You say you arent making it up but you are. People with insurance dying in "masses" ? Because they cant afford medicine? Our I surance plans mostly have our of pocket once ya spend a small amount of mo eye everything is free. Most medicines are cheap. So are speaking of the jobless and homeless. You are slanting stats that apply to unemployed or homeless people to serve your hate for us. Not really sure what's up with you bro.
Guess I'm trolling.....cuz any further comments from me just seem a catalyst for your hate.
I'm not speaking about the homeless... The latest case i read about was a 26 year old restaurant manager that couldn't afford his somewhat 7200 usd out of pocket whatever its called per year insurance, on top of the 1200 usd per month (don't quote me on exact figures but they aint very far off)
And having to ranson insulin IS a currently ongoing epidemic.... When it should be a fucking basic healthcare provided by the goverment. The cost of it? It's dollars... So the markup is in thousands of procent...for what reason? You gonna say capitalism now?
But I guess you don't watch 60 minutes or news general except FOX lol
Your obvious ignorance and slight arrogance is triggering my hate for you, yes, you are totally right there.
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