Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Hi everyone. I just started my second dose of test cyp, 1.5ml of 200mg/ml. Posted on another thread abot the thigh pain, but in the meantime here's what's up:
I'm 6'5" and before T had dropped from 300 to 275 thruogh diet and exercise. Got stuck and was always exhausted... low thyroid and a testosterone lab of 210.
Now I'm on thyroid and test (dose above).
The endo is fine with me figuring out the dose and frequency that works for me at my size. Based on the 2shots thus far I'm looking at 300mg every other week.
As for the gym, I do a spin class 2x a week, run 3x a week, swim 2x a week, and lift occassionally. MY cardio was so bad I started with that to help drive more weight loss.
I have a protein smoothy for breakfast- typically around 60g protein, and then eat normally throughout the day.

What I'd really like to do is drive the weight loss and get strong. Ripped is probably outside my realm, but I'd finally like to live up to the promises of my size. with the endo willnig to let me play some, any recommendations? I'm really kinda shooting in the dark. And based on my thigh pain with the first pin there, I'm a little nervous about increasing the frequency or dose size too much.

one last observation, the first 1.5ml lasted about 14days. took 3 days to hit and then by day 14 I was sluggish time I had next endo appt I was draggin a$$
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I was getting shots every other week as well, THIS IS VERY BAD, You need to be getting shots at least every 7 days, 14 days is was too long...
bitterdregs, I'm gonna have 2 co-sign with tenn2525, I think waiting 14 days is way too long also. I forget the life of each injection, but waiting 14 days for the next injection will take u on that roller coaster ride of draggin a$$...You also may want to consider speaking with your endo regarding an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ( Aromatase inhibitor) to counter the effects of higher estrogen levels...There are countless threads about the effects of higher E levels & steps you can take 2 counteract them...You mentioned you're starting your 2nd dose of cyp...have you had any blood work done to see what your new levels are?
I won't have labs for a couple months, and in the mean time he said I could play with the frequency of dosing based on a normal sized guy might use 0.5ml per week. So I figured I go to 0.75 to 1ml weekly. But as long as I'm still within normal or slightly higher, I wouldn't think estrogen would be a factor.... hoping one of the mods or sponsors might weigh in...
I won't have labs for a couple months, and in the mean time he said I could play with the frequency of dosing based on a normal sized guy might use 0.5ml per week. So I figured I go to 0.75 to 1ml weekly. But as long as I'm still within normal or slightly higher, I wouldn't think estrogen would be a factor.... hoping one of the mods or sponsors might weigh in...

I wish it was that easy, there is really no way to know if you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or not by just assuming it will not get into the high range if you keep your levels within physiological ranges.

Either way there is tons of stuff to look into, the list of things to monitor is very long.

I agree with the above posters that you should go to more frequent injections, at least weekly. The smaller injections will also probably help with the injection site pain. Good luck!
Det, do you see any major complications (apart from cardiac events found in research) from having a total cholesterol too low? Mine came back in the 90's a few months ago and I was just curious as to what could be going on. Liver enzymes and everything checks out so no problem there. What, if any, implications does this have on overall health?
Hey I recently started my first cycle, Ive done lots of studying and learn plenty about my cycle and such but I still have some questions. As of now im on a 2 month cycle of .75cc of Atlas T-400 every second day and .75cc of Atlas Test Propionate every second day, Ive got a bottle of Winstrol pills I am planning on starting in the later part of my cycle and I have a bottle of 100 arimidex im going to be starting after my cycle. As of right now im only a little over a week into my cycle, Any suggestions or tips for a beginner thirsty for knowledge?
can somebody help me with how much bioidentical testosterone 5% cream to take to get tone and muscle back I am 52 year old female and menopause has turned my body to flab I have always worked out for tone and shape for over 20 years also ride a bike 20 to 25 km a day and still ended up with flab I am also on 25mg natural thyroid 12 mg progesterone and 1mg estroil creams

Jayne 60
I am seeing good results in strength, and gaining weight ( which I wanted) but not seeing any size changes. Arms look the same, chest , forearms etc. need help
This is stupid, I know--and I probably know the answer..BUT.
For my shoulder problem (arthrosis--wear and tear of cartilage) Shooting EQ,DECA,GH...whatever--as a means to heal, repair, restore-- Would you not have to shoot into the joint, or at least right outside of it not piercing the bursa? Dangerous, would have to get someone who knows what they are doing, but following logic that the med goes to the closest place its administered first?

Please...dont get me wrong--I know that IM should still absorb and do what needs to be done--Its just I looked up a video on a shot into the joint, like a cortisone shot, and it got me thinking/wondering. A nagging thought in the back of my mind. So thanks for this thread, b/c i wouldnt have posted this question otherwise.

p.s.--DOnt tell nobody!
This is stupid, I know--and I probably know the answer..BUT.
For my shoulder problem (arthrosis--wear and tear of cartilage) Shooting EQ,DECA,GH...whatever--as a means to heal, repair, restore-- Would you not have to shoot into the joint, or at least right outside of it not piercing the bursa? Dangerous, would have to get someone who knows what they are doing, but following logic that the med goes to the closest place its administered first?

