Drinking alcohol while juicing????

I'm only on my 4th week of my first cycle. I haven't touched alcohol in 5 months. I know I'm a newb but it seems detrimental too gains. Not too mention what you're putting your liver through. I'll personally just wait until after post cycle therapy (pct) if I do decide to drink.
If you are going to use get rid of the booze !! Bad combo. I don't care if it is once a week. You said you get "HAMMERED" which will take a few days for your body to recover and then you are right back drinking again. You are also using bulking gear so you are just adding more bloat to your Physique. I can see working out naturally and partying once in a while, but on the gear is a bad idea, but just my opinion bro..PEACE !!
The main issue with drinking on cycle imo is the fact that alcohol severely inhibits protein synthesis. It's not going to "hurt" you, but it'll diminish your gains on cycle. Not sure if this has been mentioned already since I didn't read the whole thread (props to anyone if they did though).
ive done it. hell ive slipped up and done it on a methylated pro hormone... i dont do it now as a rule though, cause i know from the trial and error of drinking reguarly or not on various cycles that i gain better when i dont. i live by the scale when im on, and ive pissed out as much as 10 lbs before after anight of hard partying! i know its only water, but im sorry, water or not, 10 lbs fucks with my head.. nowadays, if im gonna do it, im gonna do it right. When my friends ask me to go out, i just tell em i'll see em when my cycles over
I think our friend was not looking for an honest opinion of drinking while on AAS, I think he was looking for justification to continue his use.

You have already made your mind up on drinking every other Saturday, even if someone came on here and said it would kill you.

As someone who is certified and specializes in substance abuse and dependence disorders on a daily basis, I can say that it sounds like you have the makings for a problem (not saying you have one now... but def. the makings). Anytime substances are used to help us "cope" with reality, we are creating the perfect weather for a storm.

I can also tell the atmosphere is set by your utter disdain towards any suggestion that it might be awful to your physical well being to not drink while on oral steroids. You justify your continued use by, "everybody else does it" (we call that comparison in the clinical world) and "It's only every other Saturday" (we call that minimizing in the clinical world). Everything your saying is to defend your ability to continue to drink. Thus further proving my point that your goal in starting this thread was to get more people to help you justify your ability to drink. Deep down you know you shouldn't be drinking right now. You can't stand the thought of giving it up for one steroid cycle.

I don't mean this to be harsh or taken personal. I just know the signs of a problem developing and I think there are some things you really need to look at if your response to someone saying, "You should really stop drinking when your on a cycle" is, "It's only every other weekend and I see all my friends doing it!
wasting your money cause u drank some beer??? come on now dont u think your being to up tight????

You will learn that alot of people is uptight on this site when it comes to the diet and any BB events your city may hold. Fuck that shit, train hard, drink, have sex, be merry. Drinking while on the cycle is double trouble for your liver, shit care for your liver and kidney with supplementation, it's not your washing your dbol down with a millerdrafts. I enjoy the party life every now and then and may drink with it also.
I'm on a hard cutting cycle mon-thurs 30mins cardio after lifting elliptical level 20, Fri 1hr, sat-sun 2hrs level 20 elliptical.

Shit, I went to a friends birthday party and we had shots, beers, it's nothing. Every other saturday is cool, as long as your not no everyday beer drinking S.O.B. Who cares!? It's not like your just gonna wake up the next morning with Double Ds :beertoast
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I think our friend was not looking for an honest opinion of drinking while on AAS, I think he was looking for justification to continue his use.

You have already made your mind up on drinking every other Saturday, even if someone came on here and said it would kill you.

As someone who is certified and specializes in substance abuse and dependence disorders on a daily basis, I can say that it sounds like you have the makings for a problem (not saying you have one now... but def. the makings). Anytime substances are used to help us "cope" with reality, we are creating the perfect weather for a storm.

I can also tell the atmosphere is set by your utter disdain towards any suggestion that it might be awful to your physical well being to not drink while on oral steroids. You justify your continued use by, "everybody else does it" (we call that comparison in the clinical world) and "It's only every other Saturday" (we call that minimizing in the clinical world). Everything your saying is to defend your ability to continue to drink. Thus further proving my point that your goal in starting this thread was to get more people to help you justify your ability to drink. Deep down you know you shouldn't be drinking right now. You can't stand the thought of giving it up for one steroid cycle.

I don't mean this to be harsh or taken personal. I just know the signs of a problem developing and I think there are some things you really need to look at if your response to someone saying, "You should really stop drinking when your on a cycle" is, "It's only every other weekend and I see all my friends doing it!

hrmm I am not sure about your response. Drinking every two weeks or so, is fine. Moderation is key. The above response I totally disagree with. I have made huge gains and I drink when I juice. Has it killed me no. Have I grown, yes a lot, could I have grown even more, potentially.
You will learn that alot of people is uptight on this site when it comes to the diet and any BB events your city may hold. Fuck that shit, train hard, drink, have sex, be merry. Drinking while on the cycle is double trouble for your liver, shit care for your liver and kidney with supplementation, it's not your washing your dbol down with a millerdrafts. I enjoy the party life every now and then and may drink with it also.
I'm on a hard cutting cycle mon-thurs 30mins cardio after lifting elliptical level 20, Fri 1hr, sat-sun 2hrs level 20 elliptical.

