Appetite is suppressed a little. Whats out ther to help?


Hey guys. Is there anything out there that you have experienced that can increase your appetite???? Keep in mind that I know some gear can help. I'm looking for more of natural ways to incorporate into my cycles & off time.

Thanks guys for any suggestions.

PS: I have been taking B12 tabs because I read that it will help increase appetite but not feeling much of a difference (only been 3 days however).
Hey guys. Is there anything out there that you have experienced that can increase your appetite???? Keep in mind that I know some gear can help. I'm looking for more of natural ways to incorporate into my cycles & off time.

Thanks guys for any suggestions.

PS: I have been taking B12 tabs because I read that it will help increase appetite but not feeling much of a difference (only been 3 days however).

Eating Salad stretches your stomach which wont make you hungry but will allow you to eat more food when you ARE hungry. Besides that im pretttyy much in the same boat you are exept Im stock piled with my weightgainers. Every few hours ill try and eat food, if im not feeling food im always down for a drink, many people will say you dont get ALL the nutrients from shakes, but I'd rather have HALF the nutrients then not eat food OR a shake. Get ahold of some "up your mass" 17 servings per bottle which is pretty good, 800 calories with-OUT additives, (I throw in penut butter) 62 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs and 27 grams of fat. IMO it's the best and most effective gainer for the money. Also has Glutamine, leucine, arginine and bcaa's
weed..not trying to be funny

Let's keep the direct illicit drug talk out of these convos on the open forum. Im sure u guys know how to say the word without actually saying it

As for the op, I would google natural appetite stimulants. Are u eating 6 meals a day?
Hmmmm, a natural way, huh?

Alcohol! (prob not if you're on cycle though).

Can you explain why you're not able to eat so much? I find that my 6 / 7 meals are small, but they add up in the end so I'm pretty much always hungry.

A meal doesn't have to be huge for it to be effective, it just has to be well balanced.

for instance,

This could be a meal

7 oz Sweet Potato
5 oz Chicken Breast
Steamed Veggies

That's not a lot of food, would you agree? But it's effective towards your body building goals if you eat six times a day like that.

I don't know about you guys, but I'll eat a meal and I'm always counting down for that 2 1/2 hour or 3 hour mark, cuz I can't wait to eat again. ha.
Thanks for all the advice thus far. To answer a few questions:

Yes, I eat upwards to 6-8 meals per day. Some small, some large. However, I have always had a bad gag reflex (no jokes so if I'm not hungry I literally have to gag food down. I do it because I want a good cycle-but just looking for something to help me be more comfortable while eating.

Weight Gainer!!! I personally love it. I drink 2 every day so I'm covered there.

I don't smoke so thats not an option. However, a good idea I must say.

Salad??? I did not know that. I have been staying away from salad for about 3 months because it sorta useless to me at this point. However, I will do some research about it stretching your stomach (might have to incorporte it for long term purposes).

Blondie: Thanks for that info (cypreheptadine 5 mg), I'm going to research that right now!!!!! I was looking for a quick fix and that might be it if the sides aren't to bad.
Thanks for all the advice thus far. To answer a few questions:

Yes, I eat upwards to 6-8 meals per day. Some small, some large. However, I have always had a bad gag reflex (no jokes so if I'm not hungry I literally have to gag food down. I do it because I want a good cycle-but just looking for something to help me be more comfortable while eating.

Weight Gainer!!! I personally love it. I drink 2 every day so I'm covered there.

I don't smoke so thats not an option. However, a good idea I must say.

Salad??? I did not know that. I have been staying away from salad for about 3 months because it sorta useless to me at this point. However, I will do some research about it stretching your stomach (might have to incorporte it for long term purposes).

Blondie: Thanks for that info (cypreheptadine 5 mg), I'm going to research that right now!!!!! I was looking for a quick fix and that might be it if the sides aren't to bad.

2 shakes? 2 shakes is a MUST, I was thinking more of 3-4 a day. First thing when you wake up, a shake is a MUST and right after a workout is a MUST... As for the salad thing, I learned this from a guy that does eating contests. Like the real deal shit, people that win like 20k when they win lol. BEFORE the eating contest the fucker eats a couple plates of salad to stretch out his stomach to allow more food. Kinda makes sense as resteraunts usually serve salad before the meal :)
blend everything much easier to drink food than eat it lol

yea it is easier... i agree with that..

but it also breaks down food, which means your body isn't working as hard to digest.. which means slower metabolism... 2 cents
yea it is easier... i agree with that..

but it also breaks down food, which means your body isn't working as hard to digest.. which means slower metabolism... 2 cents

isnt a slower metabolism a good thing when trying to gain weight?
i know what your talking about. It is not so much lack of apetite but, just getting down all the necessary cals can be a chore and the raw broccoli jaw pumps suck. I have found in the past that large amounts of digestive enzymes and acidophilus seem to work well. As they both move your food through your system much quicker. I used to struggle with my 7th 8th and 9th meals prior to starting this. Papain seems to work wonders for all the protein which is usually the hardest for me to digest. Course you end up popping a squat more times a day but, it does help keep the stomach bloat down. I don't look about half preggo after every meal now.