DocJ’s Long Layoff: Input on strategy


New member
Well, the time has come that the wife and I want some little DocJ’s running around so I’m coming off for probably a minimum of 3 months, most likely longer. I’ve taken time off between cycles but for the last 2-3 years my time off has been maybe 50% of my time on. Here’s my supplement/pharm plan for the layoff:

Standard PCT:
Nolvadex 20-40mg/day – 6 weeks (or more if needed)
Clomid 100mg/day – 3 weeks

Supplements (in addition to my standard supps like multivitamin, etc):
DiCreatine Malate 10g/day
Lean Extreme 3caps/day

Albuterol 8-12mg/day – 5 days on/2 days off
Ketotifen 1mg – on days off albuterol
[EDIT: Dropping DNP]DNP – 200mg/day, 15-20 days – possibly 2-3 ‘rounds with 2 weeks off inbetween.

Here’s where I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet…I’d like to use the following compounds in some way but I’m undecided exactly how:
HGH – High/infrequent 10iu pwo doses (or) smaller 3-4iu dose 5on/2off.
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Yea, I don't know wtf your even talkin about...Never heard of any of what your plannin on takin...

But I have a 2 year old daughter, took about 2 months for my wife to get pregnant...

Good Luck!! Enjoy the sex, cause its all down hill after the baby comes...
I am wondering why add in the albuterol and dnp when you are just coming off? Best of luck starting a family Doc.
LiftTillIDie said:
I am wondering why add in the albuterol and dnp when you are just coming off? Best of luck starting a family Doc.

I was wondering the same concerning the DNP. Lookinf to drop a few ponds in the process?
Yes, looking to be lean after post cycle therapy (pct) is done.
Albuterol has been shown to increase strength AND hypertrophy (also raises HDL which is good post-cycle).

I just read a study where animals fed DNP had offspring with lower birth weights so I'm probably going to be dropping the DNP anyways.
hes using those most likely to get more cut i assume, prolly somewhat bloated due to water weight gained on cycle im guessing? that HGH will do wonders for reducing body fat too
Yes for all we know about DNP and what it does and doesn't do I wouldn't want it in my system while conceiving. I never knew that stuff about albuterol, although I am familiar with its use as a stimulant.
I'm leaning more towards a HGH/insulin protocol. Originally I was leary about using insulin again but maybe I can use humalog on workout days only.
HGH with IGF? Are they synergistic?? I was planning a 52 week IGF or HGH at 8iu a day with insulin PW. Some of the results Ive seen were amazing
Yeah, definitely find some HCG. And I don't mean to be alarmist but I would not take DNP while trying to conceive. We really don't know what kind of effect this has on humans. Normally I can overlook that when dealing with just one body. But when you are trying to conceive, you will be exposing your wife and possibly the newly conceived child to a very harsh chemical. Not to mention DNP raises your body temperature which will lead to a lower sperm count. A man's balls are located outside of his body bc sperm production requires a slightly lower temperature. Fuck with that and you fuck with your chances of conceiving. At this point in time I would recommend being on the least amount of pharmaceuticals as possible. Definitely use some HCG and a SERM like nolva or clomid. Other than that, I would just supplement with vitamin E and zinc to promote healthy testicular function. And be sure not to use any dht drugs like finasteride or dutasteride. It causes genital birth defects in babies. Use them and your son will have a permanent pencil knub for a cock.
Id tend to side with a minimalist approach here. The least amount of chems you can come off with, the better.

In light of that, I think its obvious you should consider ditching the DNP. The other chems look ok to me. Of course the slin/gh/igf is a different category - no problems there. Id add HCG for the first few weeks. Unlike a lot of guys I have no real urgent hurry to time everything perfectly.
I used HCG during cycling so I didn't see the need for it in PCT. I'm definately dropping the DNP.

We just started "trying" so I'm hoping things are jump started enough to get the ball rolling.
Dang, humalog is kind of expensive (for insulin).

Thinking about adding deprenyl for various reasons (energy, libido, mood, etc).
DocJ said:
Dang, humalog is kind of expensive (for insulin).

Thinking about adding deprenyl for various reasons (energy, libido, mood, etc).

I believe deprenyl and other nootropics (piracetam, L-dopa, hydergine, ginkgo biloba) are very underrated bodybuilding drugs. I've personally used both deprenyl and hydergine. I prefer deprenyl.

Deprenyl increases dopamine levels. You'll definitely experience the benefits you're looking for (energy, libido, mood). It also helps to improve the mind/muscle connection and increase focus which can lead to more productive workouts.

Humalog isn't that expensive if you get it from our neighbors to the north.

Do you intend on visiting a fertility doc at some point just to make sure your boys are still plentiful and 'a swimmin'?
HeHateMe said:
Do you intend on visiting a fertility doc at some point just to make sure your boys are still plentiful and 'a swimmin'?
If there's no bun in the oven a few months from now, yes.