Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

I have found some places that sell HCG, not sure how good they are I'll have to do more work on that. we talked about suggested liquidex dosage in a previous post. just to clarify, I get injected 300mg this Friday and eow. 72 hours after my last injection my estrogen was at 93 and test 2114. You suggested .5 mg of liquidex the day after my injection. That would be 1/2 a ml? and then I should not need any more until the next injection? I read I should be able to tell the difference in estrogen levels by hardness of erections and hot flashes? the week after my shot both of those were issues

I don't know what liquidex is dosed at per ml. You have to do the math to convert ml into mg.

Yes, I would start at that dose/frequency of arimidex and see how it works. Going by erections and "hot flashes" is not a good way to gauge estradiol levels. You will need frequent blood work until you get things dialed in.
Liquidex is dosed at 1 mg/ml so .50 mg equals 1/2 an ml? I know that sounds like a no brainer but I'm trying to be somewhat cautious. Getting my own bloodwork is a 2 hour drive each way and another 73$, so knowing that how long should I wait until I get my labs done again to check my new estrogen level? and do I want to get that done at peak or trough?
I have found some places that sell HCG, not sure how good they are I'll have to do more work on that. we talked about suggested liquidex dosage in a previous post. just to clarify, I get injected 300mg this Friday and eow. 72 hours after my last injection my estrogen was at 93 and test 2114. You suggested .5 mg of liquidex the day after my injection. That would be 1/2 a ml? and then I should not need any more until the next injection? I read I should be able to tell the difference in estrogen levels by hardness of erections and hot flashes? the week after my shot both of those were issues

Damn. I don't know how you're ever going to dial in your estrogen when you're injecting 300mg of test eow. You're going to have huge swings in test levels and I would assume estrogen as well. I would look into getting smaller and more frequent injections.
youre absolutely right. I know my doctor has me on a fucked up schedule and that's why I joined this forum. I'm not here to complain about it. I am here to learn what other people have done and what they do now. I got a lead on a few places and I'll check into them. In the mean time I'll work with what I got. This time of year it's almost impossible to take off work for doctor appointments especially if I have to travel for it so this will take some time.
I did some checking around and found that I can get a years worth of test cyp (approx. 200 mg/wk) on line for about $********. I can use Liquidex as my AI, which would cost approx. $******* /yr. I have not gotten a price on HCG yet. Is there anyone that has had enough of doctors and done TRT on their own? I think I could just get my own labs a couple times a year and a physical. It seems my current doctor is gonna do less than that.
I had a 300 mg shot Friday and took .5 mg of Liquidex on Saturday and I have felt pretty good. I hope it's not just in my head.
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There are definitely people who've taken treatment into their own hands. I'm not one of them, but they're out there. I don't have any issue with people doing this, as its your body and you can do as you please with it. I just think it's important to understand the potential risks of self treatment.

Things to consider:


-Travel. Kinda piggy backs on the above point, but you'll be taking a big risk traveling with steroids and no prescriptions.

-What happens if you can't get your meds at some point? You never know what may happen in the future. If you were left without medication for some reason, you'd be in a world of hurt.

-Non pharma medications. Dealing with black market testosterone can be a crap shoot. They aren't known for their quality control. It can be under dosed, contaminated, etc.

I'm sure others will chime in with some other things to think about.
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What are your thoughts on Letrozole? I have read that this will reverse Gyno as well as stop it? Not sure if this is correct or not?
What are your thoughts on Letrozole? I have read that this will reverse Gyno as well as stop it? Not sure if this is correct or not?

Letro will crush your estradiol even if you are slightly off on the dosage. Unless you are willing to go through a lot of pain and a lot of blood work to find the right Letro dose, it is not a good idea. Most guys on TRT use Arimidex or Aromasin.

Also, if you have gyno, using Raloxifene or Tamoxifen is a better choice for reducing it. There are a ton of threads about gyno in the AAS forum.
I also went to a website called optimal health MD. They say it's legal and I send in my bloodwork and a doctor reviews it and issues a prescription and they mail my meds including test, AI, and HCG. They say it is all pharmaceutical grade sterile medicine. once or twice a year I mail in bloodwork and physical results from my doctor or lab and they renew the script. The price was ok. Has anyone ever heard of this place or any comments on that route?
I don't know who they are, but there are some reputable places out there.

