Advice appreciated: 140 test


New member
Hi guys, I'm about to see the doctor after they called to say my test results came back at 140. It wasn't a comprehensive panel, just test, estradiol, and PSA. They said the other they were normal.

I'm actual heading in to see them in about 30 minutes, but I was really looking for advice for my first appointment. Is there anything I should be asking for/about? I'm in South Korea, and I've had mixed experiences with the medical system here.

Good luck bro. My experience with the medical system there is almost no matter what is wrong with you they will prescribe "a round of shots".

Let us know what they say, and read up on the posts. There is a huge amount of knowledge here if you are hungry enough to chase it up.
Good Luck, I have No Personal Experience with the South Korean Medical Community.

So I'm interested to hear what their Diagnosis and Prognosis is......................... JP
Good Luck, I have No Personal Experience with the South Korean Medical Community.

So I'm interested to hear what their Diagnosis and Prognosis is......................... JP

Following as well to learn more about it.
I popped into the doctor, but totally forgot to get a copy of the blood results. My testosterone was 1.4, and she said normal range was 2.5 to 8.25. I'm assuming they use a factor of ng/dl. I remember my estradiol was in the very low range of normal. She was very concerned about my test being so low and said I must feel pretty awful. I do, but I also have Crohn's Disease and assumed it was that dragging me down the last couple of years.

She gave me the option of tablets, gel, or injections, and strongly advised injections. She then gave me the choice of Nebido or tets-e. I chose test-e and she said it would be 250mg every two weeks. I suggested 125mg/week and she agreed. I asked if I need an AI and she said not straight away, but they would do blood work every 3 months for the first year, then every 6 months after that. I also asked about HCG, and she said it would probably wouldn't be necessary and that very few guys require it. She then had a nurse give me my first injection. Pro nurse by the way. She told me it was going to hurt, but I didn't feel a thing.

I'm a little worried about the HCG and my dudes not functioning properly, and the lack of an AI. Should I be worried about it, or is it something to just keep an eye on?

Some stats in case it matters:
Age: 40 (as of two days ago)
Height: 180cm
Weight: 83kg
BF: No idea, I'm a 32inch waist :P
I wouldn't sweat the no AI. Blood testing in 3 months will tell you if you need to adjust anything.

Regarding the dudes functioning properly, they won't. HCG is a good idea to keep them idling along, and it helps with other hormones too.
I wouldn't sweat the no AI. Blood testing in 3 months will tell you if you need to adjust anything.

Regarding the dudes functioning properly, they won't. HCG is a good idea to keep them idling along, and it helps with other hormones too.

Thanks mate! How much hcg would you suggest at 125mg test-e / week?
I had some bloods done and would really appreciate some feedback. This is after two weeks of 125mg test-e / week, single injection. No hCG or AI. The first test was done before my weekly injection at 2pm. The second test was only testosterone and was done 24 hours after my weekly injection at 2pm. I understand this isn't the ideal time for a blood test, but it is what it is.

First test (before weekly injection, 2pm)

AST (SGOT) 17 (<40 U/L)
ALT (SGPT) 10 (<41 U/L)
r-GTP 11 (10-71 U/L)

Cholesterol Total 183 (Desirable <200mg/dL)
HDL 38.6 (Low <40 High >60mg/dL)
LDL 119 (Optimal <100 Near optimal 100-129 mg/dL)

Triglyceride 145 (Normal <150mg/dL)

Creatinine 1.03 (0.5-1.2mg/dL)

Sodium 140 (136-145mEq/L)

Potassium 8.6 (3.5-5.5mEq/L) (the test results say there was an error with this result)

Glucose 60 (70-110mg/dL) as above

TSH 1.1 (0.27-4.2 IU/mL)
Free T4 1.38 (0.76-1.7ng/dL)

Free Testosterone 12.52 (40-59 years old 3.6-25.7pg/mL)
Testosterone 5.72 (20-49 years old 2.49-8.36ng/mL)

SHBG 29.4 (20-49 years old 18.3-54.10nmol/L)

FAI 67.512 (20-49 years old 35-92%)

Hb 14.8 (13-17.5g/dL)
Hct 45.7 (40-54%)
RBC 5.29 (4.5-6.5 *10(6)/uL)
WBC 5.7 (4.0-10 *10(3)/uL)
Platelet 205 (150-450 *10(3)/uL)

RBC Index
MCV 86.4 (80-100fL)
MCH 28.1 (28.2-33.3pg)
MCHC 32.5 (32-36g/dL)
RDW 13.3 (11-15%)
MPV 11.1 (9-13fL)
PDW 15.1 (9-17fL)

Second Test (24 hours after weekly injection, 2PM)

Testosterone 7.06 (20-49 years old 2.49-8.36ng/mL)