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I'm not sure about leg curls man, don't know if that is a good idea. Maybe some stiff leg deadlifts..LIGHT....just to help stretch it. Be careful dude!
Calf raise like a maniac!!! Bahahaha.....
Haha yeah I'll definitely be doing a lot of that today!
Maybe I'll actually get some decent calf growth...right now they're at 17" and I'd love to put a good half inch on them this cycle!
Hell if theres a time to work on it, it'd be right now.
Gahhhh Im hoping you heal up fast, I need you back straight beast moding those legzz!!
well i guess now is the time for me to try and pull ahead of hurt in the leg department hahaha
well i guess now is the time for me to try and pull ahead of hurt in the leg department hahaha
What did you do for upper chest man?
Muah haha wouldn't you like to know?!
haha jk
There is a flat chest press machine at my gym and I did reverse grip presses on it, avoiding full lock out to keep tension on the upper chest, it was the absolute best pump I've ever had in my upper chest and afterward I could flex and see crazy separation between upper and lower...
Upper has always been hard for me to isolate because my front delts are so big but I think I finally found something.
Is it an upright machine that you sit in? or laying on a bench?
Upper chest is hard for me as well, primarly the upper inner portion. Started doing close grip inclines this week and felt pretty good.
hey wat up hurt???
read thru your entire log last night, its awesome man!
glad to see your training again and your hamstring injury wasnt too serious![]()
hey, with the ghrp6 & grf your taking, do you pin 100mcg of each in one slin pin or seperately each time? im starting my cycle on the 1st of next month & wanted to run these same peptides. peace bro!![]()
Did you lose any weight after stopping the Dbol?
well...that makes it WAY more do able! ha! thanks again for all the sound advice, rep power to you broim gettin blood work done & goin from there, till then i ll be vicariously cycling thru u