Been reading the board for a while, looks like a great resource. My first post, apologies for being a bit long winded but here goes ............
Background: I have been cycling AAS since 2006 for bodybuilding purposes but for the last two years I have only been interested in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) benefits of Testosterone use i.e. improved wellbeing, libido etc. I still exercise 3 x per week, weights and cardio each session and I am in better than average shape. I'm 32 years old. I no longer use typical high dose steroid cycles for bodybuilding.
My questions are as follows:
1. I have found that taking 250mg Test Enanthate gives me the desired effects from approximately 4 weeks after starting treatment. The feeling of wellbeing and increased libido gradually increases up until around weeks 7-8, at which point I feel great and libido is through the roof. Then at week 9 all of a sudden the party stops, libido is low, wellbeing is back to average, I don't feel like it's a full on crash as I'm not depressed or anything and my strength is still up in the gym etc but something definitely isn't right. I would love to maintain that feeling from weeks 7-8 but I'm struggling to see where I'm going wrong. Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. The exact medication I am taking is 250mg Test Enanthate per week (one weekly IM jab) with 500iu HCG per week (one weekly Sub-Q jab), Proviron 50mg per day, T3 25mcg per day. I also take the following OTC supplements daily; multi-vitamin, 10g Omega 3 fish oils, 5000iu Vit D, 200mg CoQ10, 5g Taurine.
2. I have little experience with AI's but I have Arimidex on hand in case it's needed. I presume the change in my wellbeing at week 9 could be due to aromatisation, if this is the case what is a good starting point and dosing protocol with the Arimidex and how long after starting it should it take effect? Just so when I know at what point it is or isn't working and I can then adjust the dose.
3. Is Sustanon a better choice than single ester Testosterone?
Any advice greatly appreciated.