Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

My estrogen is on the high side, so last month I started taking DIM and Zinc / Copper. I dont feel that it is very effective for me, so I am going to start a low dose of .25 mg Anastrozole E3.5D, so should I stop taking the DIM and Zinc / Copper when I start the AI? Thanks.

EDIT: Now that I am doing some more research, should I be doing .25mg EOD instead of .25mg E3.5D? My sensitive estrogen is at 44
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My estrogen is on the high side, so last month I started taking DIM and Zinc / Copper. I dont feel that it is very effective for me, so I am going to start a low dose of .25 mg Anastrozole E3.5D, so should I stop taking the DIM and Zinc / Copper when I start the AI? Thanks.

EDIT: Now that I am doing some more research, should I be doing .25mg EOD instead of .25mg E3.5D? My sensitive estrogen is at 44

I would drop the DIM. Zinc is up to you.

I would take .25mg of Adex every 3.5 days. 44pg/ml is barely elevated. It won't take much to bring that down. .25mg EOD would have your E2 in the gutter most likely.

Don't let the numbers fool you. .25mg of Adex is a lot. It is a very effective and powerful medication.
After few improvements with Novaldex my doctor wants to start me with 155mg/week of Cypionate. Good starting dose? Recommendations?
Hey there, thanks for starting this thread. I am new to TRT, my doctor recommended pellet therapy. I have been on it for just under a year, but I don't seem to be getting the positive effects. My T levels as of last week are at 1340 and my estrodial is at 25. I am taking arimidex 2 times a week. During the first six months I was "aromatizing" and felt like shit. I was emotional and tired and having hot flashes, basically going through menopause. Sounds funny but it was miserable. I am feeling better now after the estrogen blocker, but I am still tired and don't have the energy to really get into the gym or be productive beyond work. Any thoughts on what I can ask my doctor to look for in my blood work? Are my levels too high?
Hey there, thanks for starting this thread. I am new to TRT, my doctor recommended pellet therapy. I have been on it for just under a year, but I don't seem to be getting the positive effects. My T levels as of last week are at 1340 and my estrodial is at 25. I am taking arimidex 2 times a week. During the first six months I was "aromatizing" and felt like shit. I was emotional and tired and having hot flashes, basically going through menopause. Sounds funny but it was miserable. I am feeling better now after the estrogen blocker, but I am still tired and don't have the energy to really get into the gym or be productive beyond work. Any thoughts on what I can ask my doctor to look for in my blood work? Are my levels too high?

You should start your own thread.

Is that E2 number from the Regular or Sensitive Assay? Sounds like your E2 may be too low. How much Arimidex are you taking twice a week?
Most places around me are charging $200+, which includes test, HCG, bloodwork and an AI. Is there a place online that'll write out scripts for cheaper?

Can you become infertile & ED while on TRT?
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I have a question I have been on trt for about a year now. Im supposed to take 1 shot every 2 weeks, but after reading and researching I bumped it up my self to one shot a week at half the normal dose. But now I am experiencing headaches really bad headaches could this be a side affect? I'm new to all this and I don't think my dr knows what hes doing at all he really wont give me straight answers. just says to look it up and take in to consideration everything I read?
I'm no pro when it comes to this but I have reads the infertility is possible and to be honest being on trt has completely fixed any ed issues I have had
I have a question I have been on trt for about a year now. Im supposed to take 1 shot every 2 weeks, but after reading and researching I bumped it up my self to one shot a week at half the normal dose. But now I am experiencing headaches really bad headaches could this be a side affect? I'm new to all this and I don't think my dr knows what hes doing at all he really wont give me straight answers. just says to look it up and take in to consideration everything I read?

No, that should not be causing headache issues. What type of testosterone are you using and what is your weekly dose?

Do you have recent blood work that you can share with us?

Have you read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky thread yet? It is one of the first threads found in this TRT forum.
44 pg/ml of Estradiol does not warrant much a.I. to lower it in my opinion.
I would be very cautious of anything past 0.125 mg adex eod-e3d....
As u may lower Estradiol too much
I'm taking testosterone cyp, I'm supposed to take 1ml every 2 weeks but I take half every week. I have had blood work done once since iv been on trt my t levels are at 386. I have read back when I first joined about a year ago.
No, that should not be causing headache issues. What type of testosterone are you using and what is your weekly dose?

Do you have recent blood work that you can share with us?

Have you read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky thread yet? It is one of the first threads found in this TRT forum.

I have another question megatron and I hope I'm not being annoying I see you all over the threads so I trust your opinion. I was reading your oology FAQ again and should I run hcg while on trt to prevent testicular atrophy or is it too late for me? thanks again for all your help.
I'm taking testosterone cyp, I'm supposed to take 1ml every 2 weeks but I take half every week. I have had blood work done once since iv been on trt my t levels are at 386. I have read back when I first joined about a year ago.

