Do you find steroids make you more emotional?

There***8217;s a bunch of reasons we***8217;re not liked in a bunch of places around the world. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan for starters since they are some of the most recent blunders The U.S. we should of never went in Iraq after 9/11. Bush used the lie of W.M.D.***8217;s and it really came down to Hussein wanting to get away from the petrodollars being the reserve currency so he got taken out and that***8217;s the same reason Qaddafi got taken out. Afghanistan has two major things that benefit the U.S. the worlds largest supply of poppy plants that our country started destroying in the beginning but then started pertecting, and they are on the worlds largest deposit of Lithium.

We put our nose in everyone***8217;s business under the guise of freedom and if a country don***8217;t comply we use force or sanctions.....real freedom eh? The country stays in a perpetual state of war to keep funding the Military complex. Since W.W.2 we have been in nonstop conflict and all so big banks keep making trillions of dollars. The Iraq war killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and the world should like us? My good friend I grew up with got killed by a sniper in Iraq in 07.

America is the best country in the world for the most part and it***8217;s also the strongest when it comes to our Military but more and more countries are trying to work against us and at the end of the day we can***8217;t fight the whole world.

Then people bash Trump and I find it comical since the guy has really been doing a good job. The stupid people say he hasn***8217;t done what he promised. Those people are to naive to see he***8217;s tried to do a lot but congress wouldn***8217;t let him. He signed the executive order for the wall which this country does need and most Spanish people that have become legal citizens agree that we need a wall. The dems don***8217;t want one because big business will take a hit because they won***8217;t be able to exploit the immigrants with cheap labor. People are to stupid to understand that the media is slamming Trump nonstop because he goes against the establishment. He got us out of the TPP which would of destroyed what is left of our manufacturing jobs. He got us out of the Paris accord that would of cost us trillions of dollars and only pennies would be paid by the other countries involved including China. He***8217;s working on new trade deals around the world instead of the old ones that fucked us. The tax cuts that the media is saying didn***8217;t help people have been great for our country. My checks are bigger from paying less taxes and everyone where I work got good raises because the company saves so much money due to the tax cuts. He***8217;s exposing the lie that man is causing global warming and if you wonder.....why would someone make up something like that? It***8217;s so big Gov. could tax the whole world. Is anyone here aware how massive we were gonna be taxed for our emissions if Trump would of stayed in with the lie of the Paris accord and man made global warming? It***8217;s funny big Gov. pushed that we all have to do something for global warming so they created the narrative that we created thus they created the lie then they created the way to fix it through cap and trade which was to tax everyone under the lie that it will be the end of the world If we don***8217;t come together to fix it. Global warming sure but not man made global warming. If anyone begs to differ that it***8217;s actually a cycle that our planet goes through then the MSM has done their job. Because its easier to convince somebody of a lie than it is convince them they have been lied to.

THE EARTH HAS BEEN WAY WARMER IN THE PAST!!!!! The Jurassic period was several degrees warmer. Did the Dinosaurs give up their cars and go green? Oh wait they didn***8217;t have cars, so how did they fix Global Warming? They didn***8217;t because it***8217;s a cycle our planet goes through.

This post is not meant to provoke, but only food for thought. These days if you go against the grain Then your a racist or Nazi? The funny thing is that***8217;s what Hitler and the Nazis did. They ostracized or killed anyone that didn***8217;t go with the flow. That is what the Socialist Democratic Party is doing right now.

I respect everyone on this board and I love to hear other people***8217;s points of view but I hate when a persons point of view is biased and learned from hear say and not backed by some sort of evidence.

PEOPLE ARE BEING TAUGHT WHAT TO THINK NOT HOW TO THINK!!!! I***8217;m proud to be an American and no I***8217;m not a racist.

Fucking love this contribution brother. What a great read.

And sorry if I offended with some of my rants. I was just pissed off. :)
And I do believe that patriotism has to sometimes be blind, but that when the time is right we should talk these things over and better educate ourselves.
Thanks again for the great read and of course for the avi.....damn.
Fucking love this contribution brother. What a great read.

And sorry if I offended with some of my rants. I was just pissed off. :)
And I do believe that patriotism has to sometimes be blind, but that when the time is right we should talk these things over and better educate ourselves.
Thanks again for the great read and of course for the avi.....damn.

the only thing i want to thank Annon for is his avatar chick. man, that bush gets me going each time i see it.
o o o for the smell of it! I love females!!!!
I mean...the stereotypical american is pretty much latestart and anon.
While this probably don't surprise most people, it does shock the fuck outta me... Because I actually thought most americans were sane people.
But statistical wise i'm starting to doubt it when such a huge portion is rampantly showing in this thread, which leads me to believe otherwise lol.
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I still feel like shit so won't have peace of mind to write an extensive reply but just as a buffer in the land of guilty until proven innocent.

