Buzzbaits Journal With (PSL) and 3J

Decided to do some heavier then usual reps on legs. Just a WO to shock them a bit. I'm about 6 weeks into full cycle, so I'm thinking I'll be settling in on that sweet by week 8. My numbers are slowing down, but still getting a little stronger every workout. I kept quads to only two exercises for this WO...

405 for 8, kinda stuck on 8 damn
455 for 3 good set
475 for 1 great rep, SHEEEEJJJ bout didn't come back up
315 for 6 pauses love that shit
225 for 10 at least three second pauses

Leg extensions
180 plus top plate for 10
168 plus top plate for 11
168 plus top plate for 10
156 plus top plate for 11

Leg curls
156 plus top plate for 8
144 plus top plate for 7
132 plus top plate for 7
108 plus top plate for 9

Glute kicks
85 for 10
85 for 10

555 for 20
645 for 12
735 for 6
735 for 7
645 for 10
555 for 12

Back and biceps tomorrow
Decided to do some heavier then usual reps on legs. Just a WO to shock them a bit. I'm about 6 weeks into full cycle, so I'm thinking I'll be settling in on that sweet by week 8. My numbers are slowing down, but still getting a little stronger every workout. I kept quads to only two exercises for this WO...

405 for 8, kinda stuck on 8 damn
455 for 3 good set
475 for 1 great rep, SHEEEEJJJ bout didn't come back up
315 for 6 pauses love that shit
225 for 10 at least three second pauses

Leg extensions
180 plus top plate for 10
168 plus top plate for 11
168 plus top plate for 10
156 plus top plate for 11

Leg curls
156 plus top plate for 8
144 plus top plate for 7
132 plus top plate for 7
108 plus top plate for 9

Glute kicks
85 for 10
85 for 10

555 for 20
645 for 12
735 for 6
735 for 7
645 for 10
555 for 12

Back and biceps tomorrow

Serious weight on the squats brother!! I'm having issues going heavier than 315 for reps. My damned lower back gets so tight and pumped I'm afraid I'm gonna strain something. I'm short legged long waisted for 5-09 ( 29" inseam) so maybe that's part of it.
The most I've ever done was 365. Felt like it was gonna crush me. I go to parallel too for the hamstring work. Someday, someway I'll get to 4 plates

Enjoying your log though, keep it up!!
Serious weight on the squats brother!! I'm having issues going heavier than 315 for reps. My damned lower back gets so tight and pumped I'm afraid I'm gonna strain something. I'm short legged long waisted for 5-09 ( 29" inseam) so maybe that's part of it.
The most I've ever done was 365. Felt like it was gonna crush me. I go to parallel too for the hamstring work. Someday, someway I'll get to 4 plates

Enjoying your log though, keep it up!!
Thanks brother, the pumps use to be almost unbearable while running DBOL, but for past couple weeks it's all good. I try not to go to single reps anymore, but that "look how big my cock is" kicks in. I love going to parallel or just a touch below, it gets the whole leg ripped the fuck up, I've just got to continue to find that happy median of not overtraining. And don't sell yourself short brother, nothing wrong with repping 315, that's good weight
Good workout today, but my gains are starting to slow immensely.... Might need a change in WO reps or times per week. Maybe Zilla can take a look at it:) or just plow through and bust the fuck out of plateaus ..

Smith Barbell Rows
315 for 8 going heavy then lighter
275 for 11 better squeeze
275 for 10

HS Pull
45 and 35 ES for 10
Two 45's ES for 7
"""""""""" ES for 6

Cable Rows
132 and top plate for 9
132"""""""""""""" for 9
132 """"""""""""""for 9

Supinated cable close grip pulls
108 and top plate for 9
108 and top plate for 8

DB Delt Press
110 for 6... Felt light just ran out of gas
110 for 5
100 for 8 or 9, thinking 9 good set
100 for 9

Rear Delt Pec Deck
156 for 10 great set
156 for 11
156 for 8

Bicep Barbel Curls
115 for 7
115 for 6
95 for 9
95 for 8 or 9???

DB Curls
40 for 9 or 10???
40 for 8

Rope Curls
85 for 14
85 for 10 dropped to 20lb DB for reps
6 weeks in, got to post just a few teaser pics... Lol from 202 to 226..., newbies turn your fucking virgin eyes this ain't the norm mother fuckers, I've cut a ton of fat, NOW adding a ton of mass. Ive got 14 weeks left on this blast, thinking 240 will be extremely doable.... I'm not a doctor nor recommend AAS at high dosages.
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Yes they are upside fucking down.... Lol oh well
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Didn't sleep but four hours last night, I'm waking up at around same time and can't go back to sleep. Pinned my last 100 TNE with other test and deca this morning. Breakfast 1 1/2 cups of egg whites, two whole jumbo eggs, 5 pieces turkey bacon, and four pieces wheat toast. Oh and a pot of coffee.