Shit, I went to a friends birthday party and we had shots, beers, it's nothing. Every other saturday is cool, as long as your not no everyday beer drinking S.O.B. Who cares!? It's not like your just gonna wake up the next morning with Double Ds :beertoast

Yeah I'd go with this. However when you cut, I'd cut without alcohol. But any other time... no problem. It is what it is, and you'll still grow. I might take it much easier when I am on orals like dbol, but if you are going to do dbol and you have to drink, dont do it that day, again better still dont do dbol unless you can curb drinking while on orals
Drinking really fucks up your diet. If you want serious gains(leaner too), don't be drinking or eating bad. I'd say alcohol is worse then junk food since your putting sugars in your body that decrease protein synthesis, raise estrogen, and WILL cause liver damage if not cirrhosis(especially with dbol).
I think our friend was not looking for an honest opinion of drinking while on AAS, I think he was looking for justification to continue his use.

You have already made your mind up on drinking every other Saturday, even if someone came on here and said it would kill you.

As someone who is certified and specializes in substance abuse and dependence disorders on a daily basis, I can say that it sounds like you have the makings for a problem (not saying you have one now... but def. the makings). Anytime substances are used to help us "cope" with reality, we are creating the perfect weather for a storm.

I can also tell the atmosphere is set by your utter disdain towards any suggestion that it might be awful to your physical well being to not drink while on oral steroids. You justify your continued use by, "everybody else does it" (we call that comparison in the clinical world) and "It's only every other Saturday" (we call that minimizing in the clinical world). Everything your saying is to defend your ability to continue to drink. Thus further proving my point that your goal in starting this thread was to get more people to help you justify your ability to drink. Deep down you know you shouldn't be drinking right now. You can't stand the thought of giving it up for one steroid cycle.

I don't mean this to be harsh or taken personal. I just know the signs of a problem developing and I think there are some things you really need to look at if your response to someone saying, "You should really stop drinking when your on a cycle" is, "It's only every other weekend and I see all my friends doing it!
It's all about moderation for some people. Others like myself, cannot have just one drink,pain pill etc. I was in pain mgmt. for 7 years eating 15 lortabs 4-5 times a day along with deca,test and anadrol. Man I was fucked up. My Dr. would test my liver values because the acetaminophen was supposed to be killer on the liver.. I always checked out OK. Off my soapbox now, I prefer not to drink on or off aas. I don't think drinking 5 drinks twice a month would kill you. It jusy really fucks up your diet with a buch of empty calories. Enjoy yourself, moderation is key...
Drinking really fucks up your diet. If you want serious gains(leaner too), don't be drinking or eating bad. I'd say alcohol is worse then junk food since your putting sugars in your body that decrease protein synthesis, raise estrogen, and WILL cause liver damage if not cirrhosis(especially with dbol).

Yeah drinking on oral can do that especially if your not caring for your liver year round. I can say that was a cheat this past weekend on the end of my week 8 of 22wk cutting. I really take care of my liver, kidney, joints, etc. It's just something you can't go over board with it. We have to remember this isn't no hobby of ours but our lifestyle. Make the most of it and have fun at the same time
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Does alcohol mess with your test levels if your in a cycle since your giving yourself exogenous test? Alcohol isnt good reguardless, but i was under the impression that alcohol messes more with your ability to produce natural test, and since your injecting, it does not relate. I don't know for sure though.
so whats an honest opinion? i just had my last shot of my first cycle...just test. i managed to bulk up and look good over time training naturally and get sloshed everyweekend, including drugs. ive gotten drunk i think once over the course of this 12 week cycle and i just neeeeeeeeeeeed to get out and party i cant stay in anymore. general view is once in a while is alright so hope i dont ruin my gains.
so whats an honest opinion? i just had my last shot of my first cycle...just test. i managed to bulk up and look good over time training naturally and get sloshed everyweekend, including drugs. ive gotten drunk i think once over the course of this 12 week cycle and i just neeeeeeeeeeeed to get out and party i cant stay in anymore. general view is once in a while is alright so hope i dont ruin my gains.

I have a buddy of mine that do blow on a cycle. I mean come on, really!? The type you see laid up in the bed with some random slut, leaning towards the dresser draw to do those 3 fat lines that's chopped up on a little mirror.

Now that dude really has a problem.
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I have a buddy of mine that do blow on a cycle. I mean come on, really!? The type you see laid up in the bed with some random slut, leaning towards the dresser draw to do those 3 fat lines that's chopped up on a little mirror.

Now that dude really has a problem.

wish that dude was me hahahahh