Cycling Beastdrol?

Man, the endurance is crazy!! I ended my biceps workout with straight bar cable curls @ 90lbs for 12, 110lbs for 12 and then 130lbs for 7! That was after 12 sets of previous biceps workouts! The pump was just nasty lol. Also, Im taking 550mg of ginger root to keep my appetite up

good to hear your feeling great,12 sets wow.take it easy man you have quite a while to go.
Yeah It's just arms are my weakest link so I wanted to go a little harder while I'm on this stuff. is it too early? I totally forgot to take a before pic but I took measurements
Yeah It's just arms are my weakest link so I wanted to go a little harder while I'm on this stuff. is it too early? I totally forgot to take a before pic but I took measurements

Im pretty sure that if u take a pic now and then after u will still have good results to critique
Yeah It's just arms are my weakest link so I wanted to go a little harder while I'm on this stuff. is it too early? I totally forgot to take a before pic but I took measurements

I'd say 12 sets is way too much unless your using super light weights and then it would be a waste becaue your not really stressing the muscle enough to grow.Id go for a simple bulk trainning route.try to throw some pics up if you can.
Week 1 is in the books! Lethargy set in hard as of yesterday.. after my back workout I struggled to keep my eyes open the rest of the day. My appetite has literally become non existent. I'm still forcing down about 350+ grams of protein but I feel like my stomach is gonna explode. Other than that it feels good, great pumps and I feel extra determined in the gym. Hope my arms grow! My shoulders are startin' to tower of my bi's haha
You could pick up some DHEA to throw in to help combat the lethargy, 200 mg/day seems like a lot but it will help. Ideally I would get your some Dermacrine ASAP as this will surely help with the lethargy and is more bio-available then oral DHEA.
Week 1 is in the books! Lethargy set in hard as of yesterday.. after my back workout I struggled to keep my eyes open the rest of the day. My appetite has literally become non existent. I'm still forcing down about 350+ grams of protein but I feel like my stomach is gonna explode. Other than that it feels good, great pumps and I feel extra determined in the gym. Hope my arms grow! My shoulders are startin' to tower of my bi's haha

i told you bro.....itll bring on hard lethargy and kill your appetite, methyls are notorious for this...its the reason i suggested something like 4ad(mild test base) or androhard (dht) to help combat them, may not completely eliminate them

i dont care what anyone, including need2 says, sd is a ph to masteron, thus a dht derrivitive, BUT once the methyl is attached it completely changes its structure and how it acts (obviously very un dht-like)

i made this very post back on the first page,i guess its easy to miss considering the numerous page long posts in this thread

if you can get you hands on any of the above two, or even lg mmv2, or cel stano drol.....they should help some, as well as control the bloat that sd can bring as a result of intra-cellular water retention (mmm also very un-dht like)

good luck
You could pick up some DHEA to throw in to help combat the lethargy, 200 mg/day seems like a lot but it will help. Ideally I would get your some Dermacrine ASAP as this will surely help with the lethargy and is more bio-available then oral DHEA.

this is good advice too
Week 1 is in the books! Lethargy set in hard as of yesterday.. after my back workout I struggled to keep my eyes open the rest of the day. My appetite has literally become non existent. I'm still forcing down about 350+ grams of protein but I feel like my stomach is gonna explode. Other than that it feels good, great pumps and I feel extra determined in the gym. Hope my arms grow! My shoulders are startin' to tower of my bi's haha

ah the signs of good stuff ;) you could throw in some hcgenerate or as stated before dhea and also up your carbs.
take the beastdrol with food also....well you should be seeing phs are fat soluable,....but taking with food may help with the sides a helped with my recent test/var run, the var when i started it at the backend, still gave me lethargy and killed my appetite, EVEN with the test having built up for 2months.....taking with food helps somewhat

the sides you are talking about is one of the reasons i hate orals, i only like epistane/havoc
Week 1 is in the books! Lethargy set in hard as of yesterday.. after my back workout I struggled to keep my eyes open the rest of the day. My appetite has literally become non existent. I'm still forcing down about 350+ grams of protein but I feel like my stomach is gonna explode. Other than that it feels good, great pumps and I feel extra determined in the gym. Hope my arms grow! My shoulders are startin' to tower of my bi's haha

How many meals are you doing all that protein in if I may ask?

EDIT: LOL!! Obviously my coffee is not working yet, because never went onto the next page.
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You could pick up some DHEA to throw in to help combat the lethargy, 200 mg/day seems like a lot but it will help. Ideally I would get your some Dermacrine ASAP as this will surely help with the lethargy and is more bio-available then oral DHEA.

This is a good recommendation.
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yeah I'm takin Stano-drol to help with the lethargy. I have a protein shake immediately after waking then 6 eggs with jam on wheat toast (two slices) then take beasdrol 30 mins after and workout an hour after that. I eat a package of pop tarts immediately after my workout followed by a protein shake when I get home. I eat a turkey burger with a potato and lots of milk about 90 mins later. then I eat every two and a half hours for the rest of the day including two more protein shakes. when I go to bed I set my alarm for four hours before I have to wake up to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with answer the question about my diet lol. my arms grew 1/8 inches in the first week btw :)
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Good idea keeping measurements...a lot of guys neglect to do that and end up having no idea were all the weight they gained went to.....
I have used many products from Pro Peptides, Buy ProPeptides and their products are real. I got tan as all hell on the melanotan 2 after 4 tanning sessions. Got hungry as hell on the ghrp6 and even got laid wearing the fireworks phermone. Seriously the stuff is good and clean never got one infection.
I have used many products from Pro Peptides, Buy ProPeptides and their products are real. I got tan as all hell on the melanotan 2 after 4 tanning sessions. Got hungry as hell on the ghrp6 and even got laid wearing the fireworks phermone. Seriously the stuff is good and clean never got one infection ever.