Do you find steroids make you more emotional?

And no....nothing has let you know that you've won. The fact that I asked for another's opinion was just to prove that not everyone is agreeing with you. You believe that everyone on here is cheering you on and secretly hating me. I've been given rep in this thread as well. Funny as fuck that you threw that out there.
You've won nothing. You still just sound like an angry little man that hates my country and fellow Americans.

So the "people running this site" love you? They agree with you. Well let them chime in and announce it publicly. Have you betrayed their confidence be telling everyone what they said to you in private? Either that or you are simply lying once again. Not sure anything out of your mouth can be trusted.

And yes.....I realize some Americans are very dissatisfied and angered with this country. And they have the right to talk shit about it.....they live know nothing about life here and as such should keep your mouth shut. Particularly if you have to be hateful to make your point. You started off this thing hateful and have only turned back from that a few times to vomit your backhanded compliments
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Wont get what? That you are contradicting yourself? That your hate started all this while you were hiding behind your backhanded compliments? Please explain......did you or did you not start all this by saying that Americans are unpatriotic, ignorant, nazis?

You are so stupid it hurts. No I didn't. Quote it and prove me wrong. I'll wait.
I was simply firing back with the same tactic that you used. You have now done it again. Assuming you know how everyone feels. Telling me like its gonna hurt my feelings. Lol. Oh no......people don't like what I'm saying to you?!? Oh what will I ever do? No Santa......this is between you and I and whoever may be offended by your point of view or mine.

So you can jump off topic and try to shame me with your imagined public ridicule, or you can answer some questions, or simply speak your mind. If you say something intelligent that admits you domt know it all then I promise to give your thoughts a fair chance. But ranting like a terrorist that cheered as the twin towers fell is just not gonna inspire any respect from me......or anyone else for that matter.

I have asked other swedes to join in and support my arguments?
Nah, I don't need that because I've provided you with verifiable facts.

You really can't be this fucking stupid lol....
Stop this contradiction. Next you're gonna tell us that you love Christ. You're too much bro. You have a deep disrespect for Americans. You said we are ignorant and are responsible for basically every bad thing that happens in this world. You didnt blame the blamed the citizens. And you tried to say we dont care for our veterans either. And say you received your knowledge from an American you knew? Well again......I talk to black people, does that mean I am not racist? I use the racism example cuz it's one of the things you like to throw in our face as Americans. Americans are all races brother.

Just because you are too stupid to comprehend basic logic doesn't mean gill are, which was my reply too.. You obviously won't get it after 12 pages, will you? So...???
Your mental gymnastics are hilarious though, I'm starting to wonder how you manage to dress yourself in the morning, let alone basic things as brushing your teeth.
And no....nothing has let you know that you've won. The fact that I asked for another's opinion was just to prove that not everyone is agreeing with you. You believe that everyone on here is cheering you on and secretly hating me. I've been given rep in this thread as well. Funny as fuck that you threw that out there.
You've won nothing. You still just sound like an angry little man that hates my country and fellow Americans.

So the "people running this site" love you? They agree with you. Well let them chime in and announce it publicly. Have you betrayed their confidence be telling everyone what they said to you in private? Either that or you are simply lying once again. Not sure anything out of your mouth can be trusted.

And yes.....I realize some Americans are very dissatisfied and angered with this country. And they have the right to talk shit about it.....they live know nothing about life here and as such should keep your mouth shut. Particularly if you have to be hateful to make your point. You started off this thing hateful and have only turned back from that a few times to vomit your backhanded compliments

When you can't argue a single one of my points with facts and logic and instead start shit posting á la suicidal you've clearly demonstrate you don't have an ability to continue the discussion in any shape or form.
Thus you've lost and you know it. Everyone else sees it but of course you can't. I'm not surprised the least.
You are so stupid it hurts. No I didn't. Quote it and prove me wrong. I'll wait.

Read your first few posts when you began your rant about America and Americans. Specifically you named the pledge of allegiance as well.
I'll go back once again and read it so I can quote you exactly if you like. But you would just deny if even though it already in this thread so what's the point. Maybe you should go back and edit? Lol
I have asked other swedes to join in and support my arguments?
Nah, I don't need that because I've provided you with verifiable facts.

You really can't be this fucking stupid lol....

You still have no comprehension skills. Everything has to be spelled out for you. I asked others to chime in because you said they dint agree with me and that you had no idea people like me existed and that everyone was sitting in silence having your back.
Go ahead.....this is the part where you say you never said that.

It is you who can't be this stupid. Surely you are playing dense. Pretending everything goes over your head. Or maybe it does. Perhaps you speak English but don't comprehend undertones or sarcasm or examples that draw a parallel
Just because you are too stupid to comprehend basic logic doesn't mean gill are, which was my reply too.. You obviously won't get it after 12 pages, will you? So...???
Your mental gymnastics are hilarious though, I'm starting to wonder how you manage to dress yourself in the morning, let alone basic things as brushing your teeth.

