Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

its not a really bad thing, but its bad compared to having high testosterone 24/7. It defenitely has an impact on recovery after heavy workouts(and therefore on the physique), but maybe it also has an impact on the mood during the day, but i doubt about this one.
There are advantages to having an intact HPTA too, and thyroid, estro, ad infinitum...
Do you have links to what you're talking about? - - - studies I mean.
Yeah there's a study named Common sense.

That's probably the reason why i see so many natty people in shape...

If it is better to have constant Testosterone blood serum levels, why do you think the human body didn't evolve that way over millions of years? What evolutionary advantage did it create to have intra-day peaks and troughs of blood serum Testosterone levels? Do you know any examples found in nature where animals do have constant testosterone blood serum levels? When I look at things from a common sense perspective as you suggest, I usually feel that nature and evolution end up with the best approach. Natural Selection can be a pretty efficient arbitrator of what works best.
Well that doesn't make sense to me. Despite natural selection, we are not the perfectly crafted machine. Why don't we have four arms, bulletproof skin, and f**** ultrasound hearing then?

It's just a natural cycle. Just like the sun goes up and the sun goes down. Just like the winter comes and goes. Do we want want the sun shining 24/7 and the summer 12 months a year? Maybe. But that may come with some drawbacks.

But those drawbacks are probably very hidden with the human body and testosterone thing. I mean, i don't see any drawbacks. But maybe they are here...But i certainly see a lot of benefits.
I read today on the internet that extreme emotional stress that happened in your history, like divorce, death in family etc can cause adrenal fatigue. I suspect i have this. What blood tests should i run? DHEA?
What blood test should i run to rule out iron overload, IRON, Ferritin or something else?
Is 20% body fat going to make it difficult to lose weight on TRT. What % body fat should I be at? One impacts the other but I feel like I hit a wall with losing weight because of low T. But if T helps me build muscle I should be able to lose weight because muscle burns more calories.
I have to talk to the doc because I am starting trt treatment Friday but plan on pinning twice a week to limit the aromatization. So will TRT help me burn fat? Or is my % body fat going to affect my TRT progress? ??
I have serious questions that need serious answers. Tron was helpful with a post that I made in one of the other threads.

I am 44, marrying a 26 yr old and she wants kids someday. I was tested for TRT and found over 3 tests that my levels were 156, 189, 235( give or take). I used steroids when I was 16 and one of testicles never returned. I am obviously in decent shape otherwise I wouldn't be marrying a 26 yr old. I have been on TRT( test Cyponiate) for over 1 yr. It's done wonders for my mind, I have a stressful job, and it's done well to quill the anger that seems to come with low hormone levels. I need to deposit some sperm( which I have done already...they couldn't find one). Tron, suggests that I do HCG 2x a week with my TRT till my sperm come back. I am part of a study for better male living and it's a 3 year study. I have access to CLomid, HCG, HGH. Pretty much everything. The issue with TRT it's all about what's right for you.

The questions I have is:
1. Has anyone been on TRT for 1-2 years, what issues are you having?
2. If I use HCG, should I use clomid with it? I currently don't have a problem with breasts, and I don't want to. What should the dosage be for the clomid?
3. I have been on HGH 5 mg/1.5ml with I take .2 a day. What is the most optimal dosage to allow skin tightening and weight loss. It's done wonders for my immune system( the reason I was put on it in the first place).
4. What other things can I take to enhance my health, well being, body, and mind?

I need the smartest of group with the most reputable posts for answers. I decided to do this for living a quality life and not for quantity of years( I also don't want to die i a year...20 is fine).

So please guys, these finds will help not just me, but men in the future to live better, stronger, and rage against the dimming of the light.

Thank you for any all responses.
hey guys im new to this board and have jsut started a thread on my current blood work megatron28 has been providing me with some guidance and advice, but i had a few further questions and di dont wont to spam by starting another thread alltogether.. so here i am..

my current bloodsView attachment 562089

my symptoms are as follows.

no sex drive.libido
no erections for weeks at a time
feeling like im slightly off, or out of phase with everything around me//// depersonalization
Extreme fatigue and brain fog no
zero restoration after sleeping
loss in muscle
small gentalia... smaller than when i was younger
and loss of height,, my docs was very surprised by this one
general lack of enjoyment of life
massive decrease in strength weaker than when i was 16-17 currently 22 and 'fit'
i also lost most of my body hair on my legs and my arms, shaving only a few times a month now
my bloods point to secondary hypo/thyroid issues
i was wondering what are some of the common things that trigger these sort of symptoms in other-wise healthy young guys?

also does anyone have a more comprehensive list of low t symptoms, (trying to figure out where or why this happened) as all the ones i can find online seem to be simple bait and click list made to entice guys to sign up or purchase something
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Drew you read the sticky?

hey flyboy i did, i guess i was hoping to see if anyone else had had success, or could offer insight based on what i listed.. perhaps i should reread the stickies?

also i noticed i dont heal from injuries.. or very slowly

im covered in bruises that last forever, cuts/scars that last months

for instance i had a tick removed from my chest a few months ago, and i still have the mark..

i was wondering if this sounds like anemia induced from low t
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Drew / Chris:

For detailed questions like this you should start a new thread all of your own. This is a great thread for asking quick questions, but when you expect to have an ongoing dialogue, a new thread is preferred. Just copy and paste your questions into a new thread.
Do you know of a research that shows testosterone levels in men X weeks after injection?

I am looking for research to see how many days or weeks it takes for the blood levels to go from peak down to 200 or lower, but cannot find any.