Cycling Beastdrol?

Let me know how that works out. Curious to see the effectiveness of that idea.

iv seen alot of guys successfully stack androhard with sd....i suggested that, stano, or mmv2 seeing they are all essentially the same

personally i think dermacrine is shit, waaaaay too weak, i upped the dose and after 2weeks i stopped as it was a waste of time...its marketed as a beginner ph, i think its a t booster and hdrol is a beginner ph

the stano should help with the libido as well as the lethargy, and the overall well being seeing many sd users feel like crap while on

hopefully the stano is dosed right (its cel), and everything goes well
Day 11 and I feel great! I actually feel bigger.. I'm filling my sleeves like never before and my shirt just feels alot tighter around my upper back. My traps have exploded! The difference in thickness and height of my traps after 11 days is amazing. One of my professors at school randomly asked me today, 'Do you pump iron?" hahaha I started cracking up lol. Good sh*t!!
It'll just keep getting better end up feeling like He-man everyday when u leave the gym.....awesome feeling...
this is good advice too

I have to also agree as well. Of course keeping in mind that all test done on DHEA have shown that orally it converts more to estrogen then it dose tesosterone. Transdermally the enzymes in the skin cause the DHEA to convert to more testosterone

So make sure you are getting your self some "trans dermal" topically applied Dermacrine

Day 11 and I feel great! I actually feel bigger.. I'm filling my sleeves like never before and my shirt just feels alot tighter around my upper back. My traps have exploded! The difference in thickness and height of my traps after 11 days is amazing. One of my professors at school randomly asked me today, 'Do you pump iron?" hahaha I started cracking up lol. Good sh*t!!

How are the strength gains?

I'm 4 weeks into a 12 week test e cycle at 500 mgs/week. I'm looking for even more strength was wondering if 20-30mg/day for 3 weeks would be ok to run in the middle of my cycle.

Yes I'm aware most people would have used it at the beginning to kick start a cycle.
How are the strength gains?

I'm 4 weeks into a 12 week test e cycle at 500 mgs/week. I'm looking for even more strength was wondering if 20-30mg/day for 3 weeks would be ok to run in the middle of my cycle.

Yes I'm aware most people would have used it at the beginning to kick start a cycle.

The test should start to "kick" by next week.....i would just be patient personally.
is beastdrol better than dbol or adrol??

imo I'd rate them as this

1 adrol

2 dbol

3 beast

beast being legal and very easy to buy I'd go with this.though don't be fooedl by that aspect though its some shit serious that requires the same respect as the other 2 mentioned and is very effective as well if your trying to put on weight and strength.