Damn bro. How do I dress myself? Lol. What the fuck are you talking about. You must be stoned again. What does listening to your hate spewing and getting pissed have to do with my ability to perform occupational tasks?
I'm sure people have lost interest. Because you're a broken record and any American has heard your conspiracy bullshit dozens of times from terrorists like you
When you can't argue a single one of my points with facts and logic and instead start shit posting á la suicidal you've clearly demonstrate you don't have an ability to continue the discussion in any shape or form.
Thus you've lost and you know it. Everyone else sees it but of course you can't. I'm not surprised the least.

Way too damn funny that you bring up "suicidal ". Hahahahaha. I just love it. The irony is killing me
Just because you are too stupid to comprehend basic logic doesn't mean gill are, which was my reply too.. You obviously won't get it after 12 pages, will you? So...???
Your mental gymnastics are hilarious though, I'm starting to wonder how you manage to dress yourself in the morning, let alone basic things as brushing your teeth.

Neither one of us are understanding the other. In a way you won by getting me to play your game......I am repeating myself just like you now. Same shit over and over cuz you don't get it. Your comprehension skills are shit. Your schools must be a cake walk....because over here an educated man has to prove over and over again that he has comprehension skills. You don't understand shit that is said. Everything has to be so direct and literal for you to even have the most basic of understanding. It's like talking to my 2 year old. And as such....perhaps it is you that cant brush your teeth or perform simple hygiene maintenance. Dont lie still live at home dont you? Tell the truth.....its ok.....we're all friends here. No one will judge you
And one last thing before I'm off to bed Santa. Why is it that you take everything so literally but then you use the term literally when you mean figuratively? It seems that you should have an understanding of figurative speech if you are able to use literally so interchangeably. Just an observation that I find curious. Your idols, the Kardashians, do it.....but they also understand things that are meant to be figurative.'re dumber than the Kardashians. Lol
Wont get what? That you are contradicting yourself? That your hate started all this while you were hiding behind your backhanded compliments? Please explain......did you or did you not start all this by saying that Americans are unpatriotic, ignorant, nazis?
I think he started it all by saying that his was bigger than yours.... :flame:
The world***8217;s most powerful countries also are the ones that consistently dominate news headlines, preoccupy policymakers and shape global economic patterns. Their foreign policies and military budgets are tracked religiously. When they make a pledge, at least some in the international community trust they will keep it.

The 2019 Best Countries rankings, formed in partnership with BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, are based on a survey that asked more than 20,000 people from four regions to associate 80 countries with specific attributes.

The Power subranking is based on an equally weighted average of scores from five country attributes that related to a country's power: a leader, economically influential, politically influential, strong international alliances and strong military. The Power subranking score had an 8 percent weight in the overall Best Countries ranking.

There was no change this year in the top nine countries seen as being the most powerful. The United States, which is perceived to be the most powerful country, has the world***8217;s largest economy and biggest military budget, spending over $610 billion on military hardware and personnel in 2017. The country is a leader in the so-called War on Terror, is by far the largest contributor to NATO and cements alliances by giving out billions of dollars in military aid to nations worldwide. The U.S. spends slightly more than $35 billion in economic aid and nearly $15 billion in military aid in 2017.

Russia and China, the next two countries perceived to be the most powerful, are among the world***8217;s top four military spenders. Following the top three are Germany, the U.K., France and Japan ***8211; countries that have large economies and give out high amounts of international aid. Israel and Saudi Arabia, which take the eighth and ninth spots, respectively, spend a higher percentage of their GDP on military spending than the U.S. South Korea moved up one spot and rounds out the top 10.

Countries perceived to be less powerful tended to be smaller nations with medium to small economies. Estonia, a small country in Northern Europe and a former part of the Soviet Union, is viewed as the least powerful nation. Estonia***8217;s Baltic neighbors Latvia and Lithuania, Southeastern Europe***8217;s Slovenia and Central Europe***8217;s Slovakia round out the bottom five.

Power Rankings

United States
#1 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$19.4 trillion
POPULATION325.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$59,792

#2 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$1.6 trillion
POPULATION144.5 million
GDP PC, PPP$27,893

#3 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$12.2 trillion
POPULATION1.4 billion
GDP PC, PPP$16,696

#4 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$3.7 trillion
POPULATION82.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$50,804

United Kingdom
#5 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$2.6 trillion
POPULATION66.0 million
GDP PC, PPP$44,292

#6 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$2.6 trillion
POPULATION67.1 million
GDP PC, PPP$44,081

#7 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$4.9 trillion
POPULATION126.8 million
GDP PC, PPP$42,942

#8 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$350.9 billion
POPULATION8.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$36,405

Saudi Arabia
#9 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$683.8 billion
POPULATION32.9 million
GDP PC, PPP$54,532

South Korea
#10 in Power Rankings

#11 out of 80 in 2018

GDP$1.5 trillion
POPULATION51.5 million
GDP PC, PPP$39,548
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Not possible. Nothing of that mans is bigger than mine. Brains to balls I make him look small. And what i am unable to do, he does to himself with his wild idiotic mewing.

