Beyond PCT, yes clomid is one of the best testosterone boosters available!

From what I have read most docs prescribe 25-50mg per day and not more. Does anyone know if Clomid is a controlled substance in USA? I assume no, but with idiots making laws nothing is impossible.
From what I have read most docs prescribe 25-50mg per day and not more. Does anyone know if Clomid is a controlled substance in USA? I assume no, but with idiots making laws nothing is impossible.

Cant find a dea schedual on it so i think not. Hi everybody:-) first post!
All i can say is i was on 50 mlg eod and knocked up my wife and she needs to take clomid or fertility drugs to get pregnant, so please be cautious! Unplanned clomid prgnancies can happen to u! :)
I have not tried it but... many have said the research chem versions taste terrible. But maybe you can dilute it with juice? Grape kills off most other flavors. LOL Would be curious if that is ok to do or if juice of any sorts would hurt the research chem?

I'm sure the pharma pills are illegal without a script but I'm curious. Is clomid a controlled substance in USA?

Old thread but bump to see if anyone knows. Just curious ... :)
So what if your test is already in the upper range? My total t is 740 and my free t is only 12.4. I read that having it in the twenties is optimal. I'm thinking of trying low dose clomid 3 days a week and see how i feel. Never used AAS so wanted to try something milder. Not really for gains, but overall well being and libido.
I run clomid both on and off cycle and have been doing this for a few years! wish I had known to stay on it during my off time sooner!

Many doctors will actually prescribe clomid now to their patients before moving on to shots etc.

It is particular interest to those with damaged hpta since it has healed some guys in some instances. In other words they stayed on clomid long enouh that they can kickstart their own natty production again!

hahah BC, it's just the old fart pulling one out of the hat for your entertainment ;)

It does indeed work in place of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in a cycle to maintain testicular size, off cycle it boosts sperm count much as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with some added benefits

Could you give an example of how you would run this as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle please! Amounts & Frequency?
I know this is an old thread but gotta say thanks Zeek, I am definitely going to start incorporating this info into my routine.
I am currently on a dose of 25mg clomid EOD and 250mcg of armidex EOD to help with free test levels and E2 levels. I have been on this regimen for three weeks now and I can already see a strength difference and muscle fullness.

My question is would it be benificial to run IGF1-LR3 with the use of clomid and Adex? Would you see a simliar effect as guys running IGF1-LR3 on cycle? Any help is appreicated.

Thanks for all the good info on Clomid. I have been taking 12.5MG every other day for a boost. I was doing so due to information a friend gave me. (Same friend I got the clomid from) Should I up the dosage to 25mg per day? I realize this sounds like an ignorant question, but I took the info given to me from someone who usually does his homework well. First time I can not find anything supporting it.

Also, can anyone recommend a good way to figure out dosage for liquid from RUI?

Thank you in advance.