Cycling Beastdrol?


New member
I wanna try Beastdrol as my first PH cycle and on the site it suggests using UNLEASHED and their POST CYCLE product. Is the UNLEASHED necessary? And is their post cycle therapy (pct) recommendation all I need? All of the SERM and post cycle therapy (pct) theories are slightly confusing to me... Any help/suggestions would be great!

I wanna try Beastdrol as my first PH cycle and on the site it suggests using UNLEASHED and their POST CYCLE product. Is the UNLEASHED necessary? And is their PCT recommendation all I need? All of the SERM and PCT theories are slightly confusing to me... Any help/suggestions would be great!

What the prop blend?
Im sorry Im not sure what you mean by prop blend I'm pretty new to this lol. I guess what I'm really asking is is the product POST-CYCLE that Mr. Supps recommends as a PCT all I need to take after a 4 week cycle of Beastdrol?
Im sorry Im not sure what you mean by prop blend I'm pretty new to this lol. I guess what I'm really asking is is the product POST-CYCLE that Mr. Supps recommends as a post cycle therapy (pct) all I need to take after a 4 week cycle of Beastdrol?

Its the ingredients in the product. Im not familiar with beastdrol myself.
If you wanted to run a Katana Beast Stack Id Suggest

1-3 Beastdrol 20 mg 20 mg, 30 mg
1-6 Katana
Your support Supps

Forma Stanzol
Phytoserm347 /
Post Cycle*depends on phytoserm release date

Look through the forums on this site i found this on beastdrol stack. its a copy and paste of what i found
Your supporting supps should include Need2Guard, Krill oil, beta-glucans
Toremiphene: 90/60/60/30/30
HCGenerate 5 caps a day
PhytoSerms 347 2 caps (1am/1pm)
Formastanozol 3 pumps am and 3 pm and then taper to 3 pumps am or pm
TestForce 2 at 4 scoops for the first 5 days, then 2 scoops throughout the pct
Your supporting supps should include Need2Guard, Krill oil, beta-glucans
Toremiphene: 90/60/60/30/30
HCGenerate 5 caps a day
PhytoSerms 347 2 caps (1am/1pm)
Formastanozol 3 pumps am and 3 pm and then taper to 3 pumps am or pm
TestForce 2 at 4 scoops for the first 5 days, then 2 scoops throughout the pct

Thanks MMA im undecided on my next cycle and was researching beastdrol
Thanks everyone for your help. Man, it seems like a barrel of pills for just a few pounds of muscle, hope I get it right!
Thanks everyone for your help. Man, it seems like a barrel of pills for just a few pounds of muscle, hope I get it right!

No prob man. Good luck. U will be suprised on ur results lol just train hard and eat a ton!! plus get a lot of sleep.
Thanks everyone for your help. Man, it seems like a barrel of pills for just a few pounds of muscle, hope I get it right!

those 2 compounds will be very suppressive together, you may want to add a dht/test based ph to help you out with the lethargy and other sides as such.....maybe pp androhard or 4ad (just dbl dose it)

pct wise i think you are right its alot of pills, and imo not needed....toremifene is fine, and then maybe a natty test booster like bioforge in wk3 (optional)

dose the torem like this
day 1-3 120mg
day 4-7 90mg
wk2/3 60mg
wk 4 30mg

you should be better off this way
damn that is a real heavy loaded pct right there bro.. I think this is the best and most piratical way of running this cycle bro.

1-4 beastdrol 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 katanadrol 250mg every day ( optional)
1-4 n2guard 7 caps a day
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.
4-8 unleashed/post cycle 1 cap of each 3 times a spread out
4-8 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm every day

Again this is just the best and most piratical way of running the cycle. You got your bad ass beastdrol for the sick gains ( and believe me they are just simple sick gains to say the least). Then you got your N2guard which covers every single health aspect you can think of from heart health to the liver and Kidneys. Its got androgen receptor up regulators, its got Cholesterol support, and it even has your daily Multi vitamin. It is a complete all in one health/cycle support supplement made for the hard core steroid users.

Then you got your hcgenerate which helps to prevent shut down of the hormone cascade from the GnRH to Lh its got you covered and sex drive will go through the sky rather then the floor, which can happen on a lot of cycles. It also has the ability to add gains to a cycle by lowering shbg which is one of the bodies mechanisms of action for reaching Homeostasis ( aka stopping your gains and or lowering them) As well as many other benefits of use. Hcgnerate will do a number of things for you well on the cycle my friend.. including the following.

1. Promote healthy glucose levels and healthy sugar metabolism By assisting the pancreas in production of insulin.

2. bind to and "act like" and "exhibit" testosterone "like activity" At the muscles receptor cells with out having any effect on test production its self what so ever.

