Epic lgd-4033 sarmsearch gear

Ok so a few days ago I done legs I done some sumo stance squats something I never do. I used 315lb x8 for 4 sets then did wide stance heels in toes out leg press. I was really trying to work the inner thigh and glutes. Guys changing your stance can cripple you for days....I'm so sore I'm walking funny. I done some bicepts and back today, it wasn't all out but I was miserable. The thought of an elliptical made me shiver.
Im running S4 right now like under 50mg a day. 20 in the am and 20 in the Pm around.

That's about my mid cycle dose. I usually go up in 25mg. 25/50/75/100 how long you been on? It's good shit isn't it? I'd add that stuff to every cycle I do if it was feasible.
I like my s4 right at 75mg. Sometimes i'll go up to 100mg but 75 is plenty and much more economical. Love the way it hardens.
Not to be a thread whore, and I sincerely apologize, but do any of you have links you'd be willing to share with current info on various sarms? I'm no newb to forums in general, I know to search :)
But everything that comes up is years old, and even threads from one year to the next have widely different opinions.

Disclaimer: I'm not some kid looking to just jump on something new. Just here for research and learning. I'm 26, lifetime athlete, 6' 230# 15-17%. Hard lifting for the past 6 years; 1.5 year "hiatus" and started again late summer.