Flat Barbell Bench
315 for 6 same as last Flat Bench
335 for 2 left a rep, felt great better then last set
355 for 1 great lift slow down pause then fucking exploded. Thinking 370ish would have been extremely doable...
315 for 4 great set
275 pauses for 5 at least 2 second pauses constant tension
225 for 17 fuck I could have got 20, being a pussy

Smith Machiene Barbell Press
295 for 3 left a rep
275 for 5 good set, bout same as last WO
275 for 4 good low rep set

Pec Deck
216 for 11 SLOW

DB Laterals
40 for 10 stronger
40 for 8 yea I'm killing it
35 for 11 :)

Alternating DB Fronts
30 for 10 or 11
35 for 8 added weight, good set

Skull Crushes
60 ES for 5 good set
60 ES for 4
50 ES for 8

Cable straight bar press
225 for 12 great slow set
225 for 9 I think???
225 for 9

Rope extensions
Drop sets for total of 30 plus reps
I hate shit that inconveniences a workout. Had this tingle feeling in my right leg while doing presses. Not really a hurt, just a what the fuck kinda feeling. Still plowed thru some legs!!! Keep Killing

Leg press
645 for 10 kinda a warm up set. No where near failure
825 for 10 felt great
1005 for 4 Lol HOLY fuck half a ton:) could have got a few more, had a weird feeling in right knee!!!
915 for five weird ass feeling again
825 for 9.....
735 for 10 I hate having shit going on. Tingle above my knee. Working around it

DB Lunges
60lb for 8
60lb for 5 hadn't done these in a while. I'm spent

Leg extensions
132 and top plate for 15
132 """""""""""""" for 12

Leg Curls
168 for 6
156 for 7
144 for 7
132 for 7

Glute Kicks
85 for 10 slow squeeze set
85 for same 10

Calves press
555 for 25
645 for 15
645 for 8 pauses

Seated calves
90 pauses for 15
90 pauses for 15

Hitting Back/Delts/Biceps tomorrow
Feeling as good as ever. Deca is at full force and I'm stoked for this ride for 12 more weeks. Eating everything in sight, definitely going to have to cut a bit after cycle, but putting on some good strength and size. Is is bad that I'm already looking toward to running test, tren, and mast on my next cycle???? Here it is

Dead Lifts
405 for 7 had a slipping fucked up grip. Should have got 10+
455 for 3 good slow reps just not feeling going quite this heavy
405 for 7

110 for fucking 15!!!!!! These are as heavy DB's as gym has:(
110 for 13 these fuckers are killers
110 for 11 I'm spent

Cable Close Grip Pulldowns (Supinated)
120 for 10
120 for 9
120 for 8

Barbell Military Press
225 for 7
225 for 6 ok going to go after a few more reps
185 for 12 good set
185 for 10

Peck deck
156 for 8
144 for 7
132 for 8

DB Curls
55 for 10
50 for 9
50 for 8

Alternate hands curls (different exercise)
45 for 13
45 for 13

EZ Bar
25 ES for 10 slow
25 ES for 10
one of the best threads/journals on ology.... i havent posted alot at all but i have read almost everything worth reading on here. ...AMAZINGLY MOTIVATING... keep smashing brother.
one of the best threads/journals on ology.... i havent posted alot at all but i have read almost everything worth reading on here. ...AMAZINGLY MOTIVATING... keep smashing brother.
Thanks brother, just taking one killing at a time. Loving life and truly enjoying the ride...,
Did an afternoon kill session today. Felt good, some numbers are going up and some are kinda plateauing. Going to smash thru it though. Here it is...
315 for 6 Fuck can't get of 6
345 for 2 great explosive reps
325 for 3 good explosive reps

DB Press
110 for 10 killed that set
110 for 8 short pause at bottom. Working on explosion
110 for 8 another great set

HS Press
4 plates ES for 8 stronger here
4 plates ES for 8 going to stay here for a minute
4 plates ES for 7

Pec Deck
216 for 12 pauses FUUUCK
216 for 9 """"

DB Laterals
40 for 8 damn
45 for 6
40 for 7 damn
35 for 9

DB Fronts alternating
35 for 9 easy set
40 for 6 went heavier

Smith Close Grip
315 for 5 WOW
295 for 6
275 for 7
275 for 6

DB Behind the neck
110 for 10 to light, went real slow
110 for 8 """"""
110 for 8 I think
Killed me some legs. Holy fuck it's getting heavy in HERE!!!!!