Can any of you, without emotions, feelings or thoughts and instead only use actual verifiable statistics and metrics, prove to me why USA is not a 3rd world country.
If any of you reply with emotions, feelings or thoughts you will be defaulting to "USA is a 3rd world country, but I don't like that fact so here's some useless anecdotal counterargument that holds no merit in the rest of the world"
I'll wait :)
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What a funny comment, US is a 3rd world country. I've traveled all over the world, many times, and can say that isn't even remotely true.

What I will say is our infrastructure is lacking in many ways, with shitty roads in places and bad cell phone coverage here and there that seems embarasing.
tankmanbob failed to read and provided anecdotal evidence based on his own experience. You're only proving my point lol...
Oil? Dinosaurs? Lol

Everyone knows oil comes from dinosaurs. High octane comes from their teeth and toe nails.

Great post Anon, you and I are in total agreement on the several plagues we are facing, namely our military industrial complex, uncontrolled borders, and the AGW fraud.

All of which is enabled by a media under corporate and political party control, and a generally stupid population
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I'm not necessarily against anyone in this exchange but it is not remotely close to a debate. No references, definitions, personal attacks and very little exchanging and comparing information. Non-biased information.

Many times we have to separate the individual from the institution.

First trying to generalize any group is very dangerous territory. "Americans" are from America. That's about as far as that generalization can go . . . .

BUT!!!!!!! I love to debate anything, with anyone, anywhere.

In debates I tend to be a "counter" debater. I'll wait for a statment that cant be verified or logical fallacies, personal attacks and such.
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I'm not necessarily against anyone in this exchange but it is not remotely close to a debate. No references, definitions, personal attacks and very little exchanging and comparing information. Non-biased information.

If you go back and read, I did exactly that, provided both references and definition and tried to compare information objectively but the other side couldn't do that.
And the arrogance and ignorance is so high, I feel like the only option is letting myself be dragged down to their level and hopefully not be beaten with experience lol.

In debates I tend to be a "counter" debater. I'll wait for a statment that cant be verified or logical fallacies, personal attacks and such.

I just like arguing and debating for the sake of debate. Generally put very little value on whatever side i'm arguing because in the end, i really rarely care either way.
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I'm an "Absurdist" and my belief system is basically "The Golden Rule". I hold nothing sacred. Nothing. I'm a US veteran and when it comes to flag burning . . . . buy American made ones. bha
dont you all got better things to do then sit at home and talk jive? unless your sitting at a pool or beach or strip joint you got issues.
my ass is at the beach bar, watching chicks in bikinis go by, sipping on frozen pina coladas, watching the Champions league games and eating nachos.
life is great!!!!!!!!!! happy easter you americans!
Obviously my message was misconstrued, but everything in it is true and it can be backed up by research. A couple things were meant to be comical but 99% is true.
I mean...the stereotypical american is pretty much latestart and anon.
While this probably don't surprise most people, it does shock the fuck outta me... Because I actually thought most americans were sane people.
But statistical wise i'm starting to doubt it when such a huge portion is rampantly showing in this thread, which leads me to believe otherwise lol.

And again.....contradicting yourself. The stereotypical American IS the average American, otherwise you never wouldve bought the stereotype. Dont pretend to be shocked in some passive aggressive attempt talk down to Americans. It's silly and honestly a little weak.

Try to just understand that Americans want to be proud. We are taught at a young age that being an American is something to be proud of. In some cases we are much like sports fans. Lol. We proudly represent our team even if we are losing. Just turns out that we don't do much losing :)
Explicit and implicit stereotyping is not really the same.
I also don't think stereotypes represents a majority. Change my mind :)
Ok're right. A stereotype doesnt necessarily represent the majority, just a widely held belief about the whole....same thing? In this case I think it was foolish to believe that you could make anti American statements and draw no criticism or stir no feelings from a people who are raised to be proud of their country......and raised learning that many foreigners will not love us. Keeping in mind here that hate makes for a more vocal foreigner than love in this case. Most foreigners harbor no ill will for us, but they remain silent while the ones who do actually speak up.

And I must again mention the username because I believe the tactic to be one in the same. You used something as benign as a username to make a statement that would only be offensive to a target that happens to be the majority in my country. MOST Americans are Christians. So between the username and the backhanded compliments about America, the level of your distaste for us is clear. Perhaps this is why no one is really engaging in a true debate with the intention of changing your mind? Because you have so clearly made your mind up already? I understand though.....we are not young and impressionable anymore. We feel the way we do because of a collection of experiences by now.

In're right about most stereotypes but probably not in your example, so don't pretend to be shocked because I believe you knew exactly what you were doing. AND.......please answer as to how this country qualifies as third world. :)
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