Do you find steroids make you more emotional?

Ok're right. A stereotype doesnt necessarily represent the majority, just a widely held belief about the whole....same thing? In this case I think it was foolish to believe that you could make anti American statements and draw no criticism or stir no feelings from a people who are raised to be proud of their country......and raised learning that many foreigners will not love us. Keeping in mind here that hate makes for a more vocal foreigner than love in this case. Most foreigners harbor no ill will for us, but they remain silent while the ones who do actually speak up.

And I must again mention the username because I believe the tactic to be one in the same. You used something as benign as a username to make a statement that would only be offensive to a target that happens to be the majority in my country. MOST Americans are Christians. So between the username and the backhanded compliments about America, the level of your distaste for us is clear. Perhaps this is why no one is really engaging in a true debate with the intention of changing your mind? Because you have so clearly made your mind up already? I understand though.....we are not young and impressionable anymore. We feel the way we do because of a collection of experiences by now.

In're right about most stereotypes but probably not in your example, so don't pretend to be shocked because I believe you knew exactly what you were doing. AND.......please answer as to how this country qualifies as third world. :)

Hahah. You're making this to easy lol...
For real though, you know I have nothing but love for you, right bro? #nohomo
If someone believes there is a "stereotypical American" they cant see the huge spectrum of beliefs and the division in America.

I've said before give me any group of people who self label as "x" and I can divide them in about 10 questions. Guns, sex, drugs, sports, appropriation dressing, sexuality, favorite sport ect.
Look at this steroid board as an example. I look like Joe Republican farm boy but I'm an anarchist wigger. We all special and individual.

BUT . . . I am also white stereotypes. Except that damn pumpkin spice. . . . . .BARF!!!
Hahah. You're making this to easy lol...
For real though, you know I have nothing but love for you, right bro? #nohomo

You mean too easy ;)
And I love you as well bro. (Too, Also, As well)

Still no explanation? I've asked a couple times now so I'll guess ya got nothin. You have a fair enough vocabulary to formulate a defense for your statement so I'll assume you lack faith in your own accusation. You're certainly willing and also able so I'll assume the were just trying to get a rise out of me :)
I mean...the stereotypical american is pretty much latestart and anon.
While this probably don't surprise most people, it does shock the fuck outta me... Because I actually thought most americans were sane people.
But statistical wise i'm starting to doubt it when such a huge portion is rampantly showing in this thread, which leads me to believe otherwise lol.

I would like to know what I posted that you interpreted as me being a stereotypical American? I***8217;m willing to bet you misunderstood the point I was trying to make.
Not you anon. Santa666's post.

Regardless I like this thread. "stereotypical dudes" doing what we do. Debate, form teams and make run of the other guy/guys. Haha
sorry no coffee and I just woke up . . . you weren't even replying to me. I'll be back once the caffeine kicks in haja
You mean too easy ;)
And I love you as well bro. (Too, Also, As well)

Still no explanation? I've asked a couple times now so I'll guess ya got nothin. You have a fair enough vocabulary to formulate a defense for your statement so I'll assume you lack faith in your own accusation. You're certainly willing and also able so I'll assume the were just trying to get a rise out of me :)

Explanation for what? What did I miss here?
I asked a question directed to you but still haven't got any statistics or metrics that proves me wrong, so I guess i'm right?

See how that shit works?

(I speak 3 fluid languages and 2 more I can make myself understood, how many do you speak?)
With that said, i still confuse shit like your/you're, were, where, they, they're and still cant really understand when to use then/than.....and like you noticed still confused with to and too at times.
I do tend to speak very fast, which makes my translation stutter at times but I feel I speak far better english than I write.
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I would like to know what I posted that you interpreted as me being a stereotypical American? I***8217;m willing to bet you misunderstood the point I was trying to make.

The first half of your post was spot on, I totally agreed, but somewhere there in the middle, you lost touch with reality.
I've been swamped with IRL (gf issues, injection infection, food poisoning etc, I will reply bro, just not right this minute)
Interested to hear what qualifies the United states of America as a third world country. Just curious your thoughts.