405 for 8 or 9 fuck in the set
455 for 3 fuck same amount as last squat WO
495 for fucking 2... Holy fuck have no idea where that came from. Thought my eyes bout fucking popped out
405 for 5 great slow set. I'm spent
315 for 9 fuck me. Second pauses. Damn Zilla!!!!!!:)
225 for 8 one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi pauses fuck I'm done in squats

Leg extensions
204 plus top plate for 9 or 10
204 """""""""""""" for 8
204"""""" for 7
180 """"""""""""" for 8

Leg Curls
144 for 8
144 for 6 sweating like a whore in church
132 for 7
120 for 8

Seated calves
2 plates ES for 10
2 plates ES for 10
2 plates ES for 10
2 plates ES for 10

Back/Delts/Biceps tomorrow
One of those workouts, when you walk out of the gym saying "yea I know I'm the mother fucker" killed it, soaking wet

Narrow grip pronated lat Pulldowns
144 plus top plate for 10
144 plus top plate for 9
144 plus top plate for 8

Smith Machine BB Rows
315 for 6
275 for 9
275 for 8
225 for 12

Cable Rows
132 and top plate for 10
132 and top plate for 9
132 and top plate for 8

Back extensions
75lbs for 10
75lbs for 9
75lbs for 9

DB Press
110 for 7 one more then last DB WO
110 for 7 fuck I'm spent explosive on bottom.
100 for 10... Fuck great Delt pump, but lower back is about to EXPLODE, like a DBOL pump???
100 for 8 fuck Delts on fire

Pec Deck rear Delts
132 for 13
144 for 10
144 for 9 fuck me

EZ Bar
Close grip
35 ES for 12
45 ES for 6
35 ES for I think 8 or 9

DB Preacher Curls
40 for 6
35 for 8
30 for 8

Rope Curls
65 for 13
65 for 13

One to two days rest next. Ok probably just one:)
Really wasn't feeling it today. Everything is a touch sore, and I've kinda hit a plateau. I'm still smashing it, just kinda stuck. Anyway here it is

Barbell Bench
315 for 6.... Fuck I'm stuck on 6
365 for one. Slow and then exploded
335 for 2 damn

DB Press
110 for 10
110 for 8
110 for 5

Incline HS Press
3 plates for 15 Slow
3 plates for 12 another extremely slow set

DB Laterals
35 for 8
35 for 8
40 for 6

DB Front Raises
35 for 8
30 for 9

Cable press
240 for 13
240 for 10
240 for 7

Overhead Rope
105 for 10
125 for 9
125 for 9
Changing routine just a touch. I'm still killing every body part twice a week, but only going to do the big three (bench,squat,deads) once per week. Substituting other lifts second WO per body part. And trying to decrease volume to closer to 40-60 reps per body part twice a week...I love deca... But damn I'm itching for some TNE:)

Leg press
825 for 10 easy
915 for 7 easy
1005 for 4
825 for 8 great fucking set
825 for 7
735 for 8 spent fuck me

Leg extensions
204 plus top plate for 9
204 """""""""""""" for 7
204 """""""""""""" for 7

Leg curls
168 for 5
156 for 6
144 for 7
132 for 8
120 for 8

Glute kicks
85 for 10-12
85 for 10
Going to admit these look gay as fuck, but damn they are tough on the hammies and ass....

Seated calves
2 plates ES for 13
""""""""" ES for 13
""""""""" ES for 13
""""""""" ES for 13
""""""""" ES for 13

Killing some back/delts/and bis tomorrow.
Smashed some back/delts/bis... Getting stronger on some lifts. Delt strength took a jump this from previous WO

Pronated cable pulls
156 plus top plate for 12
168 plus top plate for 8
156 plus top plate for 9

DB Rows
110 for 12
110 for 12
110 for 12

HS Pulls
45 and 25 for 10 pauses
45 and 25 for 10""""

Barbell Military Press
225 for 8 killed up a couple reps
245 for 4 great set for weight
225 for 7 killed set
205 for 12 killed

Pec Deck
144 for 12
156 for 12

DB Curl
50 for 10
55 for 7
60 for 5
40 for 12

High cable curls
50 for 12
50 for 12