Darkside06's Test Prop/Tren A Cycle

Day 49

Hit the guns today! killer pumps, freaky veigns.....wish i looked like this all the time!

Alternating DB curl
45 x10 x10 x10

Preacher curl
75 x8 x8 x6

Strait bar curls
45 x12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8

Close grip bench
245 x8 x8 x8

Skull crushers
95 x8 x8 x8

Cable press downs
120 x12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
Day 49

Hit the guns today! killer pumps, freaky veigns.....wish i looked like this all the time!

Alternating DB curl
45 x10 x10 x10

Preacher curl
75 x8 x8 x6

Strait bar curls
45 x12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8

Close grip bench
245 x8 x8 x8

Skull crushers
95 x8 x8 x8

Cable press downs
120 x12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8

I love the fst 7 stuff on arms... feels like they are going to explode!
Day 51

Legs and shoulders today.

225 x8 315x8 365x8 405x8 405x7

Leg press
470 x10 x9 x8

seated leg curls
130 x10 x10 x10

Seated calf raise
135 x20 x20 x20

Seated DB press
85 x8 x8 x6

Rear dealt raise
20 x10 x10 x10

Side DB raise
20 x12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8

Incline DB shrugs
60 x10 x10 x10

Face pulls
100 x8 x8 x8

My shoulders are on fire, legs and ass are shaking. great workout today, felt really strong!
Day 51

Legs and shoulders today.

225 x8 315x8 365x8 405x8 405x7

Leg press
470 x10 x9 x8

seated leg curls
130 x10 x10 x10

Seated calf raise
135 x20 x20 x20

Seated DB press
85 x8 x8 x6

Rear dealt raise
20 x10 x10 x10

Side DB raise
20 x12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8

Incline DB shrugs
60 x10 x10 x10

Face pulls
100 x8 x8 x8

My shoulders are on fire, legs and ass are shaking. great workout today, felt really strong!

Great work Dark! Shake that ass!
Day 51

Legs and shoulders today.

225 x8 315x8 365x8 405x8 405x7

Leg press
470 x10 x9 x8

seated leg curls
130 x10 x10 x10

Seated calf raise
135 x20 x20 x20

Seated DB press
85 x8 x8 x6

Rear dealt raise
20 x10 x10 x10

Side DB raise
20 x12, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8

Incline DB shrugs
60 x10 x10 x10

Face pulls
100 x8 x8 x8

My shoulders are on fire, legs and ass are shaking. great workout today, felt really strong!

You straight up KILLED it foool!
Dark great log, I have a ? Is doing fst7 given u more strength on certain bodyparts?

From what I have noticed with FST-7 is I sweat a lot more, and I am 100% sore the next day, but its more of an endurance toning workout. Strength and building muscle would be the 5x5 in my OP.

What ya think darky?!?!