Powerlifting/Strongman type guy right? Why do you train 5 days a week with a bodypart style split? Just something I've been wondering...
Well it basically goes back to when I signed up for my current job. Without getting into too much detail, my job required me to move across the country and stay in a fairly isolated location for an extended period of time. Not physical training, just a lengthy learning process. When this happened I had no choice but to take a long break from all steroids and there would definitely be no chance for me to compete. Along with this, I didn't have access to my normal equipment. I had access to decent equipment but not the type that I was used to and allowed me to complete traditional powerlifting training, i.e. bands, chains, and most importantly a decent guy to at least help me out when needed.

So with these limitations I decided to alter my training and use a "bodybuilding split". This was done mostly out of necessity but I have never really used traditional powerlifting splits either. I rarely used speed training and didn't like training a lift more then once a week more often then not. My training has always been weird and not what I would recommend to anyone else. But it has worked for me. Anyways, so I switched to training "bodyparts" instead of "lifts". I was still training for strength as my primary goal and was using heavy weights with extremely low rep ranges for all exercises.

So, that's where I stand now. I have been thinking about switching back to a strictly powerlifting program in the next little while. It will more then likely happen fairly soon. Definitely something I am looking forward to.
Yeah, I think that was part of it. But honestly I dog it a bit while training arms and am definitely ready to drop biceps all together. The powerlifter in me is becoming bored with them. I definitely think that post-cycle it would be smart of me to switch to a PL split and reduce my workouts to 4 days per week. We'll see if I'm smart enough to follow my own advice...
Tuesday, Week Sixteen

Training yesterday and today was great. Definitely felt way better the last few days and was strong in the gym. Slept a bit more but I think maybe I was just getting over a virus or something. Just glad I am back to normal and can finish off this cycle strong in the gym.

Tonight I'll be taking ketotifen prior to going to sleep for the first time to help upregulate my beta-2 receptors from my use of ephedrine as a pre-workout stimulant. It is supposed to help you fall asleep which will be a welcome benefit since I have so much trouble falling asleep due to working shift work.

No additional side effects since last report. The acne that I talked about has actually gotten better so it may have just been a random flare up. Blood pressure isn't any worse then it normally is (ugh). I don't expect any surprises the rest of the way through.
Saturday, Week Sixteen

Regarding the ketotifen, haven't noticed anything in terms of differences in my use of ephedrine yet however it definitely has helped me in my sleep. I actually got some sleep before my day shift today! Hooray! I'm taking 4mgs about 30 minutes before going to bed and so far it has been working well. I'll be continuing this routine for a total of seven days and see how it goes in relation to my ephedrine use.

Still feeling tired a lot and sleeping a ton when possible. Definitely think that the extra weight that I am able to lift is taking it's toll on my body. Once I get off cycle and the gains slow I'm sure I'll get back to normal, but for right now my body seems to be trying to make the adjustment. It's not overly debilitating or anything, just annoying that I can sleep all day if I let myself.
I can always sleep all day if i let myself. Is a week standard with ketotifen, I thought it was something you used for a longer duration?
Continued steady improvement in strength, haven't noticed too much change in size although I did increase my arimidex dosage to combat any increased water retention that would come along with the d-bol.
Tuesday, Week Seventeen

Still tired as hell all the time. Haven't trained worth a damn in the last few days. I've come to the conclusion that I must be overtrained. The major increases in strength combined with training 4-5 times per week have got me run down. I'm going to cut my training back and start Westside-style training starting on Thursday. The basic 4 days per week training. I'll explain it in more detail in later entries.

As for the ketotifen, my last dosage was last night. It did help me with sleep with no other effects then that. We'll see how it effects my ephedrine usage in the coming days/weeks. I did not use melatonin while I was running the ketotifen.

I shot my last dose of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Monday. post cycle therapy (pct) starts this coming Monday, March 6th.
Thursday, Week Seventeen

Got back into the gym today and had a decent workout. Didn't quite get into the groove while benching but it was alright. Today was the first day I didn't feel sleepy right from the time I woke up. A friend actually suggested that I may have a sleep apnea type response right now with the added weight I've put on during the cycle. It is a bit suspicious as I began feeling really tired a little while after starting d-bol and it may have put more bloat on me then I realize. This would make sense. I'll have to see once I get off of everything on Monday. It would be nice if once the water retention goes away I get back to normal, but it's also a bit distressing that it could be something as serious as sleep apnea. I'll see how it goes a couple weeks into PCT.

Speaking of PCT, it starts Monday. I take my last shot of suspension late Saturday night and my last dose of d-bol at the same time. I'll take my first batch of clomid/nolvadex/arimidex early Monday evening.
Monday, Week One of post cycle therapy (pct)

Switching up my post cycle therapy (pct) a bit. Instead of arimidex I'll be running aromasin for the first time. 25mgs ED for 4 or 5 weeks. I was going to be close to running out of arimidex after 4 weeks so I decided to simply switch over to aromasin and see how it goes. I have tons of it laying around. Clomid and nolvadex dosages will remain the same as planned originally.

Sleep situation is a bit better then it has been. My workouts have been sporatic at best these last couple of weeks. But it's better to stay out of the gym and recover then half-ass it and continue to feel like shit. Hopefully I'll pull out of it soon. Calories are high so eating isn't a problem to say the least.