So 386ng/dl is still almost hypogonadal. Why not try to obtain normal levels? At least 600ng/dl.

So you are taking 100mg/wk? Where does that put your estradiol? How is your hematocrit doing? Why don't you run more frequent blood work to see how you are doing on TRT and make sure you are healthy?

By the way, if your doc won't run the blood work there are other ways. See the link below in my signature.
So 386ng/dl is still almost hypogonadal. Why not try to obtain normal levels? At least 600ng/dl.

So you are taking 100mg/wk? Where does that put your estradiol? How is your hematocrit doing? Why don't you run more frequent blood work to see how you are doing on TRT and make sure you are healthy?

By the way, if your doc won't run the blood work there are other ways. See the link below in my signature.[/QU

So do you suggest I raise my dosage myself cuz I know my Dr. wont recommend that he thinks I'm to young to even be on it but the blood work shows I need it so he reluctantly gave it to me. I was reading that last night on the blood work, will the Hormone Panel for Females be enough or should I do a diff one?
Hormone Panel for Females is a good choice for guys on TRT.

I would recommend having a conversation with your doctor and advocating for yourself. Show him information regarding normal TT levels and how 386 is well below that. Talk about how you feel. Unfortunately, with TRT, you often have to lead your doctor by the nose to do the right thing.

To advocate for yourself you have to become educated so that you can point him in the right direction.
Hi I'm new to the board and hoping this is posted in the right spot. Long story short, I had trouble bouncing back from cycles in my late 30's and didn't know much about trt. I followed some "bro-science", advice of running my own trt dose, which I've been doing for years at 200mgs/test c a week.
Never really had any trouble and feel fine for a guy in his 40's, last time I checked my test levels were 600, which is low being as it's usually 1000. So I'm assuming my gear is underdosed, which is another story.
Never ran an AI either. No idea what estrogen levels are, my Dr. says insurance won't cover that type testing and I don't need it. He's obviously very old school and knows nothing about my homemade trt protocol.
I'm trying to educate myself here and read up as best I can, I'm also donating blood this weekend, but not sure where to go from here.
Should I come off and let myself crash and then see an endo and act like I'm not sure why my levels are fucked up?
Should I make an appt with an Endo and just come clean with everything?
Or is there a way I can get blood work done and try to figure this out myself? It's all really confusing at the moment, any advice would be much appriciated. Yes I'm a dick for doing this on my own without extensive bloodwork, and I'm regretting it now. I know this. I really can't change that, just looking to get straighted things out as fast as I can.
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Hi I'm new to the board and hoping this is posted in the right spot. Long story short, I had trouble bouncing back from cycles in my late 30's and didn't know much about trt. I followed some "bro-science", advice of running my own trt dose, which I've been doing for years at 200mgs/test c a week.
Never really had any trouble and feel fine for a guy in his 40's, last time I checked my test levels were 600, which is low being as it's usually 1000. So I'm assuming my gear is underdosed, which is another story.
Never ran an AI either. No idea what estrogen levels are, my Dr. says insurance won't cover that type testing and I don't need it. He's obviously very old school and knows nothing about my homemade trt protocol.
I'm trying to educate myself here and read up as best I can, I'm also donating blood this weekend, but not sure where to go from here.
Should I come off and let myself crash and then see an endo and act like I'm not sure why my levels are fucked up?
Should I make an appt with an Endo and just come clean with everything?
Or is there a way I can get blood work done and try to figure this out myself? It's all really confusing at the moment, any advice would be much appriciated. Yes I'm a dick for doing this on my own without extensive bloodwork, and I'm regretting it now. I know this. I really can't change that, just looking to get straighted things out as fast as I can.

Read the thread linked in my signature as it covers blood work. And read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky -- also in that FAQs link below.
Read the thread linked in my signature as it covers blood work. And read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky -- also in that FAQs link below.

Thanks for your reply, I'm trying to read up as much as I can, however its a little confusing. So if I get my blood work done, should I post the results up so someone can take a look. I'm somewhat inclined to put myself in the hands of a good Endo so as to eliminate all the guesswork on my end. All this shit is a lot to digest.
Thanks for your reply, I'm trying to read up as much as I can, however its a little confusing. So if I get my blood work done, should I post the results up so someone can take a look. I'm somewhat inclined to put myself in the hands of a good Endo so as to eliminate all the guesswork on my end. All this shit is a lot to digest.

Having good doctor help you with TRT is always a good idea.

You can always post your blood work results up here in the forum -- just start your own new thread -- and guys here can review the results and provide insight.