Biceps seem so laggy ! what do u guys do for em

Rope pull downs
Skull crushers/ go right into close grip press to failure
To finish off tri's I like the cable 2 handed reverse pull downs and really squeeze at the bottom usually drop set to failure
All with 3 sets in the 10-12 rep range

Where did this come from?
When I really want a good arm workout,, I'll bring my sexy wife to the gym with me and leave the ego at the door and just workout with what weight she does,, no point in switching diff weights around set to set,, just have her lift what she wants and I'll do the same,, But I'll make the most of each rep.

I might look like a bum doing 45 pound barbell curls with her,, but so what. . People watching don't know I'm actually doing a 60 second bicep flexing routine just to do one set.. Sure the wife does curls with that weight,, I look like I'm doing curls but I'm not,, I'm doing a flexing routine essentially squeezing and flexing the muscle the whole time under tension..
When your whole body begins to shake curling just what your wife is curling,, you know your flexing hard enough