As per the actual definition you don't really fit 1st or 3rd world country if we're nitpicking the exact definition.
But... You do rank closely to actual 3rd world countries and even fall behind some in various statistics which defines growth/standards of living for countries.
I would much rather you provided me with reasons as why you don't believe so, rather than me creating a shit list for you to defend.
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As per the actual definition you don't really fit 1st or 3rd world country if we're nitpicking the exact definition.
But... You do rank closely to actual 3rd world countries and even fall behind some in various statistics which defines growth/standards of living for countries.
I would much rather you provided me with reasons as why you don't believe so, rather than me creating a shit list for you to defend.
what qualifies the USA as a third world country? just go to Compton or Crenshaw in Los angeles, or the south Bronx in New York city, or how about the ghettos in Chicago, almost any state in the US has a ghetto area and that is as good as any third world country.
As per the actual definition you don't really fit 1st or 3rd world country if we're nitpicking the exact definition.
But... You do rank closely to actual 3rd world countries and even fall behind some in various statistics which defines growth/standards of living for countries.
I would much rather you provided me with reasons as why you don't believe so, rather than me creating a shit list for you to defend.

Lol. I love it.

On some levels I agree with much of what you say. Sometimes you sound like a rape victim saying that men are all dogs because you were raped. ;)

You keep referring to imprisonment as slavery....what is that about? People go to jail for breaking the law and unfortunately much of our legal system is underfunded and understaffed so YES.....they absolutely incarcerate some people that should not remain behind bars. It sucks and it is flawed. I like to think it is something we are working on. Our population has grown out of control and with the rise in numbers and the freedoms we are afforded sometimes people make bad choices.

Simple example of laws that need work to avoid legal troubkes.....drinking alcohol to the point of drunkenness is perfectly legal but then it is not legal to operate a vehicle or even be in public in that state. Well how in the hell am I supposed to get drunk and make good choices? Drinking makes us all make bad choices. It should be illegal to use drugs or the laws should be appropriate for perceived violations. Drunk in public?
So yes, that is an example of your not so "literal shit crimes". I at least in part agree with you. Cant remember your other examples but I'll look back and offer some response.

So why do I think the opposite of what you do? Because in this country a human being has freedom, as long as the rights of others are not infringed upon, to seek gainful employment and live whatever life you choose for yourself. Our healthcare is great, as long as you have a fucking job, and many cities in this country boast the best surgeons in virtually all fields. If you are having surgery done then this is the country you want it to happen in.
Our job market is GREAT. We have had issues in the past but it's pretty great right now. I work with men who chose to seek no education and have no experience in the field yet they ALL make over 100k per year. Pretty great for no education or training prior to work.

You mentioned we are living in the past. This is not true. You are only listening to the past. If you go to a bar in your country and want to listen to our music you will only hear madonna, Michael Jackson, and of course Germany's all time favorite.....the king....elvis Presley. Lol. Yall love that old shit. It's pretty great but we have a lot of new shit that's pretty great as well. All forms of our, movies, games,..etc, seem to take hold over seas and yall just hold on forever. Hell...look around, yall are wearing shit from the 80s. It's like I fell into "hot tub time machine" when I visit other countries. If you havent seen that movie ya gotta roll one up and watch it bro. Lmao

You mentioned we are living in the past. This is not true. You are only listening to the past. If you go to a bar in your country and want to listen to our music you will only hear madonna, Michael Jackson, and of course Germany's all time favorite.....the king....elvis Presley. Lol. Yall love that old shit. It's pretty great but we have a lot of new shit that's pretty great as well. All forms of our, movies, games,..etc, seem to take hold over seas and yall just hold on forever. Hell...look around, yall are wearing shit from the 80s. It's like I fell into "hot tub time machine" when I visit other countries. If you havent seen that movie ya gotta roll one up and watch it bro. Lmao

yo brotherman, i hate to say it but your a bit wrong there as I know that the majority of the females 20-40 year olds, in Europe all love hip hop and rap, how do i know this?
i ran a restaurant and bar in a very turistic area outside the usa and the chicks always hooked up their mp3s, or laptops, or phones to our music system for our bar and restaurant and i always checked the type of music that they listen to and hiphop/rap was at the top.
i never saw elvis, or Michale jackson in their playlists.
just saying. time for another strawberry frozen daquiri my brothers and pizza. Happy Easter weekend!
what qualifies the USA as a third world country? just go to Compton or Crenshaw in Los angeles, or the south Bronx in New York city, or how about the ghettos in Chicago, almost any state in the US has a ghetto area and that is as good as any third world country.

