Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

I am not sure if this question belongs in this forum as it covers TRT and cycling. Beginning next month I will be going to a TRT clinic. The nurse that made my appointment said they typically give 300mg test cyp weekly along with an AI. I will ask about HCG when I get there but the nurse told me they usually do not prescribe it and from what I have learned a lot of TRT protocols do not include it. I will be injecting at home so I can inject any amount I want and save the rest. I could just inject 200mg a week and save up the rest until I have enough to run a 500mg a week cycle or I could call this a long low dose cycle at 300mg a week. Which would be best? I am anxious to run a cycle but I think I should lose a little more body fat (currently around 21%). I work out minimum 5 hrs a week. I eat healthy but need to know more about proper diet.

Read this ^^^

You should worry about getting your protocol dialed in before you think about blasting.

Check out the diet section of the forum you'll get alot of info on diet there. Check out 3j his ad is in the top right of the page. I have made great progress with him he is a real good guy. The more body fat you have the greater the chances of on wanted sides.

Do some research and you'll see why

Good luck
So if the doctor does prescribe 300mg a week I should go with it? I know she is a doctor but it seems excessive and sort of like a week cycle that would never end. Of course I am not going to complain about it if I have some leftovers. This is a very nice clinic that has been around a while and looks very reputable so maybe I should not second guess the doctor. Even the staff is in great shape so they must know something about hormones.

Go with what the DR. prescribes they will adjust off of your blood work
So if the doctor does prescribe 300mg a week I should go with it? I know she is a doctor but it seems excessive and sort of like a week cycle that would never end. Of course I am not going to complain about it if I have some leftovers. This is a very nice clinic that has been around a while and looks very reputable so maybe I should not second guess the doctor. Even the staff is in great shape so they must know something about hormones.

Let's cross that bridge when we get to it.
Hello, i'm in my 22nd year of life and i tested my T roghly one year ago. First vas 384, the second 417. Both, lh and fsh were low. But at these TT levels doctors cant do anything for me, they its all left in my hands i suppose. Should i go self-med or not? I am waiting for some clomid right now.
Should i rather go with hcg? Should i add a low dose AI?
My most likely to happen plan is to do a short cycle of test prop, around 200mg/week for 3 weeks, without an ai(well i think i will have it on hand if needed), just to see how i should feel. And then if my T will be even more crashed due to this trial, throw in some clomid or hcg, or maybe start trt if i see good changes in my mood. But thats pretty likely to happen, because right now, i dont feel good and have many simtomps of low T. Some day i want to have kids, so i am not so sure should i have my sperm count checked now, and sperm stored in a bank, or should i just use hcg during trt and i should be fine? I know thats more than one question, but i wanted to give you guys a good picture of my case.
What are the dangers of running 500mg test e ew year around? I ask because a friend of mine gets test e 250mg vials from his doc but there is no direction from what I understood. He blasts 500mg a week year around, can't be good in the long run. Also I'm considering seeing this doc and picking up a few vials (they are pricey) just for when I travel I can bring the vials that are prescribed instead of missing pins. Thoughts on this ?
What are the dangers of running 500mg test e ew year around? I ask because a friend of mine gets test e 250mg vials from his doc but there is no direction from what I understood. He blasts 500mg a week year around, can't be good in the long run. Also I'm considering seeing this doc and picking up a few vials (they are pricey) just for when I travel I can bring the vials that are prescribed instead of missing pins. Thoughts on this ?

That sounds dangerous. Does he do bloodwork regularly? Have him read this
Do the things that raise or lower Test when you are natty have any effect on you when you are injecting exogenous Test? Sleep, vitamin D, Leify Veggies, ect? I've been taking 10k IU of Vit D since before I was on TRT, but now that I am does that have any effect?
Do the things that raise or lower Test when you are natty have any effect on you when you are injecting exogenous Test? Sleep, vitamin D, Leify Veggies, ect? I've been taking 10k IU of Vit D since before I was on TRT, but now that I am does that have any effect?

While all of that is still great for you... no... not really. At least not your actual TT reading, BUT - feeling good and staying healthy - sure.

Do the things that raise or lower Test when you are natty have any effect on you when you are injecting exogenous Test? Sleep, vitamin D, Leify Veggies, ect? I've been taking 10k IU of Vit D since before I was on TRT, but now that I am does that have any effect?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: While diet, sleep, etc. won't have any real effect on your T values once on TRT, they'll still affect your overall health. You could make the argument that those factors could have an effect on how you metabolize exogenous testosterone, but it doesn't seem likely that they would significantly affect your T values.

Source: I have a broscience degree from a community college.
How fast will your level drop once you stop TRT?

If you are doing 100mg every week and reaching 800 ng/dl. How long till you drop back to 300 once you stop and don't use PCT?
How fast will your level drop once you stop TRT?

If you are doing 100mg every week and reaching 800 ng/dl. How long till you drop back to 300 once you stop and don't use PCT?

This isn't an exact calculation by any means, as many of us metabolize the drug differently, but I'd expect most guys to be back below 300 within 10 days, give or take.

There's also a pretty good chance that your levels would sink lower than they were pre TRT.
This is really a question out of curiosity.

How come people go TRT? I mean like, if some of these serms, like clomid, nolva, etc. are used to restart the HPTA, how come those on TRT don't try that? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
I've heard that clomid at the right dose done long enough can bring even the most suppressed individuals back to normal, is this true? What about with HCG?
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This is really a question out of curiosity.

How come people go TRT? I mean like, if some of these serms, like clomid, nolva, etc. are used to restart the HPTA, how come those on TRT don't try that? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Many guys on TRT have tried to restart their HPTA's. Quite often it does not work well enough to get them above hypogonadal levels. And also keep in mind that there is Primary and Secondary Hypogonadism. Restarts do not correct Primary Hypogonadism.
I've heard that clomid at the right dose done long enough can bring even the most suppressed individuals back to normal, is this true? What about with HCG?

You would need to use the HCG first to prime the testicles into working and producing T. Then one would stop the HCG and begin clomid therapy. A good dose is 50 mg 3 times a week for 4 months. It was studied by the Lahey clinic.
There are also protocols of 12.5-25 mg ED that have restarted ppl.
What is the Testosterone range that it aimed for in TRT? Is it based on the individuals stats? Or just a recommended range determined by endocrinologists?

And at what point does the data say, "this patient needs replacement"? Like 200 ng/dl? 100? and so on.

After this is determined and an individual is put on replacement therapy, do they typically end up at a higher level than the average male? If so, how doesn't a slightly lower than average T level warrant TRT?

I really don't know anything about it, so all info is good info. Thanks! :D
What is the Testosterone range that it aimed for in TRT? Is it based on the individuals stats? Or just a recommended range determined by endocrinologists?

And at what point does the data say, "this patient needs replacement"? Like 200 ng/dl? 100? and so on.

After this is determined and an individual is put on replacement therapy, do they typically end up at a higher level than the average male? If so, how doesn't a slightly lower than average T level warrant TRT?

I really don't know anything about it, so all info is good info. Thanks! :D

TRT aims to put men back in the normal range.

Standards consider hypogonadism to exist when Total Testoaterone is below 300ng/dl. Borderline Hypogonadism exists when Total Testosterone is below 350ng/dl and Free Testosterone is below normal.