Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

You shouldn't need an AI with Clomid, or Tamoxifen. As for Tamoxifen being more powerful than Clomid, I'll allow someone else to take that one. However, I will say that I've heard of/read about long term Clomid therapy, not Tamoxifen.

Clomid usually works better but they both work in different ways. This is why a combo is generally recommended.
This is my second week on Clomid 25mg everyday and the only effect I get is bloating. My first blood work is due in 2 weeks and I suspect high estrogen. Anything I can do about this bloating? My belly looks like im 3 months pregnant.......thanks for all the responses btw.

Also can I get prescribe an AI while on SERM to feel the good effect of Test ?
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This is my second week on Clomid 25mg everyday and the only effect I get is bloating. My first blood work is due in 2 weeks and I suspect high estrogen. Anything I can do about this bloating? My belly looks like im 3 months pregnant.......thanks for all the responses btw.

Also can I get prescribe an AI while on SERM to feel the good effect of Test ?

Get blood work now and see where your estradiol is at. If it is too high, an AI would probably be helpful. Don't start taking an AI without getting blood work first
I am 15 weeks on treatment. Here is my dosing schedule and prescriptions.

2 times a week. Wednesday & Saturday

3/4 cc of Test Cypionate 200mg/ml
1/2 cc of HCG
1 MG pill of Anastrozole

I go 5 weeks all meds and one week off test only.

I have really seen a difference in all aspects of life, my question is I have gained some fat around mid section and wondered if I upped my dose of test to 1cc twice a week if that would help cut that fat out?

Lift 3-4 days a week & cardio 3 days, diet is 85% clean,

That's the short of it.

Haven't done labs yet at this dosing, I had them done when I was going to a clinic, the clinic was a racket/scam so I found a Dr.

Thanks in advanced!
I am 15 weeks on treatment. Here is my dosing schedule and prescriptions.

2 times a week. Wednesday & Saturday

3/4 cc of Test Cypionate 200mg/ml
1/2 cc of HCG
1 MG pill of Anastrozole

I go 5 weeks all meds and one week off test only.

I have really seen a difference in all aspects of life, my question is I have gained some fat around mid section and wondered if I upped my dose of test to 1cc twice a week if that would help cut that fat out?

Lift 3-4 days a week & cardio 3 days, diet is 85% clean,

That's the short of it.

Haven't done labs yet at this dosing, I had them done when I was going to a clinic, the clinic was a racket/scam so I found a Dr.

Thanks in advanced!

Just to confirm, you are taking 150mg Test Cyp 2x weekly? So 300mg every week?

If so, this is a really high TRT dose and your test is without a doubt way above natural levels. I would definitely not up the dose to 1ml/200mg 2x weekly as this is more of a cycle dose and not a therapeutic trt dose. However, bloodwork is KEY. And theres really no way of knowing whats going on without it. If you were to do anything id say drop down to .5ml/100mg twice weekly and see where that puts your test levels. You will still likely be above normal levels, or at the high end of the range, but will be a much more sustainable dosing. And if you want later down the road you can do a blast at a higher dose for a short period and then drop back down to your TRT dose. Do you have any previous bloodwork? Is there any reason you were put on such a high dose? Also, I see no reason to do 5wks on 1wk off with the test. You want stable blood levels and I don't see any benefit to taking one week off like that. Id definitely get bloodwork done soon so you you know exactly what is going on though.

But there are far more experienced guys on this board so hopefully they will chime in and give their opinion.
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Just to confirm, you are taking 150mg Test Cyp 2x weekly? So 300mg every week?

If so, this is a really high TRT dose and your test is without a doubt way above natural levels. I would definitely not up the dose to 1ml/200mg 2x weekly as this is more of a cycle dose and not a therapeutic trt dose. However, bloodwork is KEY. And theres really no way of knowing whats going on without it. If you were to do anything id say drop down to .5ml/100mg twice weekly and see where that puts your test levels. You will still likely be above normal levels, or at the high end of the range, but will be a much more sustainable dosing. And if you want later down the road you can do a blast at a higher dose for a short period and then drop back down to your TRT dose. Do you have any previous bloodwork? Is there any reason you were put on such a high dose? Also, I see no reason to do 5wks on 1wk off with the test. You want stable blood levels and I don't see any benefit to taking one week off like that. Id definitely get bloodwork done soon so you you know exactly what is going on though.

But there are far more experienced guys on this board so hopefully they will chime in and give their opinion.

I agree with PresTex. Your TRT protocol makes no sense. What was your doctors rationale for putting you on it? Very unusual.
Just to confirm, you are taking 150mg Test Cyp 2x weekly? So 300mg every week?