Nicky, oh no no no. I've seen the shanty towns in Africa and favelas in Brazil. There is no comparison. I'm not speaking of your chances of catching a bullet - but of the living conditions and sanitation. No comparison.
yo brotherman, i hate to say it but your a bit wrong there as I know that the majority of the females 20-40 year olds, in Europe all love hip hop and rap, how do i know this?
i ran a restaurant and bar in a very turistic area outside the usa and the chicks always hooked up their mp3s, or laptops, or phones to our music system for our bar and restaurant and i always checked the type of music that they listen to and hiphop/rap was at the top.
i never saw elvis, or Michale jackson in their playlists.
just saying. time for another strawberry frozen daquiri my brothers and pizza. Happy Easter weekend!

Was going off of my personal experience in Germany. Every bar that had a juke box had elvis, madonna, and Michael Jackson. And the crowd cheered every time one of those selections came on. I'm sure there are more current playlists but I found this example very entertaining.
And then there are the nonstop political comments that are referencing the same era

But glad to know they have some current chicks too :)
So like i've said before... Prove to me with statistics and metrics that supports your, anons and others in this thread that makes USA the greatest country on earth?
Because nothing supports it.

And I'm talking about USA running the prisons as an industri, there's several cases of judges being bribed to send people to prison, so they can make money of them. Its not about putting guilty criminals in prison. I've clarified this more than once now.. I've also mentioned you have the highest incarceration in the entire world. (No, north korea's actual several generation slave camps don't count...)
Stop being purposely obtuse ffs.

And for the last 3 posts above this one... ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE MEANS FUCK ALL... Prove me wrong with facts, not your emotions...
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So why do I think the opposite of what you do? Because in this country a human being has freedom, as long as the rights of others are not infringed upon, to seek gainful employment and live whatever life you choose for yourself. Our healthcare is great, as long as you have a fucking job, and many cities in this country boast the best surgeons in virtually all fields. If you are having surgery done then this is the country you want it to happen in.
Our job market is GREAT. We have had issues in the past but it's pretty great right now. I work with men who chose to seek no education and have no experience in the field yet they ALL make over 100k per year. Pretty great for no education or training prior to work.

Nothing about this statement is actually true, unless you are rich and wealthy.
People are dying in masses from not being able to afford insulin, people with insurance, that's been paying insurance premiums for years. Even if you have a job, and insurance, you have to pay for ambulance rides out of pocket.
Saline water that cost cents to make have your hospitals charges hundreds of dollars for.
Maternity ultrasounds pictures are a small fortune.

And the men you work with, lemme guess, its pretty taxing work on the body right? Often working 12 hours days, with extra shifts?
By the time they reach pension and their bodies are giving up and they can't afford basic healthcare or medicine, i'm sure their lack of free public education won't have mattered at all.

And sorry to burst your bubble bro... USA don't even reach the top 10 lists of best doctors in the world..

And fml.... Do you think americans are the only ones enjoying your so called "freedom"?
Of about 250 sovereign states around 195 of them have equal or better freedom... Which of those ones a FUCKTON is even your allies lol...
Are you trolling or just not up to par?

Like bro, I aint making any shit up... I can prove that you are a 3rd world country by just listing statistics. You or nobody else can prove me wrong, except with anecdotal histories and bullshit emotions.
I do think its more productive if you guys actually tell me what qualifies you as 1st world country and why you are so great.
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Nothing about this statement is actually true, unless you are rich and wealthy.
People are dying in masses from not being able to afford insulin, people with insurance, that's been paying insurance premiums for years. Even if you have a job, and insurance, you have to pay for ambulance rides out of pocket.
Saline water that cost cents to make have your hospitals charges hundreds of dollars for.
Maternity ultrasounds pictures are a small fortune.

