New member
This is really a question out of curiosity.
How come people go TRT? I mean like, if some of these serms, like clomid, nolva, etc. are used to restart the HPTA, how come those on TRT don't try that? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
No question is stupid if asked honestly.

For those of us with primary hypogonadism, we basically do not create enough testosterone because our bodies have simply decided to stop making enough (for whatever reason). Think of it Primary Hypogonadism like Type 1 Diabetes and Secondary Hypogonadism as Type 2 Diabetes (not exactly correct, but close enough).
In Type 1 Diabetes, the body stops making insulin through no fault of the person and there is nothing that can be done to cure it - the person is left to inject insulin for the rest of their life just to be like everyone else. In Type 2 Diabetes, diet and body fat percentage are the usual causes of the body to become insulin resistant and, if not treated, can cause the body to eventually stop making insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be cured (or so I have read, if caught soon enough) but Type 1 cannot.
As an aside, I know some people feel shame or embarrassment about taking testosterone shots - they feel like less of a man. I do not look at it that way. Type 1 Diabetics have to take insulin shots to be like other humans and I look at my testosterone shots the same way. No shame, no embarrassment. Besides, getting legal anabolic steroids is not a bad thing.

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