Not all of the TRT companies are doing it legally, it depends on where they are licensed.
I also went to a website called optimal health MD. They say it's legal and I send in my bloodwork and a doctor reviews it and issues a prescription and they mail my meds including test, AI, and HCG. They say it is all pharmaceutical grade sterile medicine. once or twice a year I mail in bloodwork and physical results from my doctor or lab and they renew the script. The price was ok. Has anyone ever heard of this place or any comments on that route?

I wouldn't want to have them mail meds to me. It would be much easier to get a prescription written that you can fill at the local pharmacy of your choice.
I talked to three different places and they all mail the medicine. I am not sure if filling it at my own pharmacy was an option. Their doctor reviews the bloodwork and physical that I mail in and determines my TRT program and they mail the medicine to me. They each assured me it is legal and top quality. I would have to take my chances on whether or not that was true. Are you against mailing it because of legalities or quality? My wife gets a very expensive injectable mailed to us every three months and it is convenient. It is prescribed by a local doctor but only carried in specialty pharmacies. It is crazy expensive but luckily insurance has been great. I haven't had any luck yet finding a clinic in this state that will let me inject. There are 2 or 3 within 3 hours from here but they all wanted to do pellets. I am off work tomorrow and I am going to call every Endo and Urologist in the state. If that does not work out I may have to go the mail order route but I would really like to have a doctor involved.
I talked to three different places and they all mail the medicine. I am not sure if filling it at my own pharmacy was an option. Their doctor reviews the bloodwork and physical that I mail in and determines my TRT program and they mail the medicine to me. They each assured me it is legal and top quality. I would have to take my chances on whether or not that was true. Are you against mailing it because of legalities or quality? My wife gets a very expensive injectable mailed to us every three months and it is convenient. It is prescribed by a local doctor but only carried in specialty pharmacies. It is crazy expensive but luckily insurance has been great. I haven't had any luck yet finding a clinic in this state that will let me inject. There are 2 or 3 within 3 hours from here but they all wanted to do pellets. I am off work tomorrow and I am going to call every Endo and Urologist in the state. If that does not work out I may have to go the mail order route but I would really like to have a doctor involved.

I am fine with 3 month mail order prescriptions from pharmacies. Any
doctoe can write you a prescription and it should be your choice on where you fill that prescription.

What if you are traveling and need a refill? Normally you would just ask the pharmacy there to dispence your prescription.

It is going to be a whole lot cheaper to get your prescription filled at a local or mail order pharmacy. If you use Prices, Coupons and Information - GoodRx you can get a 10ml vial of test cyp for about $45 with a prescription.

I guess it just seems weird to me that a doctor is treating you but he won't write you a prescription for the medication he wants you to take? I have never heard of docs doing that with cancer patients or diabetics and so on. Why not just write you the prescription? The only thing I can think of is that they want to profit off the medications they are turning around and selling you. Why pay another markup on the meds and make it more inconvenient? Just ask for a script that you can fill at the pharmacy of your choice. Surely their doctor has the ability to write a prescription if it is a real doctor.
I don't want to drop names of mail order TRT clinics because I see people in these forums are using them or advertising them. The "doctor" that writes the prescription may not even exist and the patient never actually sees the doctor. Supposedly a doctor looks at the paperwork that the patient mails in and diagnoses and writes a prescription. Obviously they are going to make a profit if they are sending the meds. I never asked if I could get the prescription only. I could call them back and see if that is a possibility. You have probably seen people talk about them in these forums. Have you ever heard of them writing prescription only? As far as a "doctor" treating me, I hardly call that being treated. I would say it is me continuing on the therapy that my current doctor started and adding some needed meds (AI and HCG) based on research and advice from experienced TRT patients. It would then be up to me to make sure I am getting regular exams and blood work to make sure I am healthy. Of course I would prefer to have an expert doctor treating me but I am having trouble finding one and I thought I would investigate this as an option. One place I talked with charges about $1700 for the whole years worth of all meds and supplies which is way more than I would ever pay if I just got it prescribed and filled at my local pharmacy but it may be the only option.
Honestly, that sounds kinda shady to me. There are plenty of guys using that type of system for their TRT, but that's not how I'd want to do it.

There are definitely programs/clinics out there that do things the "right" way.