And the men you work with, lemme guess, its pretty taxing work on the body right? Often working 12 hours days, with extra shifts?
By the time they reach pension and their bodies are giving up and they can't afford basic healthcare or medicine, i'm sure their lack of free public education won't have mattered at all.

And sorry to burst your bubble bro... USA don't even reach the top 10 lists of best doctors in the world..

And fml.... Do you think americans are the only ones enjoying your so called "freedom"?
Of about 250 sovereign states around 195 of them have equal or better freedom... Which of those ones a FUCKTON is even your allies lol...
Are you trolling or just not up to par?

Like bro, I aint making any shit up... I can prove that you are a 3rd world country by just listing statistics. You or nobody else can prove me wrong, except with anecdotal histories and bullshit emotions.
I do think its more productive if you guys actually tell me what qualifies you as 1st world country and why you are so great.

You say you arent making it up but you are. People with insurance dying in "masses" ? Because they cant afford medicine? Our I surance plans mostly have our of pocket once ya spend a small amount of mo eye everything is free. Most medicines are cheap. So are speaking of the jobless and homeless. You are slanting stats that apply to unemployed or homeless people to serve your hate for us. Not really sure what's up with you bro.
Guess I'm trolling.....cuz any further comments from me just seem a catalyst for your hate.
Nothing about this statement is actually true, unless you are rich and wealthy.
People are dying in masses from not being able to afford insulin, people with insurance, that's been paying insurance premiums for years. Even if you have a job, and insurance, you have to pay for ambulance rides out of pocket.
Saline water that cost cents to make have your hospitals charges hundreds of dollars for.
Maternity ultrasounds pictures are a small fortune.

And the men you work with, lemme guess, its pretty taxing work on the body right? Often working 12 hours days, with extra shifts?
By the time they reach pension and their bodies are giving up and they can't afford basic healthcare or medicine, i'm sure their lack of free public education won't have mattered at all.

And sorry to burst your bubble bro... USA don't even reach the top 10 lists of best doctors in the world..

And fml.... Do you think americans are the only ones enjoying your so called "freedom"?
Of about 250 sovereign states around 195 of them have equal or better freedom... Which of those ones a FUCKTON is even your allies lol...
Are you trolling or just not up to par?

Like bro, I aint making any shit up... I can prove that you are a 3rd world country by just listing statistics. You or nobody else can prove me wrong, except with anecdotal histories and bullshit emotions.
I do think its more productive if you guys actually tell me what qualifies you as 1st world country and why you are so great.

I have 5 kids. I paid for ultrasound pics ONLY when I got them on my own from an independent company because I wanted 3 d high definition pictures of my child. Thought it would be nice to have......ONCE......and I said I have 5 kids and all their ultrasounds were covered by insurance.

And the last paragraph about the people I work with is 100% true. So your lies are getting old. You cant sit back and call bullshit on my personal experiences......because I know them to be factual.

I was in a bad accident.......I rode an ambulance to a nearby field where I was life flighted in a helicopter to the hospital. They gave my between 7 and 9 pints of blood because I was losing it so fast and they performed emergency surgery. I stayed in the hospital for 2 months. Afterwards they sent me a bill and I was responsible for a couple thousand of the over 600k bill. Now.........I think it sucks that I had to pay.....but 600k of care followed by physical therapy that was free and follow up visits free? I never paid a dime until it was all over........completely resolved. So if I had never paid a penny I would not have died like in your stupid fucking example that you scream FACT on. You're full of shit.

But I love you anyway bro ;)
The first half of your post was spot on, I totally agreed, but somewhere there in the middle, you lost touch with reality.
I've been swamped with IRL (gf issues, injection infection, food poisoning etc, I will reply bro, just not right this minute)

I digress