The 'Ology Man Whore
hahahaha! i get in first an then dip out. fuck that shit lmao!
found out last year my budy his wife are swinger and wanted me to get into it.
We have places in Vegas where people go to fuck . There are all kinds of fantacy rooms, private roms, group rooms. It's fucking great. You can fuck just about any chick there you want. Just remember to wrap up. You sometimes see a line of guys waiting a turn at some hot ass chick who just wants to get fucked by as many dudes as she can take. What a place.
tag teams are for pussies.... running train is where its at.... i'd suggest the eiffel tower tower for starters... thats when your fuckin a girl from behind your buddy's getting his dick sucked and you high five each other forming an arch (eiffel tower)
i was there dude.
she took me for a drive to the store and when we got back my budy asked me so did you fuck her. said what?
no i didnt fuck her.
he says to me with her right there well your gonna fuck her tonight.
found out they have been doing this for a while now.
now i was in a real bad place when this went down. i was drinking ALOT just to forget.
i was up all night before drinking and went home at 7 in the morning and a phone call had come in i listened to it and it was tonya hey where are we are getting worried we have a girl here for you.
i called said i would be there in a couple hours.
they did have a chick there ugly as fuck but christ i was still pissed from the night before and started drinking on the way there. i went balls deep as soon as i seen her it was almost rape it happened so fast.
then the store what i told you already. he yanked her bottoms off right there in the kitchen and started fucking her. she com her i'll give you head and then you take over for him.
i turned around and left.
this was at 2 am and i was pissed again. i passed out in the car in a farmers feild for the night and i still haven't spoken to them at all.
really all it comes down to is this, if you are at a party, and you walk into two people fucking, whip out your dick and give it a shot.. worst case scenario they call you a perv and you blame it on being drunk, but with me 70% of the time the chick was down, and i the guy was too scared to say anything to me so i just joined in.. half a chick is still better than jerking off..
i have more but it would take me hours to type all of them.. really all it comes down to is this, if you are at a party, and you walk into two people fucking, whip out your dick and give it a shot.. worst case scenario they call you a perv and you blame it on being drunk, but with me 70% of the time the chick was down, and i the guy was too scared to say anything to me so i just joined in.. half a chick is still better than jerking off..
me and some guys nailed this chick in ohio once. i think her name was caroline.
if so what happened and how did it get goin. my bud keeps talkin about how his friends all do this shit
Yeah man. Its good stuff. When a girl decides to have sex with more than one guy then shes a total slut.