I just can't get on board with a place that doesn't provide close monitoring by a doctor.
I don't want to drop names of mail order TRT clinics because I see people in these forums are using them or advertising them. The "doctor" that writes the prescription may not even exist and the patient never actually sees the doctor. Supposedly a doctor looks at the paperwork that the patient mails in and diagnoses and writes a prescription. Obviously they are going to make a profit if they are sending the meds. I never asked if I could get the prescription only. I could call them back and see if that is a possibility. You have probably seen people talk about them in these forums. Have you ever heard of them writing prescription only? As far as a "doctor" treating me, I hardly call that being treated. I would say it is me continuing on the therapy that my current doctor started and adding some needed meds (AI and HCG) based on research and advice from experienced TRT patients. It would then be up to me to make sure I am getting regular exams and blood work to make sure I am healthy. Of course I would prefer to have an expert doctor treating me but I am having trouble finding one and I thought I would investigate this as an option. One place I talked with charges about $1700 for the whole years worth of all meds and supplies which is way more than I would ever pay if I just got it prescribed and filled at my local pharmacy but it may be the only option.

Yeah that is the business model for the online places, they sell at a high markup to guys who can't get treatment from a regular doctor. 1700 is actually on the low end for a lot of those places, I've seen them as high as 2700+.

If you can get treatment from a regular doctor that is covered by your insurance, that is a way better option imo. The mail order places are really for people that aren't' Hypogonadal and just want to inject Testosterone, to "optimize" or whatever they tell you when they are selling it to you.
You're right bud, it is kinda shady and not exactly what I want. I did a lot of calling this morning and found a clinic in a neighboring state a few hours away. It's in my insurance network and I see a real doctor. I only have to go there every six months for a visit and blood work and they prescribe everything I need and I self inject. I gotta use their testosterone but I fill the rest at my own pharmacy. I have heard about people not wanting to have a chronic illness on their insurance but in the whole scheme of things this is not a particularly expensive illness to have and I belong to a great union with a lot of members all over the US so its pretty safe. I am going to go to this place over my Christmas break or just after the first of the year.
You're right bud, it is kinda shady and not exactly what I want. I did a lot of calling this morning and found a clinic in a neighboring state a few hours away. It's in my insurance network and I see a real doctor. I only have to go there every six months for a visit and blood work and they prescribe everything I need and I self inject. I gotta use their testosterone but I fill the rest at my own pharmacy. I have heard about people not wanting to have a chronic illness on their insurance but in the whole scheme of things this is not a particularly expensive illness to have and I belong to a great union with a lot of members all over the US so its pretty safe. I am going to go to this place over my Christmas break or just after the first of the year.

Sounds promising! You're pretty lucky if you can find a quality clinic that will participate with your insurance.

I use a similar clinic, although I don't like calling it a clinic because it's certainly not like most places out there. There isn't an actual brick and mortar clinic that I visit. They evaluated my bloodwork and history, then set me up with a competent doctor nearby who understands TRT.

They don't work with insurance, but at least I've got quality healthcare now. If things don't work out with the place that you mentioned, I'll be happy to PM you more details about my "clinic".

I feel a lot better about my clinic because they aren't some shady TRT mill. I imagine that some of those places will undergo quite a bit of scrutiny at some point and possibly not be allowed to operate anymore. That would be a shitty situation to find yourself in.
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I will try this place for a while and see how it goes. The guy I talked to said they usually start out at 300mg of test a week which is damn near a cycle. My thoughts are that I could lower the dosage myself if needed and stockpile the extra for when I'm ready for a cycle. Does your clinic mail your meds or do you fill them yourself. I ran the billing codes by my insurance company and they are covered so everything must be legit but I suspect nearly anyone could get a script from them. I agree that the government is always fucking with people and laws are always changing and that some of these clinics may get shut down and that would definitely be a bad situation to be in. Diet is next on my to do list. I think it's pretty good but I want to be more meticulous. I'll be posting in some other areas also now. Thanks
I will try this place for a while and see how it goes. The guy I talked to said they usually start out at 300mg of test a week which is damn near a cycle. My thoughts are that I could lower the dosage myself if needed and stockpile the extra for when I'm ready for a cycle. Does your clinic mail your meds or do you fill them yourself. I ran the billing codes by my insurance company and they are covered so everything must be legit but I suspect nearly anyone could get a script from them. I agree that the government is always fucking with people and laws are always changing and that some of these clinics may get shut down and that would definitely be a bad situation to be in. Diet is next on my to do list. I think it's pretty good but I want to be more meticulous. I'll be posting in some other areas also now. Thanks

Good thinking. 300mg/wk is way too much and will likely cause more problems than it will fix, especially while you're trying to get dialed in.

No I don't fill my prescriptions locally. When I need a refill I just let them know. They use a compounding pharmacy to fill the prescriptions and then send them to me in the mail.