DaHurt's First Cycle

Jan 16 (Day 9)

Today was a high carb day and I was loving it. I worked out with a guy who also plans on competing this year, so it was pretty motivating and made me push even harder in the gym, especially since he's been cycling for a few years and was a lot stronger than me. It's funny, the few people I've told about my cycle seem more excited for it than I am LOL...

Did my 3rd test inject today in the right glute...went well but the dbol back pumps made it a little difficult to twist around and reach back there, but I got it done.

I'm not experiencing any other sides...a little water but nothing else.


Incline DB Press
15x65w/u, 12x85, 9x95, 9x95, 8x95
Decline BB Press
14x135w/u, 9x205, 10x205, 12x205
Flat DB Fly
12x30w/u, 8x45, 10x40, 8x40
Rotary Incline Machine
3x12xvar. wt.
Cable Flyes (FST-7)
7x8-12xvar. wt.
Great job so far. I love dbol even though I try to rarely use it these days but I have somenice blue hearts and some 50mg caps in case I feel like it.

I've ran 30,40,and 50mg before. I always prefered 50 but honestly 30mg is not bad, seems like a little less sides but I run atleast 50 days. Back pumps suck, raiding is supposed to help, I never really add it but I noticed a couple supps I was taking had it, but you can get it cheap.

It usually takes a full two weeks for me to really notice the dbol then just gets better from there. Some guys notice it faster or bloat really fast but that's mostly diet and water intake.

You seem very well disciplined so this should be great.
I was on 40mg for 4 weeks. I've been wanting the jelfa dbols. Might get some of those next! I liked the feeling of dbol. Awesome.
Forgot to add weight is at 214.2 today at the end of the day...definitely has to be water and a day's worth of eating.
Great job so far. I love dbol even though I try to rarely use it these days but I have somenice blue hearts and some 50mg caps in case I feel like it.

I've ran 30,40,and 50mg before. I always prefered 50 but honestly 30mg is not bad, seems like a little less sides but I run atleast 50 days. Back pumps suck, raiding is supposed to help, I never really add it but I noticed a couple supps I was taking had it, but you can get it cheap.

It usually takes a full two weeks for me to really notice the dbol then just gets better from there. Some guys notice it faster or bloat really fast but that's mostly diet and water intake.

You seem very well disciplined so this should be great.

I'm definitely considering stretching the dbol out to 6 weeks, depending on how things start to go in the next week or two...but I don't have enough on hand at moment to do so, so I'll have to get some more...but my last source took FOREVER to deliver so I may look at other options.
DaHurt my man, just curious. Why have you opted to have the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, instead of taking it throughout?
DaHurt my man, just curious. Why have you opted to have the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, instead of taking it throughout?

I'm taking it bud, 0.25 mg adex eod.

Originally I'd planned on having it on hand in case, but I just decided to go ahead and take it.
Jan 17 (Day 10)

Back pumps are pretty bad - made deadlift damn near impossible, had to stop and stretch my lower back for a while...


12x135, 12x225, 8x315, 4x315
Lat Pulldown
15x130, 12x150, 10x170, 8x190
One Arm DB Row
10x60, 10x70, 10x80
Seated Close Grip Cable Row
Jan 18 (Day 11)

Lower back is constantly tight, which is pretty annoying. Today was my first day back teaching, and just walking around campus made my calves feel like they were going to explode - has to be the dbol haha. I'm following my 3J diet very strictly and I'm eating a lot, yet I'm still always hungry from the GHRP6...like literally right after I eat a meal I'm thinking about eating again...it's crazy!

Other than the lower back and calf pumps, I'm not experiencing any sides from the dbol, aside from lethargy (took TWO naps today). The last glute injection I did has been especially sore this time, like when I get out of bed in the AM it's super tight and sore, but oh well!


BB Shoulder Press
10x135, 9x155, 8x155, 12x135
DB Side Lat Raise
Rear Cable Fly
4x12xvariable weight
Seated DB Front Raise (Neutral Grip)
12x20, 10x25, 10x25, 10x30
Face Pulls (FST-6)
DB Shrug
12x95, 12x105, 10x115, 11x120
Lying Incline DB Shrug