Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Stats: 5'10 / 205 lbs. Bf 10%
Been lifting for the past 10 years steady and have tried many test, tren, cycles in the past.

Week 1-4 dbol 40mg/day
Week 1-12 deca 400 mg/week
Week 1-14 test C 600 mg/week
Week1-14 Armidex .25 mg/day or as needed
Week 2-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu week

Then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/ day for a week

PCT Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
Cloimid 50/50/50/50

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Am I over doing the Hcg?
Do I need that much Armidex?
Age: 38
Ht: 6'1"
Wt: 236# (down from 302#, 7 years ago)

New to the forums and just diagnosed with low T. GP has requested I follow up on Friday for treatment plan. Also diagnosed with high cholesterol (277 total, HDL 49, LDL 184). Doctor has prescribed 40mg daily of simvastatin already, for the cholesterol, but I haven't taken it. Hate the idea of being attached to any drug (including T) for the rest of my life, but love the idea of feeling better. Any advise on what specifics I need to discuss with my gp during the follow-up? (I alreay plan to ask for the details on my T levels, so far he's just told me I'm "definitely low").
I have a question and I'll take a stab at the answer.

Why is there not different "blends" of testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients. I know that "testosterone" is probably not the right term but what I mean is there are a wide range of compounds that vary in degrees of being anabolic and androgenic. S, if someone is prone to having estrogen issues why not have something that aromitizes only slightly.

Why not have a 50/50 mix of Test-C and Masteron. That's just an example (and maybe a poor one?) but hopefully you see what I am getting at.

My guess answer is the pharmaceutical companies do not see a large enough profit in it and want to concentrate on developing larger profiting gels.

Hopefully I worded this in a way that it is forum acceptable.
It should, pregnenolone is better though. Along with bovine supplementation. The key to being successful is using those tools along with some lifestyle changes that can affect the adrenals.

For really serious cases hydrocortisone can be used, it can create a problem if you ever discontinue it though, so it is a last resort.
IMT has Dr Prescribed Bovine or raw adrenal concentrate. Not too bad on the pricing either, all of their nutraceuticals :)
Been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for three years but doctor I use doesn't like to talk about HCG. I've had levels done every 3 to 4 months and have had my test hit in the 800's. I still from time to time feel weaker in the gym then I'll be back to feeling strong. I decided to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000's ius. My ? is since I already have 3cc syringes from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) how many cc's do I use to make 250 ius? I'm planning doing 250 ius twice week and inject in butt. Also has anyone ever combined their testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in same pin?
Been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for three years but doctor I use doesn't like to talk about HCG. I've had levels done every 3 to 4 months and have had my test hit in the 800's. I still from time to time feel weaker in the gym then I'll be back to feeling strong. I decided to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000's ius. My ? is since I already have 3cc syringes from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) how many cc's do I use to make 250 ius? I'm planning doing 250 ius twice week and inject in butt. Also has anyone ever combined their testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in same pin?

It will depend on how much water you mix the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with - if you use 10 ml then it would be 500 iu per 1 cc so you would need to go to the half cc mark on your syringe. I personally don't and don't think others mix water based and oil based compounds together. Typically Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is done sub q also while your test is done IM - hope this helps!
Yes it does bro thanks. My kit is 5000 iu's and has a 2ml back water then the vial with hcg. So I was going to do 250 ius twice a week.
Yes it does bro thanks. My kit is 5000 iu's and has a 2ml back water then the vial with hcg. So I was going to do 250 ius twice a week.

Dude, I don't know if you are aware, but Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has a shelf-life of about 28 days once it has been reconstituted. So, you will get 4 weeks max out of it. You can prep all the syringes and freeze them.
It should, pregnenolone is better though. Along with bovine supplementation. The key to being successful is using those tools along with some lifestyle changes that can affect the adrenals.

For really serious cases hydrocortisone can be used, it can create a problem if you ever discontinue it though, so it is a last resort.

