Caught INJECTING in the locker room!!!

Victorian guy

Banned -- Cant respect a free board

Is there anything wrong with injecting in the locker room? Bloody hell, whatever happened to hard-core gyms- are they truly a thing of the past?

The other day, Nobby and I, having finished a brutal training session, were sitting about the locker room getting in our round of injections. 10ccs here, 5ccs there- quads, glutes, shoulders, biceps- indeed we were running out of places to inject.

Well, the floor was simply littered with the refuse of our supplementation. Used syringes, syringe wrappers, bloody bits of cotton, a couple of empty bottles of rubbing alcohol, tissues, and a bucketfull of empty amps lay scattered across the floor.
Just then, someone entered the locker room. A man around 40ish came sauntering in, pony-tailed, lats flared, and showing off his 140 pound physique. He stopped once he stepped on the first amp, breaking it, then proceeded to tread carefully, looking for a bare bit of floorspace amongst the sea of amps and syringes. He gave us a disgusted look, and muttered 'tsk tsk tsk!" as he opened his locker.
"Why brother, is there something wrong?" I asked in a friendly manner.
"You know...I could be as big as you too if I took STEROIDS!" he sneered.
"Oh....really? Well, friend, perhaps you ought to start here and now" I suggested. "I don't THINK so!" he snapped. Nobby, who had slowly been creeping up behind him with a 10cc syringe filled with test prop, suddenly seized him round the neck, snarled "Ere you go, fookin bastahd!", shoved the needle into the man's arse and injected the whole thing! The man ran off into the gym, screaming, an empty 10cc syringe still stuck in his arse!
The gym manager came in promptly, and before he could start his whining, Nobby and I seized him, turned him upside down, held him by one ankle each, and then headed over to the urinals where we shoved his head in and flushed repeatedly, then took him out into the gym and tossed him 30 feet across the gym floor.

We left, disgusted at the sheer rudeness of others- who are they to meddle in our injecting?!!
Some people simply don't understand the concept of consideration for the privacy of others. They both got what was coming to them.
people just dont get the concept of hard core should be allowed to inject between sets
They should have locker room attendants that inject for you, like they have bathroom attendants in nice restaraunts.
first of all. yes people should mind their own business BUT! when injecting a small basket,cup or whatever should be used to toss the shit for your protection and privacy. you didn't give any indication he was gonna tell. to grab the bro and forcefully inject 10cc of prop which i hope is not true is over reacting to say the least. now you guys can imagine the pain this bro is in for weeks. then attack the mngr by flushing his head in the toilet. you guys made a nothing situation into something really big if they press charges. giving juicing a bad name. the bad part is other bros giving support of this incident instead of having the guts to let you know it was wrong. you guys can't be all that tough if you had to double team them. theres a place for you both called jail. those who know me know i never get into confrontations but you bros are dead wrong. don't blame it on roid rage either.
organdoner said:
first of all. yes people should mind their own business BUT! when injecting a small basket,cup or whatever should be used to toss the shit for your protection and privacy. you didn't give any indication he was gonna tell. to grab the bro and forcefully inject 10cc of prop which i hope is not true is over reacting to say the least. now you guys can imagine the pain this bro is in for weeks. then attack the mngr by flushing his head in the toilet. you guys made a nothing situation into something really big if they press charges. giving juicing a bad name. the bad part is other bros giving support of this incident instead of having the guts to let you know it was wrong. you guys can't be all that tough if you had to double team them. theres a place for you both called jail. those who know me know i never get into confrontations but you bros are dead wrong. don't blame it on roid rage either.

lol , VG is just bullshitting bro.
oh.. hell just imagine the screwing this testosterone lacking hippie will now give his wife now that he has the hormones that his estrogen soaked balls were supposed to be providing. If she ever finds out what caused it she'll shoot him up in his sleep.
organdoner said:
first of all. yes people should mind their own business BUT! when injecting a small basket,cup or whatever should be used to toss the shit for your protection and privacy. you didn't give any indication he was gonna tell. to grab the bro and forcefully inject 10cc of prop which i hope is not true is over reacting to say the least. now you guys can imagine the pain this bro is in for weeks. then attack the mngr by flushing his head in the toilet. you guys made a nothing situation into something really big if they press charges. giving juicing a bad name. the bad part is other bros giving support of this incident instead of having the guts to let you know it was wrong. you guys can't be all that tough if you had to double team them. theres a place for you both called jail. those who know me know i never get into confrontations but you bros are dead wrong. don't blame it on roid rage either.

A new quote for Victorian to put in his sig. lmao
put a sign that says, "knock before entering, injection in progress"

and the audousity of him to even say that to you. i would have pissed on him. you did the right thing with thte gym manager though.