Please...dont get me wrong--I know that IM should still absorb and do what needs to be done--Its just I looked up a video on a shot into the joint, like a cortisone shot, and it got me thinking/wondering. A nagging thought in the back of my mind. So thanks for this thread, b/c i wouldnt have posted this question otherwise.

p.s.--DOnt tell nobody!

I am not a doctor, but I would strongly discourage you from injecting anything into your joints...

Cortisone is a corticosteroid, which suppresses local inflammation, swelling, and pain. It does this through decreasing the responsiveness of the immune system. I do not know the biosynthesis of common steroids such as those used for bodybuilding with regards to influencing the immune system. I do know, however, that I would not inject something that was not pharma-grade into my joints. Some of the compounds in UGL products could cause joint irritation, discomfort, swelling, or worse IMO.
Thanks man. settles that.So much 4 posts sayin "Hey yer a GENIUS, MAN!!"

I am not a doctor, but I would strongly discourage you from injecting anything into your joints...

Cortisone is a corticosteroid, which suppresses local inflammation, swelling, and pain. It does this through decreasing the responsiveness of the immune system. I do not know the biosynthesis of common steroids such as those used for bodybuilding with regards to influencing the immune system. I do know, however, that I would not inject something that was not pharma-grade into my joints. Some of the compounds in UGL products could cause joint irritation, discomfort, swelling, or worse IMO.
Hey guys, anything out there for women to help with libido? My wife had a complete hysterectomy last year at the age of 35. Since then, our sex life has been nearly non-existant. I'm sure that her surgery messed with all her hormones but I'm hoping somebody knows of something that will help. She has been trying oxytocin for last couple mnths and maybe help minimal. Any advise is appreciated..
Hey guys, anything out there for women to help with libido? My wife had a complete hysterectomy last year at the age of 35. Since then, our sex life has been nearly non-existant. I'm sure that her surgery messed with all her hormones but I'm hoping somebody knows of something that will help. She has been trying oxytocin for last couple mnths and maybe help minimal. Any advise is appreciated..

I have heard that viagra can sometimes help women in that department by helping engorge the clitoris with blood. I would talk to a doctor before experimenting with that though. And have you asked her if she is depressed?
Yes, we have talked about the depression thing but she doesn't seem to be. When we do get into it, she has to use lots of lube because she isn't producing naturally. I've not heard of the viagra thing for women but certainly will look into it. Thanks Bro!
Have had trouble with gyno off and on over the last year. Would it be out of the ordinary too see my doc. for meds? Any advice would be great!
(If you are not in the mood to read all the info stuff, please see the last line for the main question)

I am 20 years old and have done 2 cycles before. The 2nd was good and planned out well and worked exactly how I wanted it to. The 1st was a misinformed waste of time I let a dumbass friend of mine talk me into.

I asked advice about starting a bulking cycle and well cause of my age was advised against juicing completely and stopping all current usage.

As I'm sure most of you realize, simply accepting that I am too young and stopping all using for another 3 or 4 years aint so easy when you basically had your heart set out on it and had your goals clear cut. My plan from the beginning was to cut for one cycle then bulk up on the next and then simply try and maintain what I had gained as much as I could naturally with hopes that I could maintain 60% of the bulk gains and with my diet pretty clean already, be able to keep the body fat at its current 13%.

I train very hard and smart. I plan my routines and always try to think about what I am doing during the exercises. Ive been training for 5 years now so I think in that regard, ive got the experience. I weighed nearly 300lbs when I first started (obese kid) and now weigh 198lbs. Most of the weight I shed in the last 3 years as I improved my knowledge on nutrition and training. Current stats are:

Max bench: 290lbs
Max squat: 340lbs (Think I would be able to do more but had a knee injury in rugby when I was younger than had to be surgically fixed due to me being over weight)
Max deadlift: 420lbs
(These were all about 30-40lbs lighter prior to the juicing)

The cutting cycle ( 50mg/day Winstrol (winny) and 40mg/day Anavar) (Not the best cycle to go on but it worked), helped me lose the last 8-10lbs I was struggling with on my torso.

(Sorry for the long story but I want an informed response)

So back to the point, I really wanted to go on the bulking cycle to gain about 20-30lbs of muscle on my frame to improve my rugby (weight is a big deal in this sport). But after all I've read, Im no longer convinced its a good idea but a large part of me still wants this bulking cycle(dbol 50mg/day:3 weeks, Test-e 600mg/week:15 weeks and equi 600mg/week:15 weeks) because I planned it to be my last in any case for a number of years.

So basically my question is, at my age but considering that I have had two cycles already, will this one more cycle have a high possibility of impacting my long term health more so than the 2 I have already done (in terms of being able to have kids and having normal endocrine function) (Not so worried about my height as I am much taller than both my parents although shorter than my younger brother but he overtook me 4 years ago.) or should I just simply find a way to except what I got now and suck it up?

I appreciate any and all responses.