3. Promote the secondary messenger to nitric oxide thus almost like a NO product.

4. Heightens sexual arousal. by a number of mechanisms one of which (but not limated too) is by Up regulating androgen/sex hormone receptors in the brain. So in other words it makes them respond better.

5. hase an positive effect on Igf. as well as
protective effect on Leydig cell steroidogenesis

6.pramotes Anabolic Balance During Endurance Exercise

7. Increasing libido, improving sports performance, increasing fertility, and activating the enzymes that metabolize the various androgens.

8. An ability to increase DHEA and free testosterone, well decreasing Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), improve HDL, modulate cortisol, and increase IGF-1 level<-- shit did I say that already lol

Then after that you have your formastanzol during post cycle therapy (pct). During pct anyone will tell you that you need a serm and almost all the board self proclaimed gururs will tell you that you should also have an AI,,

Forma-stanxzol is both a suicide aromatase inhibitor and a serm as well so it covers both. The added unleashed and post cycle will help restore your test levels to normal quickly.

Then I think its best to also add the phytoserm-347 but its not a must. The hcgenerate during the cycle will prevent a complete shut down though. If you cant get the hcgenerate for on cycle then yes defiantly use the phytoserm-347 after.

You can go on and on with a list of bad ass supplements,otc steroids and other things you can add to the cycle, pct or even after pct with product like Bridge.. But Lets face it the supplement industry has its product and or company Ta'sucks but these days there is also a shit ton of good products out there that work..

Good luck bro
Thanks alot Needtogetaas for simplifying it. I'm still wet behind the ears when it comes to PH or steroid use and all the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT supplements that come with it. It seems like everytime I go to order the HCGenerate its out of stock lol Hopefully it comes in soon I'm getting antsy ha. Should I be taking liver treatments before I start the cycle or is the N2Guard during cycle good enough?
WARNING to all company called Pro Peptides and Melanotan US Incorporated are selling products that are not real . Had some GHRP 6 and MGF tested and its just malititol and other types of fillers . Also said an alarming amount of Bacteria in Vials . Yuck I want money back . PRICKS...
damn that is a real heavy loaded pct right there bro.. I think this is the best and most piratical way of running this cycle bro.

1-4 beastdrol 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 katanadrol 250mg every day ( optional)
1-4 n2guard 7 caps a day
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.
4-8 unleashed/post cycle 1 cap of each 3 times a spread out
4-8 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm every day

Again this is just the best and most piratical way of running the cycle. You got your bad ass beastdrol for the sick gains ( and believe me they are just simple sick gains to say the least). Then you got your N2guard which covers every single health aspect you can think of from heart health to the liver and Kidneys. Its got androgen receptor up regulators, its got Cholesterol support, and it even has your daily Multi vitamin. It is a complete all in one health/cycle support supplement made for the hard core steroid users.

Then you got your hcgenerate which helps to prevent shut down of the hormone cascade from the GnRH to Lh its got you covered and sex drive will go through the sky rather then the floor, which can happen on a lot of cycles. It also has the ability to add gains to a cycle by lowering shbg which is one of the bodies mechanisms of action for reaching Homeostasis ( aka stopping your gains and or lowering them) As well as many other benefits of use. Hcgnerate will do a number of things for you well on the cycle my friend.. including the following.

1. Promote healthy glucose levels and healthy sugar metabolism By assisting the pancreas in production of insulin.

2. bind to and "act like" and "exhibit" testosterone "like activity" At the muscles receptor cells with out having any effect on test production its self what so ever.

3. Promote the secondary messenger to nitric oxide thus almost like a NO product.

4. Heightens sexual arousal. by a number of mechanisms one of which (but not limated too) is by Up regulating androgen/sex hormone receptors in the brain. So in other words it makes them respond better.

5. hase an positive effect on Igf. as well as
protective effect on Leydig cell steroidogenesis

6.pramotes Anabolic Balance During Endurance Exercise

7. Increasing libido, improving sports performance, increasing fertility, and activating the enzymes that metabolize the various androgens.

8. An ability to increase DHEA and free testosterone, well decreasing Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), improve HDL, modulate cortisol, and increase IGF-1 level<-- shit did I say that already lol

Then after that you have your formastanzol during post cycle therapy (pct). During pct anyone will tell you that you need a serm and almost all the board self proclaimed gururs will tell you that you should also have an AI,,

Forma-stanxzol is both a suicide aromatase inhibitor and a serm as well so it covers both. The added unleashed and post cycle will help restore your test levels to normal quickly.

Then I think its best to also add the phytoserm-347 but its not a must. The hcgenerate during the cycle will prevent a complete shut down though. If you cant get the hcgenerate for on cycle then yes defiantly use the phytoserm-347 after.

