Just to confirm, you are taking 150mg Test Cyp 2x weekly? So 300mg every week?
If so, this is a really high TRT dose and your test is without a doubt way above natural levels. I would definitely not up the dose to 1ml/200mg 2x weekly as this is more of a cycle dose and not a therapeutic trt dose. However, bloodwork is KEY. And theres really no way of knowing whats going on without it. If you were to do anything id say drop down to .5ml/100mg twice weekly and see where that puts your test levels. You will still likely be above normal levels, or at the high end of the range, but will be a much more sustainable dosing. And if you want later down the road you can do a blast at a higher dose for a short period and then drop back down to your TRT dose. Do you have any previous bloodwork? Is there any reason you were put on such a high dose? Also, I see no reason to do 5wks on 1wk off with the test. You want stable blood levels and I don't see any benefit to taking one week off like that. Id definitely get bloodwork done soon so you you know exactly what is going on though.
But there are far more experienced guys on this board so hopefully they will chime in and give their opinion.