Thanks for the response DET.

I've not heard of pregenolone. What is it and at what is a sensible dosing protocol for a first time user?

Dude, I don't know if you are aware, but Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has a shelf-life of about 28 days once it has been reconstituted. So, you will get 4 weeks max out of it. You can prep all the syringes and freeze them.

Ok no didn't know that bro thanks. I haven't mix it yet, was going to do that once I had the correct slin pins. I was going to do it intramuscular since I read people have done it, but then again it seems more say it's best subq so I'm going to order empty vial and some slin pins first. Thanks for the heads up.
hi i have just signed up today so please bear with me!
i am wanting to write a post for people to comment on and i dont no were to post!
i have been reading posts on here for a VERY long time and hardly ever come accross a female like myself lol. here is my question,!#
female 27 yrs
weight, 10.7
height, 5.2
started a course of kigtropin hgh last month at 2ius 5 on 2 off but did not finish the cycle as suffered really bad headaches,and also found out this was not from my suppliers normal supplier so got paranoid they were fakes! ;/ if this makes sense lol/! so ive started on genotropin 2iuswhich i no are not fakes.. i am on my 2nd week and apart from the normal achy bones i have had no other sides. also not noticed any fat loss as yet. 2 questions really please. having a routine blood tests done this week at family docter, will i have to come clean to him? and also for weight loss apart from me eating a normal healthy diet should i be doing anything else for fat loss? my partner is on the same batch and has been for 6 weeks so far. he has had dramatic weight loss but hes a body builder two so im thinking his weight loss is because of all the cycles he runs......??? also last question, could i run a cycle of clen aswel?? thankyou in advance!!!!
I would love to help you but this forum is for legitimate HRT prescriptions. Please ask your question in the anabolic forum.

Thank You
Dr about a yr ago put me on gel to raise t level and I stated on it a few months until ins stopped. I'm 270, 34 and 5'9" and I can't seem to lose 50lbs. I work out 5 days a week which consists of 30 min elliptical followed by an hour or hr half of strength training. I have noticed my chest looking fat and don't know the difference between larger chest from fat or man boobs. Was wondering if there's a way to raise t without getting man boobs. I need to drop this weight and the stigma associated with roids scared me. Noobie here so all advise is needed. Btw I am eating healthy so diet isn't the problem.
Dr about a yr ago put me on gel to raise t level and I stated on it a few months until ins stopped. I'm 270, 34 and 5'9" and I can't seem to lose 50lbs. I work out 5 days a week which consists of 30 min elliptical followed by an hour or hr half of strength training. I have noticed my chest looking fat and don't know the difference between larger chest from fat or man boobs. Was wondering if there's a way to raise t without getting man boobs. I need to drop this weight and the stigma associated with roids scared me. Noobie here so all advise is needed. Btw I am eating healthy so diet isn't the problem.

Do you still have your lab results? Probably worth getting new labs done to see where you are at today. Did your doctor diagnose you with hypogonadism?

Fat is just fat regardless of where it is on your body. "Man Boobs" in the sense I think you are using the word refers to gynecomastia. That is where men grow breast tissue due to high estrogen levels.

There are way to increase your testosterone without getting gyno due to high estrogen levels.
Hiddenheat45 you need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds to go with that gel, you are probable converting a ton to estrogen with your high body fat. You really need to get to a doc who can assist.

I'm currently using 350mg sust & 400mg deca per week divided in 2 day. Along w/ 2iu's of hgh 5 days a week (plan on moving up to 4iu in the next 2 weeks) also finishing a cycle of igf-1.

My question is what type of info would you need of mine (including blood work if needed) to help determine if using sust & deca could be a year long activity for me? Or is it one of those things that is a bad idea regardless?


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but what your doing is a steroid cycle and we do not promote or condone the use of illegal anabolic steroids.

Please ask your question in the anabolic forum and you may find the answers you are looking for.