AndroMassV2 / AndroHardV3 / Dermacrine Log


Hollywood Cole
Hey guys after a boatload of reading, research, and dollars spent over the web I'm now starting my AndroSeries cycle. I have been working out hard since July of this year and have been able to cut down to 245 from a roly-poly 275. I work a desk job and have been doing so for 7 years, so to be honest I am pretty proud of everything I have accomplished in a short amount of time on my own, with my own workout plan and my own diet. I know for a lot of you guys it isn't much of anything, but bear with me, I'm trying to get there.

I will be recording either daily or semi-daily body weight, gym performance, mood, and some occasional tape measurements of different body areas. IF the results are good I will post up some before/after pics.

*This is NOT a sponsored log!*

Couple of things....I have been running Dermacrine for three weeks now in hopes of kind of kickstarting the AndroMass and Hard. So far it has been a good compound, have definitely noticed my chest muscles tightening up quite a bit and increased vascularity especially in my forearms.

As for diet, I'm hiring 3J. To be honest I don't think 3J is going to take me down the 'bulk' path since I'm still kind of heavy, so these compounds may only really be assisting with maintaining current LBM and possibly building some new....more than anything I'm expecting some good recomp action going on. I leave that up to him, he is the expert. :)

Now on to the cycle itself!

I'm running Mass and Hard at full dosage for 8 weeks. There will be a delta of 3-4 days between the start of the two as I'm expecting the Hard to arrive the 13th but wanted to stagger the start of each compound anyway to ensure things go smoothly. I have about a week's worth of Dermacrine left, I will run that until it's gone and just continue with the Andro stuff. I know that I may take some flak for it, but I cannot really do squats/deads because of an old back injury that plagues me to this day. Main concerns for the cycle are going to be back and shoulders. Kids, take care of yourselves you don't want to be where I am....squats put me in the ER a little over a month ago.

PCT will be Torem and TCF-1 to smooth things out. I'm planning on running Torem at 60mg's for four weeks.

33 years old
245 lbs.
315x3 bench
205x3 military
5 pull-ups (consecutive, overhand)
15 dips (consecutive) 3x10 no problem
540x8 leg press

Workout Plan
*I have recently added cardio to each day, about 20 minutes worth on the treadmill of walking/running.
Monday - Chest/Bicep

Tuesday - Abs/Legs

Wednesday - Triceps/Back

Thursday - Shoulders/Biceps

Friday - Chest/Back

Saturday - optional - Abs/cardio
When somebody sheds 30 lbs of fat from their body in 5 months, that is a serious accomplishment!

Now you are taking the initiative and hiring 3J to help dial you in further and that is also really smart on your part!

Squats and deadlifts have taken more of my buddies out of lifting than I can count through the years. They are core lifts that should be done but really be careful when doing them, watch the form and unless you are planning to compete in power lifting don't sweat the plates as much. Anyway, you need to heal up so avoid them for now and don't worry about what anyone says. If you make it worse you could very well take yourself out of the game.

I'm not familiar with the PH's you are running but I did just google them to get an idea of what they do. I'll definitely keep up with the log, I want to see what real dedication with a little help from TJ can do. I'm sure you will kick some major ass in the progress department!

Good luck
Ok here we go.

Day #3 (Started Saturday morning)

Weight 247.8 - normal fluctuation

Mood - Good! I feel pumped up, likely a mental thing since I just started the cycle.

Libido - Good

Workout - Had a good workout, was sweating like a pig on the treadmill.

Nutrition - Of course 3 AndroMass upon waking up and a Pre and Post protein shakes from N2BM - the Rocky Road is pretty killer.

Flat BB Bench

Seated DB Curls

Decline BB Bench

Standing BB Curls

Incline BB Bench
225x4 (I was about cooked at this point)

Hammer Curls - burnout sets

Finished it up with 20 minutes on the treadmill walking and running....trying to get to where I run more than walk.
I like this cycle!

AMv2 + AHv3 = 3 different hormones. some 1ad, some 4ad, some dht ....this should be excellent man.

What goals did you relay to 3J in order for them to customize your nutrition?

I like this cycle!

AMv2 + AHv3 = 3 different hormones. some 1ad, some 4ad, some dht ....this should be excellent man.

What goals did you relay to 3J in order for them to customize your nutrition?

Hey Matt...thanks for the input. I'm hoping to see some good changes throughout this cycle.

The main goal I expressed to 3J was a sizable change in body composition, so I'm really hoping for some serious recomp action. Once I receive my diet from 3J I'll be posting up nutritional info on a day-to-day basis along with some occasional measurements. In some ways I don't really know what to expect as I don't think scale weight is really going to be all that good of a gauge in my case. More than likely the measurements and mirror are going to be the real story tellers.
Thanks 3J, you are as always the man.

Day #4

Weight 246.6 - normal fluctuation

Mood - Same

Libido - Good

Workout - Had a great workout, broke and held a good sweat the whole time.

Nutrition - Of course 3 AndroMass upon waking up and a Pre and Post protein shakes from N2BM

Started today's workout with 20 minutes of walk/run time on the treadmill which actually seemed to intensify the rest of the workout...wore my sweatshirt the whole time to really get a good sweat going.