You can go on and on with a list of bad ass supplements,otc steroids and other things you can add to the cycle, pct or even after pct with product like Bridge.. But Lets face it the supplement industry has its product and or company Ta'sucks but these days there is also a shit ton of good products out there that work..

Good luck bro

i disagree ....i think with an sd clone and tren(ph)clone, an otc pct like the one you outlined is not the safest way to go about things

most definately it can work, and will for some, but to say a serm is not warranted or at least within arm's reach is a little 'off' for my liking

why dink around with a bunch of different otc supps, one toremifene will work 100%, is cheaper, and more effective

for a hdrol clone sure, maybe even an sd or tren clone solo, but the combo the op wants to run is extremely suppressive, not to mention he has no on cycle test/dht base, thus creating a horrible imbalance in his cycle and a rapid and severe shutdown of the hpta

to the op, good luck with whatever you plan to run

***never tamox/nolva with a nor compound, in this case the tren clone.....clomid or torem
Lowering SHBG on a Superdrol clone cycle?

Let's see what might result:

1-Increased circulating/unbound androgens (test, superdrol, etc). Though to be honest, Superdrol has pretty good binding affinity for SHBG, and many a people have run SD without an SHBG lowering compound and have had great results. So I wonder, what is the added value here? Total test levels on a cycle of properly dosed Supedrol are going to be in the sub-100ng/dl range, so I'm not sure what it matters that more of 50ng/dl of total test is present in the free/circulating state.

2-Increased free estrogen. I didn't see this one on the list above. Kind of a gyno concern IMO when running a weakly androgenic and strongly suppressive compound like SD. Any benefit from more circulating SD might well be mitigated by this effect. Androgen/estrogen ratio won't be pretty; Santa might bring you a pair of tits for Christmas (or not; depends on if you've been naughty or nice).

3-Decreased SHBG (of course). SHBG seems to have a protective effect against gyno. This doesn't disagree with the fact that SERMs like tamoxifen raise SHBG. Bound estrogen can't make your nipples itch.

Superdrol also inhibits 11b-hydroxylase, so gyno risk up.

HCGenerate has testofen in it too, right? Last time I ran a testofen product, my libido was sky high, and about 5 weeks later, my nipple started to itch and burn. I still have issues today, almost a year later, and I've read of others having similar issues (not necessarily the norm), but again, I would be cautious in stacking too many potential gyno contributors in a stack/cycle such as this.

I would want to do everything possible to lower my gyno risk, like combining Superdrol/beastdrol/whateverdrol with a stronger androgen such as DHT or a precursor (some are still legal, take your pick), Testosterone, etc.

OP, I would suggest running whatever OTC stuff you want for your PCT (actually, I wouldn't take any of that recommended OTC PCT crap above, but that's just me). Just don't forget some toremifene or clomid;).

Good luck with your cycle.
those 2 compounds will be very suppressive together, you may want to add a dht/test based ph to help you out with the lethargy and other sides as such.....maybe pp androhard or 4ad (just dbl dose it)

pct wise i think you are right its alot of pills, and imo not needed....toremifene is fine, and then maybe a natty test booster like bioforge in wk3 (optional)

dose the torem like this
day 1-3 120mg
day 4-7 90mg
wk2/3 60mg
wk 4 30mg

you should be better off this way

Tried and true. Why bother with unknowns?
I wanna try Beastdrol as my first PH cycle and on the site it suggests using UNLEASHED and their POST CYCLE product. Is the UNLEASHED necessary? And is their PCT recommendation all I need? All of the SERM and PCT theories are slightly confusing to me... Any help/suggestions would be great!


I don't know what the hell all these names specifically refer to (e.g., Beastdrol), but if Beastdrol is a Superdrol clone, then I think it would be wise to NOT use it for a first PH cycle. It is not a very user friendly compound. My advice is to do a bit more research and pick something a bit milder for a first cycle and keep it simple (don't use 10 ingredients in your first cycle; you won't know what is doing what).
damn that is a real heavy loaded pct right there bro.. I think this is the best and most piratical way of running this cycle bro.

1-4 beastdrol 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 katanadrol 250mg every day ( optional)
1-4 n2guard 7 caps a day
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.
4-8 unleashed/post cycle 1 cap of each 3 times a spread out
4-8 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm every day

Again this is just the best and most piratical way of running the cycle...

I don't mean to offend, but how is all that stuff above (caps and pumps galore throughout the day) more practical than a SERM (one product dosed once a day)? I'm not saying that a SERM is the only way to do PCT (it is -a- way), but in terms of "practicality", this is a no brainer.