If so, this is a really high TRT dose and your test is without a doubt way above natural levels. I would definitely not up the dose to 1ml/200mg 2x weekly as this is more of a cycle dose and not a therapeutic trt dose. However, bloodwork is KEY. And theres really no way of knowing whats going on without it. If you were to do anything id say drop down to .5ml/100mg twice weekly and see where that puts your test levels. You will still likely be above normal levels, or at the high end of the range, but will be a much more sustainable dosing. And if you want later down the road you can do a blast at a higher dose for a short period and then drop back down to your TRT dose. Do you have any previous bloodwork? Is there any reason you were put on such a high dose? Also, I see no reason to do 5wks on 1wk off with the test. You want stable blood levels and I don't see any benefit to taking one week off like that. Id definitely get bloodwork done soon so you you know exactly what is going on though.

But there are far more experienced guys on this board so hopefully they will chime in and give their opinion.

Thanks for the input!

Yes 300MG per week

What I have read on many different sites was 100-300 was TRT levels 400-600 was performance levels and 800-1000 is crazy professional levels

When I was going to a Low T clinic, they were like after 3 weeks you should feel like a new man, erections every morning and I was getting 150mg per week for 6 weeks and my blood work had my T level at 368 on the 6th week, well know of those feelings happened. So I found a DR and gave him that paperwork for my labs with the 368 and this is the doses he gave me. Since then I have started to experience everything they were telling me at the clinic. I am not sure why the 5 on 1 off, did not question it at the time as he was a DR and with his background with TRT I felt like he knew what he was doing. He was very adamant on the HCG so my system would keep producing it's own test.

I guess I need to go get Labs down.

My question would be when is the proper or best time to get them done after my dose day?

I agree with PresTex. Your TRT protocol makes no sense. What was your doctors rationale for putting you on it? Very unusual.

I am not sure, so new to it I didn't question it. I have been feeling good so never thought anything was wrong with it. I posted my past on PresTex so you can read that.

Thanks for the response and input.
I am not sure, so new to it I didn't question it. I have been feeling good so never thought anything was wrong with it. I posted my past on PresTex so you can read that.

Thanks for the response and input.

You should feel good on that dose, but it is very likely unsustainably high. Meaning that sooner or later something will happen that forces an adjustment. Once that happens, you are already "behind the curve".

Or your doctor just might panic at your first blood test and undertake radical changes.
I would appreciate your advice from Det if you have time.Any other advice would be appreciated as test results are from my urologist and I know you are not a doctor or would be giving medical advice but an educated opinion.
TT 471
Free 8.5 8.7-25 normal
Lh 3.4 2.6-10 normal
Fsh 2 1-8 normal

I am on 100mg a week TC.Is there a way to raise my Lh and
fsh while on trt.I was having just about every symptom of Low T before starting Trt and everything is much better now its only been a month.Havent had post trt blood work yet he wanted me to wait for six weeks.Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.I also really appreciate the general educational advice in the trt thread. When I do have labs in two weeks what other test should I have done?Thks
I would appreciate your advice from Det if you have time.Any other advice would be appreciated as test results are from my urologist and I know you are not a doctor or would be giving medical advice but an educated opinion.
TT 471
Free 8.5 8.7-25 normal
Lh 3.4 2.6-10 normal
Fsh 2 1-8 normal

I am on 100mg a week TC.Is there a way to raise my Lh and
fsh while on trt.I was having just about every symptom of Low T before starting Trt and everything is much better now its only been a month.Havent had post trt blood work yet he wanted me to wait for six weeks.Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.I also really appreciate the general educational advice in the trt thread. When I do have labs in two weeks what other test should I have done?Thks

Have you read this:

Your lh and fsh will be at zero when you shut down your HPTA when going on trt
Your lh and fsh will be at zero when you shut down your HPTA when going on trt

I dont think this is correct

No, he is correct. Taking exogenous testosterone shuts down your LH and FSH. In other words, you stopping making your own testosterone when you start supplying it externally.
Your lh and fsh will be at zero when you shut down your HPTA when going on trt

I dont think this is correct

It definitely is correct.

They may not be completely zeroed out, but they'll be pretty damn close. It's a totally normal finding when on TRT.
My doctor says he wants to keep the levels low to prevent shutting down my natural production of T.How is that possible if what yall say is correct
My doctor says he wants to keep the levels low to prevent shutting down my natural production of T.How is that possible if what yall say is correct

Short answer: it isn't.

Sadly, doctors don't always understand this stuff as well as they should.

I can imagine your reluctance to accept the word of some guys on the internet over that of your doctor.
I encourage you to do your own research and you can make up your own mind.
I would appreciate your advice from Det if you have time.Any other advice would be appreciated as test results are from my urologist and I know you are not a doctor or would be giving medical advice but an educated opinion.
TT 471
Free 8.5 8.7-25 normal
Lh 3.4 2.6-10 normal
Fsh 2 1-8 normal

I am on 100mg a week TC.Is there a way to raise my Lh and
fsh while on trt.I was having just about every symptom of Low T before starting Trt and everything is much better now its only been a month.Havent had post trt blood work yet he wanted me to wait for six weeks.Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.I also really appreciate the general educational advice in the trt thread. When I do have labs in two weeks what other test should I have done?Thks
So what would Yall recommend with these numbers quit trt an try pct type drugs to boost natural T or freeT,And Lh