I got my labs done. I'll refresh your memory a little. I get 300mg depo-test EOW. No AI or HCG. I got my labs done just before my injection and 72 hours after. I know 48 hours is optimal but that was the soonest I could get there. I got the hormone panel for females from LabsMD so it has a plethora of results but I'll post the main ones and if you need more info let me know. I also talked with the Dr. about weekly injections and he is not opposed to it, however, they are slow as fuck when I go to get my injection so it may not be practical. In the future I may have to just find a good website and order my own stuff. It would probably be cheaper anyway. I will start with my peak readings. I'll put the reference ranges next to them.
Hematocrit- 50.5 (38.5 - 50) high
MCHC- 31.5 (32 - 36) low but I am not sure what this is
Absolute monocytes- 1008 (200 - 950) High and I am not sure what this is
FSH- <0.7 (1.6 - 8) low
LH- <0.2 (1.5 - 9.3)
Estradiol- 93 (< or = 39) High
Total testosterone- 2114 (250 - 1100) high but I think I like it
Prolactin- 7.9 (2.1 - 17.7)
Sex binding globulin- 33 (10 - 74)
Testosterone % Free- 2% (1.8 - 3.2)
Testosterone, Free- 95 (50 - 247)
Total testosterone- 468 (285 - 950)
I know there is quite a huge difference between the peak and trough. I hope it is not hard to find an AI dosage that works for me. I think if I could get my estrogen under control I would feel better. Tell my what you think. I am interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this and also a suggested dosage for Arimidex.
Before going down the AI path, you need to change up your dosing protocol. No longer than once a week. Twice a week would be even better. Start self-injecting. Demand that your doc let you self-inject. You have lots of testosterone in you now. Be a man and demand it! it is retarded to keep wasting your time and money to go into a clinic for injections and you can see how your current protocol is totally putting you on a very unhealthy hormonal roller coaster ride.
Donate blood -- your hematocrit is getting too high.
If there is no way you can possibly change your dosing protocol, start taking .50mg of adex with your injection of testosterone.