So you did paid for something thats generally free in the rest of the world, including 3rd world countries. Check.
So my assumption about the people you work with is 100% according to you but somehow that's lies?
Anecdotal evidence does not correlate into facts. At best, it correlates to your narrow world image.
If we're gonna use anecdotal stories, sure, here... I have removed a brain tumour, broken arms, ribs etc. For all of them? Think i've paid about 2-300 bucks, whereas half was private things like phone calls, magazines, candies etc.
The fact you even mention 600k bill proves my point lol... Even without insurance, being homeless, whatever, the bill would have been about 150 euro, and if the homeless couldn't pay? It would go on his credit record and he wouldn't be able to take out loans but he'd still never be denied care. (Yes, I'm happy to pay higher taxes for this, among other benefits)
You're obviously not struggling with money if paying a couple thousands dollars for a basic hospital visit cheap and you are totally oblivious to the millions working minimum wage and/or simply struggle to make end meets.