New member
so you aren't getting much strength gain? thats odd. is your diet on point?
Yeah, I was working at only a slight deficit of 250 cals for the first half of my cycle. I know my body, and after 6 weeks, I imagine I've shed a bit of fat to where this has probably become maintenance for me. So as of tomorrow I'm dropping another 250 or so. We'll see how this goes.On a caloric deficit of about 500 cals below maintenance. Still, with that I have gained about 12 pounds thus far, probably 8-10 of which is water. I seem to be at a muscle-bulding dose but not a strengthening dose.
Yeah man I'd love to hit a 6 plate squat (minimum) by years end... I think I'm fully capable of it too. My ultimate lifetime goal is a 7 plate squat (and 5 plate bench)... but baby steps, I suppose.
One thing I regret about this cycle is that it took me too long to figure out how to train my squats on juice. I have a good groove going right now, but I was too narrow-minded to change my routine when I began juicing few weeks ago... as soon as I changed it, my squat started shooting up again. That's a good 3-4 squat workouts that I just wasted. Oh well, I guess.
Following your log. Good stuff budGettin ready to start my first cycle soon. Helps to see how your first cycle is going to plan mine.
Good to have you in here Mamba, it will be even better when we land Dwight Howard.If you need any advice on your cycle, i'll be here to help. Go Lakers!
I can't speak for him, but I'd like to offer my own experience here. I chose to begin my first cycle as a test/var cutting cycle, and I'll tell you why. I always gain strength and size while bulking, easily. Hell, we all do. It's easy, you eat and you lift. But gaining strength while cutting is something I could never do naturally. So, I chose my first cycle to be a cutting cycle so I could gain strength even while cutting. This way, there is no 'downtime' in the calendar year for me... I'll always be gaining, whether I'm bulking naturally or cutting on gear.Haha. Good deal man.
Hey I was wondering, why are you in a caloric deficit right now. I feel like during cycle would be the most important time to be eatting extra calories to grow, not depriving ourselves of calories. What do you think?
I completely agree with MN. The miracle of juice for my bodytype is that i'll be able to add muscle mass and strength while cutting off the fat (caloric deficit). This is impossible to do naturally so that's why to maximize it's effects for me personally this is the best way to utilize it.
If you're a hardgainer then you will want to bulk and use it for pure size and mass. However, I can gain mass very easily, the hard part is gaining without the inclusion of fat in the equation. This enables us to keep our hard earned muscle while cutting any fat that came along the way while attaining it. It's the ultimate cheat code.