*Note...I don't know the names of some of these exercises so you guys will have to bear with me.

Weighted Ab Machine -
+40 lbs. of resistance
Straight x12
Left Obliquex12
Right Obliquex12

Seated Calf Raise
Burnout set starting at 225 and burnout at each weight listed above.

Captain's Chair
3x12 - Bent knee squeezing abs at top

DB Bench Squats

Decline Sit-ups with 8lb Medicine Ball held overhead
Received my bottles of AndroHard in the mail today, will be starting with a half dose tomorrow, I'm pumped!
Day #5

Weight 248.0

Mood - Same

Libido - Good

Workout - Had a great workout, although none of my workout buddies showed up today.

Nutrition - Of course 3 AndroMass and 3 AndroHard (half dose) upon waking up and a Pre and Post protein shakes from N2BM.

Started today's workout with 15 minutes of walk/run time on the treadmill. Was a bit tired from a work related party last night.

*Note...I don't know the names of some of these exercises so you guys will have to bear with me.

Tricep Push Downs

Pull up halfway and hold until failure - 11 seconds

Overhead Extensions


Close-grip bench, pausing at chest to lose momentum

Wide-grip Pulldowns
How many caps of each will you be taking daily when you're going full on? I'm curious to see how this pans out. Label me a skeptic (though with 3J in your corner I'm sure you will do well regardless).
I am cautiously optimistic, it really depends on whether or not I respond well to the hormones. I believe 3J's diet will make all the difference in the world when we begin.

My dosing schedule looks like this:
AndroMass -3 pills
AndroHard - 6 pills

AndroMass - 3 pills

This is the max dosage for both compounds.
Well Durst, PP's claim is that that dose will put your free test at ~5600 ng/dl (This is probable the equivalent to about a gram of test per week, I reckon). I think everyone on this forum would be extremely pleased if we could get you to do a full hormone panel mid-cycle (maybe week 5?), then take a photo or scan the printout.

Any chance of this?
Well Durst, PP's claim is that that dose will put your free test at ~5600 ng/dl (This is probable the equivalent to about a gram of test per week, I reckon). I think everyone on this forum would be extremely pleased if we could get you to do a full hormone panel mid-cycle (maybe week 5?), then take a photo or scan the printout.

Any chance of this?
Well, the full hormone panel is pretty expensive but I might be able to swing the test only panel which should be interesting enough on it's own.
Day #6

Weight 249.0 - Not sure why the scale is creeping up on me here. May be some fat gain as I haven't really had a great diet but certainly not anything worse than what I had before. 3J sent the diet plan over to me last night, will take me a couple of days to get up and running with it.

Mood - Great....feeling aggressive today. Not angry, just ready to take anything on. It's tough to not go back to the gym at night. Starting to feel pretty boss at work/home....may be because of the Hard.

Libido - RAWR

Workout - Had a good workout but my left shoulder is starting to complain about the stress I have been putting it through. Will have to watch it.

Nutrition - Of course 3 AndroMass and 6 AndroHard (full dose) upon waking up and a Pre and Post protein shakes from N2BM.

Started today's workout with 20 minutes of walk/run time on the treadmill.

*Note...I don't know the names of some of these exercises so you guys will have to bear with me.

Preacher Curl w/cambered bar
I'm assuming the bar weighs 15 lbs.

Standing Military Press
*this is a new exercise for me

Incline Curls

Upright Rows

Cable Curls
*I stand in the middle of the cable machine and bring my arms out straight to each side and then curl the weight in so the handles nearly touch my temples. Weight listed is for each hand.
Well, the full hormone panel is pretty expensive but I might be able to swing the test only panel which should be interesting enough on it's own.

That would be cool Durst. How soon are you supposed to 'feel it' on this stuff?
That would be cool Durst. How soon are you supposed to 'feel it' on this stuff?
From what I've read most people report feeling 'on' around week 3 or 4. I'm hoping it will kick in a bit quicker for me since I kind of ran the Dermacrine as a kickstart so to speak.

I can tell you that yesterday I had energy like a mofo, especially in the afternoon. Not the crazy caffeine type energy, just solid straight up feeling pretty good. I think it must be the Hard because for the few days I ran Mass without it I was getting a bit sleepy in the afternoons.
Day #7

Weight 248.2

Mood - Great

Libido - Good

Workout - Today's workout kind of sucked, my shoulder was giving me some pain. I backed off on the flat DB press weight but ultimately decided it would be best to just lay off of it for the day. I'm hoping that taking it easy today and having Saturday/Sunday as rest days will help me out.

Nutrition - Of course 3 AndroMass and 6 AndroHard (full dose) upon waking up and a Pre and Post protein shakes from N2BM.

Started today's workout with 10 minutes of walk/run time on the treadmill.

*Note...I don't know the names of some of these exercises so you guys will have to bear with me.

Hammer Strength Incline Press
430x1 :naughty:

Wide-Grip Pull ups
*this is a new exercise for me
12x1 (Assisted)
12x1 (Assisted)

Flat DB Bench
75'sx12 *Felt some shoulder pain here

Roman Chair