Best Workout Headphones??


New member
I'm looking into buying another pair of headphones to workout in. I have went through two pair of the Bose earbuds because of the sweat getting inside and ruining them. I love how they sound but I can't afford to buy $100 earbuds every six months. I was looking into the Monster Beats - Beats By Dre. Apparently these are their sport edition so they are sweat resistant. I'm a little spoiled after using the Bose for so long so quality definitely matters. Any recommendations?
Bro, I got through like 10 pairs of head phones a MONTH just becuase they break, one ear stops working or I loose them lol... I was JUST looking online for some wireless head phones that I can sync to my ipod as not having wires would be SICK and AWESOME for the gym... Unfortionately the headphones that I found were for like cell phones and shit and I wasnt sure if they could work for an ipod.. You should look into that.
try sonys one, not bad quality sound at all, just sits around your head, sweat resistant to no wires at all just easy to use, only downside is its only 2GBs and theres no screen but doesnt bother me really
Has anyone tried any Sennheiser's? I've never heard of this brand but I was looking at reviews online and they seem pretty good. They make Sennheiser/Adidas pairs also.
I have some 15$ Sony wrap around ones that wrap around the back of the head and over the ear.

Had em for about 2 years now...

I recommend them lol.
Hey, dont u get warranty for your headphones? u shouldnt have to keep buying them!
get them replaced!