For only one day, i'd like to experience how it is to be as ignorant and delusional as you are lol.
It's also bit scary how obsessed you are with this lol, you go to bed thinking about me and you wake up thinking about me lol...

At this point its like stealing candy from a kid. But please, keep trying to get my validation and approval, it seems to matter extremely much to you that I'm almost, ALMOST flattered but i'm not. I just don't like real crazy people.
For only one day, i'd like to experience how it is to be as ignorant and delusional as you are lol.
It's also bit scary how obsessed you are with this lol, you go to bed thinking about me and you wake up thinking about me lol...

At this point its like stealing candy from a kid. But please, keep trying to get my validation and approval, it seems to matter extremely much to you that I'm almost, ALMOST flattered but i'm not. I just don't like real crazy people.

You are definitely gay you are mirroring your thoughts on him. You***8217;re the one going to bed thinking about him and waking up thinking about him.

You are the delusional one and absolutely have major psychological issues, it***8217;s evident by your show major signs of a schizophrenic person. Your the one obsessed with this whole you need to prove your point. I***8217;m positive you would never talk to me to my face the way you talk here. Quit being mad that you are mentally incapable of being a man. You are definitely gay and if that***8217;s your thing cool. Go and obsess some more and when I come back I will laugh some more.
You are definitely gay you are mirroring your thoughts on him. You***8217;re the one going to bed thinking about him and waking up thinking about him.

You are the delusional one and absolutely have major psychological issues, it***8217;s evident by your show major signs of a schizophrenic person. Your the one obsessed with this whole you need to prove your point. I***8217;m positive you would never talk to me to my face the way you talk here. Quit being mad that you are mentally incapable of being a man. You are definitely gay and if that***8217;s your thing cool. Go and obsess some more and when I come back I will laugh some more.

You are so pathetic its actually sad more than anything and just like latestart, im sorta curious as to why my validation means so much to the both of you?
And even If i was gobbling cock all day like there was no tomorrow, it changes nothing of what I've said and only makes you look like a bigot that can't even bring forth simple arguments to support your idiocy theories lol.

But please, continue, it's still kinda fun watching the both of you parroting like sheep.
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The world***8217;s most powerful countries also are the ones that consistently dominate news headlines, preoccupy policymakers and shape global economic patterns. Their foreign policies and military budgets are tracked religiously. When they make a pledge, at least some in the international community trust they will keep it.

The 2019 Best Countries rankings, formed in partnership with BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, are based on a survey that asked more than 20,000 people from four regions to associate 80 countries with specific attributes.

The Power subranking is based on an equally weighted average of scores from five country attributes that related to a country's power: a leader, economically influential, politically influential, strong international alliances and strong military. The Power subranking score had an 8 percent weight in the overall Best Countries ranking.

There was no change this year in the top nine countries seen as being the most powerful. The United States, which is perceived to be the most powerful country, has the world***8217;s largest economy and biggest military budget, spending over $610 billion on military hardware and personnel in 2017. The country is a leader in the so-called War on Terror, is by far the largest contributor to NATO and cements alliances by giving out billions of dollars in military aid to nations worldwide. The U.S. spends slightly more than $35 billion in economic aid and nearly $15 billion in military aid in 2017.

Russia and China, the next two countries perceived to be the most powerful, are among the world***8217;s top four military spenders. Following the top three are Germany, the U.K., France and Japan ***8211; countries that have large economies and give out high amounts of international aid. Israel and Saudi Arabia, which take the eighth and ninth spots, respectively, spend a higher percentage of their GDP on military spending than the U.S. South Korea moved up one spot and rounds out the top 10.

Countries perceived to be less powerful tended to be smaller nations with medium to small economies. Estonia, a small country in Northern Europe and a former part of the Soviet Union, is viewed as the least powerful nation. Estonia***8217;s Baltic neighbors Latvia and Lithuania, Southeastern Europe***8217;s Slovenia and Central Europe***8217;s Slovakia round out the bottom five.

Power Rankings

United States
#1 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$19.4 trillion
POPULATION325.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$59,792

#2 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$1.6 trillion
POPULATION144.5 million
GDP PC, PPP$27,893

#3 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$12.2 trillion
POPULATION1.4 billion
GDP PC, PPP$16,696

#4 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$3.7 trillion
POPULATION82.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$50,804

United Kingdom
#5 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$2.6 trillion
POPULATION66.0 million
GDP PC, PPP$44,292

#6 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$2.6 trillion
POPULATION67.1 million
GDP PC, PPP$44,081

#7 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$4.9 trillion
POPULATION126.8 million
GDP PC, PPP$42,942

#8 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$350.9 billion
POPULATION8.7 million
GDP PC, PPP$36,405

Saudi Arabia
#9 in Power Rankings

No Change in Rank from 2018

GDP$683.8 billion
POPULATION32.9 million
GDP PC, PPP$54,532

South Korea
#10 in Power Rankings

#11 out of 80 in 2018

GDP$1.5 trillion
POPULATION51.5 million
GDP PC, PPP$39,548

hey you forgot Nicaragua man.
GDP$1.8 thousand
GDP PC, PPP$3.25 cents