Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

This is going to be my first cycle as of now:

Test Blend (tiger blood T500)(all I could get from a buddy): 250 mgs for 2 weeks then bump it up to 500 mgs for 12 weeks
Stack Arimidex .25 eod
take HCG 500iu every 10 days

week 13 nothing

Week 14-20: PCT
Clomid 50mgs ed
Nolva 40 mg for 2 weeks then 20mgs for 6 weeks

Any tweaks or adjustments?
ALSO... 25 gauge at 1.5" with 3cc syringe for thigh/glute injections
and insulin size 29 guage needles at 1" for HCG injections next to naval...

Am I right?
this is the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum, we do not discuss cycling in here. and your WAY off anyway.
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I´m using 200mg cyp per week(twice a week) and arimidex 0,25mg E2D: TT total: 1300 TT free: 49.3 SHBG: 18.5 Estradiol: 33 still feel effects of estradiol high. As my SHBG is low i must lower the estradiol most ? Now i take 0.25 mg every day. What u think? Or try a intermediate dose? Thank you.
I´m using 200mg cyp per week(twice a week) and arimidex 0,25mg E2D: TT total: 1300 TT free: 49.3 SHBG: 18.5 Estradiol: 33 still feel effects of estradiol high. As my SHBG is low i must lower the estradiol most ? Now i take 0.25 mg every day. What u think? Or try a intermediate dose? Thank you.

What side effects are you having ? I would not up your arimadex your estradiol is fine.
Swelling, Acne, ED, lack of provision for all. My estradiol is not good because of my SHBG. If I had SHBG in 50, the estradiol would be good. But my SHBG is well below 18!!! My sweet spot I imagine it is around 15 estradiol.
No that is not right, estradiol that low is terrible for you.

It seems to me that you need to lower your dosage, I am sure this would help the acne and water retention.

I dont know what the ED is from.
Because so many men in the world suffer from low T? Simply because doctors have the ego very high, preventing them from learning when they have the opportunity. It is a matter of logic, what means SHBG? "Sex" hormone binding globulin. Yes, this protein carries both testosterone and estradiol. If this is low, you needs to have estradiol lowest total also. This estradiol that determination, he is the total! I know a guy who has 30 years of TRT.I know a guy who has 30 years of TRT. THE SHBG him and 24.9 , and he feels the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) when its estradiol is in 15pg. I am still believing in my concepts. I will test the result soon.
Conclusions Lower SHBG is more strongly associated with metabolic syndrome than lower total testosterone in community-dwelling older men. SHBG may be the primary driver of these relationships, possibly reflecting its relationship with insulin sensitivity. Further studies should examine whether measures that raise SHBG protect against the development of metabolic syndrome in older men.

Lower sex hormone-binding globulin is more strongly associated with metabolic syndrome than lower total testosterone in older men: the Health in Men Study
lowering your estrogen more will merely lower your SHBG even further................

I can not help you without a full history of your androgen use, among other things.

Since your SHBG is so low you do not need as much T as someone with a normal or high SHBG, you need to lower your dose and get this figured out.
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In the study have not seen the word estradiol. Nobody is going to convince anyone. I will put into practice and expect the results. Thank you.
Unfortunately did not agree with you. I will increase the dose of arimidex, then post as I feel for you. Thank you.

Why even post in an advice thread if all you want is people to agree with you?
Det know his stuff, and what he is advising here is backed by his and scientific evidence. Your total t is a bit high as well.

I am interested to see your blood results after a few weeks of upping your anti e. Would def be worth posting a new thread.
Been reading the board for a while, looks like a great resource. My first post, apologies for being a bit long winded but here goes ............

Background: I have been cycling AAS since 2006 for bodybuilding purposes but for the last two years I have only been interested in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) benefits of Testosterone use i.e. improved wellbeing, libido etc. I still exercise 3 x per week, weights and cardio each session and I am in better than average shape. I'm 32 years old. I no longer use typical high dose steroid cycles for bodybuilding.

My questions are as follows:

1. I have found that taking 250mg Test Enanthate gives me the desired effects from approximately 4 weeks after starting treatment. The feeling of wellbeing and increased libido gradually increases up until around weeks 7-8, at which point I feel great and libido is through the roof. Then at week 9 all of a sudden the party stops, libido is low, wellbeing is back to average, I don't feel like it's a full on crash as I'm not depressed or anything and my strength is still up in the gym etc but something definitely isn't right. I would love to maintain that feeling from weeks 7-8 but I'm struggling to see where I'm going wrong. Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. The exact medication I am taking is 250mg Test Enanthate per week (one weekly IM jab) with 500iu HCG per week (one weekly Sub-Q jab), Proviron 50mg per day, T3 25mcg per day. I also take the following OTC supplements daily; multi-vitamin, 10g Omega 3 fish oils, 5000iu Vit D, 200mg CoQ10, 5g Taurine.

2. I have little experience with AI's but I have Arimidex on hand in case it's needed. I presume the change in my wellbeing at week 9 could be due to aromatisation, if this is the case what is a good starting point and dosing protocol with the Arimidex and how long after starting it should it take effect? Just so when I know at what point it is or isn't working and I can then adjust the dose.

3. Is Sustanon a better choice than single ester Testosterone?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
My guess is that your Estradiol is spiking. I think you need to get that tested right away.

Take a look at the post I made earlier today. We are discussing Arimidex dosing in that conversation. I had similar experiences to what you felt after a couple of months into TRT.